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Everything posted by Starslinger999

  1. That was mine I asked if it was compatible with Kerbalism and was told it was compat with USI but not config'd for kerbalism I think I was told it was compatible with USI but not say kerbalism which is what my topic
  2. Im having an issue running this mod with your other mods given your "shared assets" folder here is different from say HabTech2 causing override issues. Any solutions to this?
  3. I also have that mod but it seems to involve only the Habtech docking ports Shared Assets? I just got it from the zip file. Is there something else I need to get @Spaceman.Spiff? And there seems to be two versions of the shared assets mod one with just parts and one with alot of stuff (from redirect)
  4. Anyone else having an issue where placing a docking port from this mod makes it invisible and causes nodes to be removed when you try and attach more parts?
  5. I managed to fix it somehow by uninstalling and reinstalling stuff idk what I did lol but ye one of those mods was giving me problems lol
  6. Managed to narrow it signifcantly mainly mods that require ToolbarController as a dependency in CKAN (for refrence removing these managed to fix it)
  7. Ill use ckan to make a new modpack with the same mods that should do it?
  8. Ill try that trick where I delete everything and verify and see if adding my modlist in slowly works
  9. Slight issue with this this is not the steam install persay its more of a copy of an installation running through steams "add a game" thing
  10. Hope this finally works https://www.dropbox.com/s/gvrhy52dmix68ya/LogsJNSQ.zip?dl=0
  11. I have it installed via ckan tho? For refrence this is what my modlist looks like (I have another version without JNSQ and it still has the same issue)
  12. Lets try this again. Hope the fact I had to manually quit it doesnt affect it lol. @linuxgurugamerhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/gfcg3kk2m58fpmk/Player.log?dl=0
  13. Idk I have multiple KSP installations and only one player.log
  14. Im not sure I did it just in case ckan oofed it for some reason but yeah its still not working even with the manual download I did
  15. I installed with CKAN/moved to new KSP install and it appears to be installed and latest version oddly enough... Replaced it with a new manual version and it still gives me the same issues so im not sure.
  16. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yyal4ojk0p2v6hw/Player.log?dl=0 I think that should do it hopefully it isnt confused by my multiple KSP installations but ye
  17. wheres the player.log I cant find it with the %appdata% and I cant find %appdata% in %userprofile% either (Im still learning windows lol) also I think I have the latest version so idk
  18. So wait did a new update come out that fixed it? Okay lemme post the whole log file then sorry https://www.dropbox.com/s/mpmj8stbj5wn37t/KSP.log?dl=0 (hope this works)
  19. Attempted this and Im still having the same issue and none of the mods ppl have listed are in my modlist. Works fine if I remove all of my mods but its time consuming trying to figure out which mod out of massive list I have. For context this is my mostlist if ppl are interested: https://imgur.com/4zvTJbv (and yes I checked if MJ2 was an issue and it still gives the error without it so thats a no for me) Ill attempt to comb through the logs its alot Edit: I think I found it here it is: [EXC 14:22:13.904] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object GameDatabase.CleanupLoaders () (at <a5c262f7fe724eb9918d4487db8b635e>:0) GameDatabase+<CreateDatabase>d__71.MoveNext () (at <a5c262f7fe724eb9918d4487db8b635e>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0)
  20. Im having the same loading problem and I dont have any of those mods you listed
  21. I dont have any of the mods listed as problem mods and Im still getting this issue @maddog59
  22. I have a modded install (https://imgur.com/4zvTJbv Mods) and loading seems to be stuck on "Loading Part Upgrades" and I've tried looking for the mods other people said caused the issue for them and I don't have any (KIS, KSPI, Surface Lights) so I'm not sure what's causing this. Im currently trying to check every single mod but that will take a while so any suggestions help
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