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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. The current version needs the CRP, but the next version will not I got the patch @Deimos Rast, thanks. Will hopefully get something out later today, if I have time
  2. So, the log file does not contain a launch. Ok. I'll need to see the log with the debug, it isn't supposed to do failures outside of the atmosphere
  3. Fixed, thank you I wan't aware, but not going to update just for this. Next version, Thanks I had contacted @Daishi to confirm permission, will be in next release (yes, he replied) This release was to have a functioning, same as the old, release. ModuleWheel has been updated to ModuleWheelBase for the next release. I'm going to be merging in the Entropy mod with this, that will add the following: SRBs All animations Generators Parachutes Solar panels I'm also adding a resource definition, so that the CommunityTechTree is not a dependency anymore. The local SpareParts won't be added if the CCT is there What sort of checks for crew capacity would you check for in ModuleLight and ModulereactionWheel? and I'm looking into the spareparts patch cost setting behavior Can you explain the specific behavior you are referring to?
  4. Hi Everybody. Guess what? I lied! Just released DangIt! 0.7.0 on SpaceDock and Github, OP will be updated in a couple of minutes
  5. I found the problem, it was becuase the basic part didn't have any resources the way a tank did, so the MM patch for tanks wasn't working on it. I'm adding a MM patch for any part which contains: SnacksResourceSwitcher
  6. You probably want the next version , That being said, I don't understand why the parts aren't visible. Take a look at the ModuleManager.ConfigCache (assuming it's there), maybe post it and the log so I can see it. Thanks
  7. I appreciate the reply. I actually need to know when settings are changed in-game, so this will do it
  8. Actually, the Kerbal would be killed. the acceleration from the chutes would kill him How did you install it?
  9. Fyi, once the release is stable, I'll be merging in the code from Entropy, which was an addon written by @coffeeman.
  10. Ummm, define "low" temperatures. I don't know how cold things get in the game, not sure if it's worth it.
  11. People who call my house get a message saying to: "Press 1 to prove you are a human" Did you press 1?
  12. Boy, you are really a glutton for punishment. Assuming I can solve a license issue, I'll probably be merging Entropy into DangIt sometime in the future, and will then have options to be able to specify which, if any, module groups can and cannot have failures
  13. Not without using Reflection. But, I have some ideas, I'm going to try them this evening. If it works, I may send you a PR on Github
  14. refresh, it looks good to my local copy of CKAN. Sometimes you might need to exit and restart CKAN Here is the current metadata from CKAN: { "spec_version": 1, "identifier": "EditorExtensionsRedux", "name": "Editor Extensions Redux", "abstract": "Tweaks and features for the in-game vessel editor, e.g. alignment and symmetry aids. Now includes SelectRoot mod", "author": "linuxgurugamer", "license": "MIT", "resources": { "homepage": "http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/127378-editor-extensions-redux", "spacedock": "https://spacedock.info/mod/48/Editor%20Extensions%20Redux", "repository": "https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux", "x_screenshot": "https://spacedock.info/content/linuxgurugamer_179/Editor_Extensions_Redux/Editor_Extensions_Redux-1467509293.8271828.png" }, "version": "3.3.9", "ksp_version_min": "1.1.0", "ksp_version_max": "1.2.1", "download": "https://spacedock.info/mod/48/Editor%20Extensions%20Redux/download/3.3.9", "download_size": 61846, "download_hash": { "sha1": "EDF9B97E9AF0B2A7660C4BAA6911603D548F2BAE", "sha256": "FC41FCDAB5208BF185F4E6DFF85A46607B8B899A080E59F45A397B44AF0DF3C4" }, "download_content_type": "application/zip", "x_generated_by": "netkan" }
  15. @Angel-125 DangIt! uses the following code to get a list of all the resources in a part: leakables = new List<PartResource>(); But it doesn't seem to get the snacks which are controlled by the SnacksResourceSwitcher Any ideas? I just looked at the code, and I think I might know what's going on. DangIt gets the list early, probably before Snacks! has updated the partlist I'll have to think about this, not sure yet how to fix
  16. I tried load the craft file, but it has a part LOI??? Looks like it might be a hibernation module? I did find a small problem in exactly that area of the code, so, before I release it, could you try it out with this DLL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d7a0qovfnjl5kds/EEXR-test.zip?dl=0 I do see your problem, actually not sure if I can do anything about it. But please confirm, while it may be a bit disorienting, once it reorients, it works correctly, correct? Edit: I think i got it, just updated zip, 8:47 AM Eastern. Please test
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