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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Log file, and what instructions did you follow to install? Which file did you downlaod?
  2. Not going to happen, I have too many mods. Best to use AVC, I always include the version file
  3. Then you want an All Rights Reserved license, or possibly a CC license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/, you can use their license chooser, but this one seems like what you want: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ If you do that, could you then add a clause which basically says that if you aren't around for a certain period of time, that the license then changes to a much more permissive one, such as this: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ While I respect licenses, I dislike those which basically say that if the writer goes away, then everybody is up the creek without a paddle. Too many mods have died because of this, when they are fairly easy to fix.
  4. I originally did this for @TheReadPanda. who uses it during streaming. I'm not going to change the current, but I could have a patch which modifies where they come, it would be an optional install. But since I don't use it myself that much, I'd like your suggestions as to where the parts should be in the tech tree.
  5. You just described the entire field of programming. I refer you to the following article, a fascinating discussion into how changing a constant cost millions of dollars: https://cs162.eecs.berkeley.edu/static/readings/garman_bug_81.pdf
  6. Actually, not difficult if you break it up into parts. There are several FTL mods which you could use as an example. Once you have a point in space, put the wormhole image there. Then, when you get close enough, teleport.
  7. I just confirmed that my pledge is still there for $5/month
  8. Even on the Squad store, all three versions are included in the single purchase price
  9. The demo is old,v which might be part of you issues. Go with the PC one, it's the latest and you can get mods
  10. MIT or GPLv3 are both good. To use, simply include it and add to OP I appreciate the ping, anything you want me to do? ie: add to ckan?
  11. yes, but the useKKToolbar is a get only, not a set. Following from the IToolbar.cs: bool useKKToolbar { get; } and, in about 7 other files, the function is implemented, and always returns true. So maybe this is something I don't understand. Is it possible for my mod to override this, and if so, how? Thanks
  12. Yup. It doesn't make sense to have an SRB which can be set to less than 50% of maximum thrust. My decision, I realize that some other people disagree.
  13. @Nertea The following Spacedock entry is still pointing to the old, lost thread: Near Future Spacecraft: http://spacedock.info/mod/708
  14. Ok. So, if JC is installed, the default will be to disable the Kerbokatz menu and let the user deal with JC. Hmmm, I wonder if I can grab the Kerbokatz icon and use that for all of your buttons. Would be interesting
  15. ok. Right now I've implemented a blacklist to exclude your toolbar icon, I'll see if I can add this. The end result will be that if The Janitor's Closet is installed, your toolbar won't be shown. I'll probably make that optional.
  16. @Nertea I am working with it. I _am_ part of the CKAN folks, and am trying to be respectful of your wishes. All I asked was your permission to update the link to the web page. Based on this response and an earlier one, I'll go ahead and do it.
  17. I think I'll just do it, since it doesn't seem that the old threads are coming back
  18. Oh, ok. I just asked him about updating CKAN with the same info
  19. Speaking as a sysadmin for a company which has a daily usage of between 3 and 5 million users (probably about 6 mil total), we just finished a huge project of moving the entire sire to https. It's not trivial, but Squad should make it known that they would like it done sooner rather than later. I'm sure there are bugs in the forum software, and if exploited, the entire site can be lost.
  20. New release: 0.7.9 Replaced the quick fix for the ResetShipGlow in previous patch with code sent by @EugeneButrik, a much better solution Fixed bug (again found and fixed by @EugeneButrik) where changing vessels would have failed parts not highlighted anymore
  21. So it turns out that I don't need to do anything, but you do You DO want the TweakableEverything mod, but only some of it, and you need to modify your files: You need the TweakableEverything/Plugins/TweakableDockingNode.dll You need (as reference) the TweakableEverything/ModuleManager/TweakableDockingNode.cfg TweakableEverything doesn't have a config for LLL, so you will need to make it. I think it would be good if you made it as a patch The cfg shows you the changes you will need to make. Specifically, assuming what you want is similar to the Shielded Docking Port in stock, the following section: @PART[dockingPort1]:AFTER[TweakableEverything] { node_stack_tdn = 0, .333, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 @MODULE[ModuleDockingNode] { %referenceAttachNode = tdn } @MODULE[ModuleTweakableDockingNode] { %TDNnodeName = tdn deployAnimationControllerName = dockingring } } You can also look at the patch for dockingPortLateral, that's for the Inline Clamp-O-Tron, it's a bit more extensive because the Squad part relied on the port not being available when the animation was closed. Anyway, I believe the "node_stack_tdn" is the offset the extended docking port is from when it is closed. Once you have it working, I'll repackage LLL with the DLL included and will also take care of the CKAN dependency.
  22. And here I was thinking it was a FILO, not a LIFO What's the plugin which you are using for the verification? Thanks
  23. I'm having a timing issue with another mod. Both mods are using the onGameSceneLoadRequested, but, due to the functionality of Janitor's Closet, I need to have mine triggered before any other mod. Is there any way to do that?
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