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Everything posted by -ctn-

  1. Loosely based on The Martian, but a lot of it turned into my own thing. Just my own mish-mash of military style gear.
  2. Alright, here is my texture pack. Lisence: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Download on SpaceDock!
  3. Love this mod. I had planned on doing a suit based on The Martian to go with all my Martian-flavored mods, but I ended up doing something a little more original. I'll upload it soon.
  4. Update is up on SpaceDock! forgot to mention: This mod is no longer packaged with the a Community Resource Pack. In order to utilize the ISRU aspect of the mod, please download the most recent version of the Community Resource Pack.
  5. Looks like Squad has patched the hatches/air locks issue. The current version should would fine with 1.1.2. Make sure to use stock wheels for now, or you may have issues with that.
  6. Oh, really? Stock wheels explode? I hadn't tried it yet with wheels attached.
  7. No update yet, I've been down and out for the past couple of weeks. With 1.1 officially released, I see some people have figured out the hatch problem with some mods. I'll try to download Unity 5 this week and patch this and the rover mod up. it seems like the hatch is the only issue for compatibility.
  8. No update yet, I've been down and out for the past couple of weeks. With 1.1 officially released, I see some people have figured out the hatch problem with some mods. I'll try to download Unity 5 this week and patch this and the MAV mod up. it seems like the hatch is the only issue for compatibility.
  9. No, I agree - it would've been nice to release the new update after the SpaceX accomplishment. Unfortunately I'm a bit swamped at the moment - working on a short film and composing the score for an independent game. I'll try to get some progress done in the next couple of weeks.
  10. Yes, I plan on updating it to 1.1. However, it isn't even released to non-Steam users yet (which includes me) - so I wouldn't be able to give a timeframe.
  11. I always imagined it as a captured comet. I use the EVE mod to create outgassing effects.
  12. Huygens entered Titan's atmosphere at around 6 km/s. When I was trying to plan my short film, I calculated a "direct transfer," by creating a Hohmann transfer to Neptune and timing it so that the probe slams into Titan's atmosphere halfway through the transfer. The re-entry speed was somewhere around 12 km/s, which a PICA-X heatshield can handle.
  13. For anyone following this thread, the short film has been shelved indefinitely. We are pursuing a different script (still a space-y short film) but this project proved to be a little too difficult/ambitious. Unfortunately, despite all of my efforts, I couldn't find a single local crew member to help produce it or help develop it. I will be creating a new thread for the different short film when we have the schedule set /facebook page going and the kickstarter campaign is rolling.
  14. Thanks for testing it! I'll have to wait until 1.1 is released for non-Steam users before I start troubleshooting.
  15. Ah, bummer. Have any other mods had issues with hatches? I wonder what the problem is.
  16. A friend of mine suggested it to me after we watched Gravity in theaters. Didn't think it would be fun, got kind of annoyed by his incessant ramblings about it. The next year the movie Interstellar came out, I got really interested in space objects, I tried the demo version and played it for twelve hours straight. I pirated the full version (icky, I know) until I got paid three days later and bought a copy for myself and a copy for my girlfriend. (Self justifying the pirating by buying two copies... I think she's played it a total of ten hours.) Months later I started creating mods, and I played it every waking moment for like the next year. Within that year, the KSP facebook page has mentioned two or three of my mods, my KSP music project, and a KSP painting of mine. Now that same friend gets annoyed of me when I send him ramblings about my space stuff. Side note, KSP totally inspired an intense obsession with math and science. I failed Algebra three times in College before I stopped going to attend film school instead. Now I'm doing orbital mechanics, physics, most of the storage on my phone are science articles from Harvard and University of Arizona, building tiny circuit boards for radio controlled servos and I'm considering going back to college to pursue either physics or electrical engineering.
  17. Second night working on a drone delivery system for small satellites. Worked well, but I forgot to add attitude controls to the satellite and blew up the drone on reentry.
  18. Any part set that can make a Jupiter III rocket is gold. 5m tanks are welcome in my book, specifically for the crazy ridiculous Jupiter III heavy lifter.
  19. Looks awesome, can't wait to give it a to go. Also can't wait for 1.1 to be fully released so I can install it and play it.
  20. If anyone uses this mod and has the Beta 1.1 version of KSP installed, please let me know what bugs/issues you find with it. Thanks!
  21. That's on the list of things to fix with this mod... Also, if anyone uses this and has the Beta 1.1 version of KSP installed, please let me know if there are any bugs or issues.
  22. If anyone has issues with this mod and KSP 1.1, please let me know. I don't have a Steam account, so I can't test it with the Beta release. I'm hoping it will be fine/still compatible, but let me know.
  23. Sorry, not yet. However, anyone using the 1.1 Beta of KSP, let me know if there are any issues. Obviously the KIS features will be incompatible, but if the parts cause any issues, please post them here. I don't have a Steam account, so I can't check it myself.
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