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Everything posted by Starslinger999

  1. Is there any plans to add compatability with SSPXr bc the greenhouses dont give comfort bonuses and the aquaculture doesnt even do anything
  2. Any plans to fix the greenhouses and aquaculture module for kerbalism compatiability? The models for the greenhouses in this are amazing and its kinda upsetting they dont give plant comfort or the aquaculture doesnt even do anything for life support in that
  3. Any word on those configs or

    1. wallum61


      Coincidentally, I'm about to push them to my github now;


      The main thing to note is that the patches are in a relatively early alpha, generally all-round. Out of interest, are you playing on stock kerbalism?

    2. Starslinger999


      Im playing kerbalism with restock and PET with some other mods not any modded planets or anythin

  4. Ah didnt realize it had keywords for the modules thanks ima try and figure it out now lol
  5. The wiki seems to be outdated a bit so how do you build the smaller russian ISS modules (Ie Pirs, Rassvet, and Poisk)
  6. Not that I have found again im using the similar Aquila solar panels from Near Future Electric which are a bit smaller but similar enough to work
  7. Im using one with no payload and no crew just a small probe core and docking port on top and I fall short of orbit even expending the booster
  8. Not sure then try using the in game crafts as refrence to see what they are doing
  9. There a config for a JNSQ Scale solar system I hate having to use Gidorah Heavy to get my Crew Rodan into orbit lol
  10. Is there a good way to turn this shuttle into a Buran orbiter or do I just have to use cormorant for that?
  11. Im using the default Orion craft with it but ill see if AS is the issue here @chris-kerbalit is not AS I disabled it and it still bugged out on me
  12. Im also having this issue @benjee10 Im having to make do with the Aquila panels from Near Future Electric bc these dont glitch positions during launch lol (and they do seem to work fine after deploying its just when retracted in flight its bugged)
  13. Ah I guess thats why it was said they were configs but ye it should be compatible with that lol. Still waiting for kerbalism configs from @wallum61
  14. Ill try it thanks for the quick response Edit: I think it worked thanks
  15. That was mine I asked if it was compatible with Kerbalism and was told it was compat with USI but not config'd for kerbalism I think I was told it was compatible with USI but not say kerbalism which is what my topic
  16. Im having an issue running this mod with your other mods given your "shared assets" folder here is different from say HabTech2 causing override issues. Any solutions to this?
  17. I also have that mod but it seems to involve only the Habtech docking ports Shared Assets? I just got it from the zip file. Is there something else I need to get @Spaceman.Spiff? And there seems to be two versions of the shared assets mod one with just parts and one with alot of stuff (from redirect)
  18. Anyone else having an issue where placing a docking port from this mod makes it invisible and causes nodes to be removed when you try and attach more parts?
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