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  1. congrats on the release! kinda sad that this is needed at all honestly, but im glad you stepped up again!
  2. Im excited to see how the game develops! will be neat to have colonies and interstellar travel in stock.
  3. Very good to hear! im sure the shear number of experiment results must be a massive amount of work, thank you!
  4. yeah when you run an experiment you get a small "blurb" of text describing something about what happened or the data collected for example the classic "It seems we are very much in space right now. The sky seems to be mostly below us." on a low kerbin orbit crew report, in ksp1 while many of the experiments had text for them there are many holes where it defaults to things like "You've recorded your observations about the situation.", personally i loved the system in ksp1(even more so with the mod "Crowd Sourced Science" as it spiced up and expanded biome/planet support) and was wondering if we would see something like this returning or being expanded upon in 2?
  5. Thank you for keeping the spirit of kerbal alive in the writing! Although im curious about the science blurb text, will you be updating or expanding it?
  6. Really cool to see more procedural parts, i hope this can maybe lay the groundwork for other procedural truss based parts too!
  7. Dang that looks really good! i hope to try out the full release someday!
  8. Wow! those planets are looking really good! a few questions though: 1 - Are you planning on supporting larger than stock scales? 2 - Will there be any custom surface features?
  9. Haha yeah.. i finally decided to come out of the shadows and actually talk! no more lurking for me
  10. Hello! so i made my account a long long time ago and since changed my usual name. i would like to request a name change to "Violet" however i know its a common name so "Violet_Roll" or "Violet_Bird" (with either _ or - between) will also work. thanks!
  11. Hello! I seem to have found an fix for your issue kerbocracy! i had the same problem and it took a while to fix it.. thankfully someone else had the issue before and sigma responded on github! https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/issues/95 the fix is to remove the scaling of the "Minimum Distance Terrain"!
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