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Everything posted by DaniDE

  1. Yes. I think I understand. But thats how I can compare what I do and scale, and how I would decide what to scale and choose as engine. Downscaling larger engines seems to be a winner somewhat. Edit: Its still good for comparison actually, I compare the scaled and unscaled engine with the same vessel/fuel tank, and the same underlying calculation in engineer. Even if the values are not correct in the end with the new flight model, it should still give you the right idea in comparison under the same circumstances, right? I fear I suck at QA
  2. Please note that the TWR displays for MJ2 build 437 is semmingly borked somehow right now. Things start to lift at 2.01 TWR atm. So I will roughly halve the numbers here. Its not correct to the last decimal. Not speaking purely of ISP, let me fetch a few numbers out of my VAB. KR-2L downscaled from 3.75 to 2.5 gives me a TWR of 0.57 and 3216 dV, the mainsail which is at 2.5m gives me 1,15 TWR and 4748 dV. Huh. Let me restart KSP, that was different earlier. It was not that much of a difference. I will fetch the newest dev build of tweakscale again also. - - - Updated - - - Ah great. Engineer shows double TWR too. But the scaling is back in business. So. KR-2L down to 2.5m gives me 2.94 TWR 3.363 dV. Mainsail at its stock size gives me 2.56 TWR, 2562 dV. So the downscaled larger engine is more efficient. Both get beaten by upscaling the LV-T45 at TWR 3.77 / but only 2325 dV. - - - Updated - - - So I would take the downscaled KR-2L , because it can go "further". - - - Updated - - - If upscaling the LV-T45 would make it actually beat the KR-2L in the dV even if it has slightly less TWR and can still do the job, I would take that one. But right now, the downscaled version is more attractive. 1000 dV more attractive
  3. I filed a issue on github, TWR display with 437 seems to display twice the real value. Rockets lift slowly from 2.01 TWR onwards.
  4. "sorry" to say this, but right now everything seems to be fine I have not noticed anything weird, given that the mechjeb delta-v window is accurate and working. Anything in particular you need tested? - - - Updated - - - Upscaling a less advanced (or smaller) engine is less efficient than downscaling a more advanced (/larger) engine, which makes sense imho. After playing around with it while now, I think I like it how it is.
  5. I have some weird behaviour with the Nose Cones in the aero section of the part list. Two things I observed: 1. If you place two in symmetry mode (putting em on boosters for example) the one you place with the cursor is in the correct size, the other one scales extra small. 2. When upscaling the "small nose cone" it scales so big it goes outside the VAB. Edit I think its the current dev build: VERSION":{ "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":54, "PATCH":0, "BUILD":0 Edit2: Oh I found another thing. If you downscale the Hydraulic Detachment Manifold (in my test to 10%), it instantly explodes on the launchpad due to "overheating". I tested this with an unscaled version, it stays intact. If you upscale it, it stays intact too. Seems scaling down lowers heat resistance or something?
  6. I am so completely new and lost at this Add-On. Browsing through the kOS wiki and tutorials was just overwhelming. But maybe I don´t have to try reinventing the wheel. Does anyone have an existing script that detects fuel at 0% and stages? (assuming I can tag the tanks in question). Also looking for a solution to automatically fire an action group at a certain altitude (maybe even ascent/descent ?). If I see how its done, I could adapt it for my own crafts. Many thanks if anyone could help me with that.
  7. Strange, when I don´t have it I realize how much I used it I hope this gets an update to 1.0 when the KSP API extensions are updated. Maybe I will try to learn kOS meanwhile *sigh*.
  8. What genius idea. All those "test part x" contracts could be meaningful and give you an incentive to actually do them even later on. I think I would love seeing those.
  9. Although especially quickscroll might be a small addon, I personally could not stand the annoyance of having to clicky clicky tiny buttons all the time in the VAB/SPH. This (and quicksearch now too) is one of the first mods that I lurk on the forums for after an update Thank you. :-)
  10. I am so patient, I´m not even asking for an ETA. There. Totally didnt ask. phew.
  11. There is a typo in tweakscales config file for the stock parts, line 218 reads "type = stack_sauqre" and should be "type = stack_square".
  12. Try the first page and/or the thread´s title for hints.
  13. Thank you for the quick update, that small dll that does so much difference
  14. Heheh, I´m like refreshing this thread page every 20 seconds or so. I have to face my mechjeb addiction.
  15. Have you tried clicking the scale itself inbetween the buttons? You should be able to drag the value inside freely.
  16. Thanks for keeping at it pellinor! If its roughly the same performance, all is fine. We scale for the look of our crafts anyway ... not for performance :-) I mean... we speak of a game where you can adjust any part parameter quickly in a clear-text config/script file. *cough* So, anyone who is not happy can adjust it, right?
  17. Hi With 1.53 I have the issue that the stock fuel tanks (the very first FL-T100-800 + FL RCS Tank) will scale as expected, however the tank capacity stays at the original value. Fuel tanks from i.e. SpaceY add-on scale correctly however, if that helps. I checked if the stock part cfg is present and it is and contains (of course) the stock tanks. I only noticed because I started a new career today ... you know - play it while mods still work
  18. I thought about that too, but I realized that not every craft has RCS on them, some rely on their reaction wheels. I would like that too anyway if it got included!
  19. Since I am overshooting on small maneuvers with high thrust engines alot recently, I was wondering if there is a setting somewhere in MJ2 that makes it start burning maneuver nodes with low thrust and increases thrust up from there, instead of thrusting fully and decrease from full speed to low speed? Or have it see somehow "oh what a cute little maneuver, I´ll burn this with throttle at 1%" On longer burns, if the maneuver node starts wandering off, it also helps alot to decrease thrust to avoid having to turn the ship several times and burn again. I have absolutely no idea if mechjeb could detect this and automatically decrease speed in such cases. Right now I need to use the Util´s section "limit throttle to" function a lot and - not being that young anymore - I keep forgetting to remove that setting all the time :/
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