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Everything posted by Jansn

  1. Wow ;-), sad that there is no update anymore. Big Problem: after some tries and several new started savegames i experience that all the station science contracts loose the "launch new experiment" flag. i also tried to "cheat" that into the persistent and quicksave file, but it always jump back to "NewPodParameter State = Incomplete", so i can recover on kerbin but never get the contract funds. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Edit & Update: have to reassemble stored vessel with a new/changed science module, then contracts accepts the "new vessel flag". this mod (or the "modded" contract system beside dont like "reused" vessels.. !?!?) Just put the same science module into the rocket and delete the old one and stick them back together. Now lets see, if the flag keeps till they get recoverd on Körbin.
  2. When there is nothing to sync, how you should get an sync error?
  3. Is/was that: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81578-0-90-Orbital-Material-Science-version-0-6
  4. Check out which (corrupted) vessel file it is and "delete" (move away) that one. Retry. You also can make a "Backup" ("Generate Universe from Save Game" in DMP-Client) and copy all that files to your server (after you cleaned server universe).
  5. Uuh.. long time ago i had this errors.. and (please dont slap me) did you read the whole thread? Solutions/Workarounds were posted here several times. Try to delete/empty your local temp folder (that folder in your local DMP-folder with all that .txt-files in it.) I am on a non-Kerbalized-Machine here.
  6. I know, they spin in real ;-) Not really necessary, with "NavHud" you can adjust the docking point very accurate.
  7. (Not) Funny: PersRot makes Asteroids spinning like hell.
  8. The last versions didnt work for me at all. Same symptom. I still use the version from december 24th, 2014. (not that much anymore, cause now i more use "PartManager".)
  9. Maybe only a Scientist can take/handle Science Data.. ?
  10. (Since weeks) I have probs with CKAN on Ubuntu: Fresh KSP-Install copy CKAN into dir start CKAN and select install dir refresh repository select (any) ONE SINGLE plugin go to changes then it jumps to "recommended" and stops working there Process kill cant close CKAN, only restart helps. Some versions before, think until June, it was working very well. What can i do?
  11. Yeah man :-), thanks for caring up that baby. Means what?
  12. Stupid question: is there a "How to" out there or how can i connect vessels to a living space? I only get messages "not same living space. kerbals have to eva". Thanks for tips and hints.
  13. Any chance to download that mod without ckan?
  14. 5mb up is roughly enough. You can host and play at the same time, depending on the power of hosting/playing machine. Server dont have a "savegame", it just handle plain text files with object informations. But better everyone logs out before shut down server. You dont need any further network service to connect to dmp. Just set up firewalls etc if needed.
  15. Because its not that fast and easy to mix filters through all that parts, specially if you are using "a lot of" part mods. FE is a very nice mod, but have a different concept behind.
  16. Wünsche viel Erfolg und gutes Gelingen. Ich heb' dafür heut Abend eines.. ;-) Freue mich auf Science Poin.. Updates und neue Experimente. Gruß aus Wien.
  17. It seems that the new 1.4.0 throws Game back to desktop after loading ANY savegames and switch to a vessel in Tracking Center (and by Targetron). Old Version (file has no version tag, file date = december 24th, 2014) is working perfect in 1.0.x. Maybe i have to delete the Toolbar-Temp-File? PS: oh i see, theres already a 1.4.1
  18. Thanks a lot for new Version. Does it still have option for Blizzys Toolbar? It would be great if i could resize the AGM-window in width and height for more handy usage.
  19. Wowowooow! That looks exactly what i miss without SPO and within FE. Have to try it next time. Thanks for that.
  20. Is there a possibility to download without CKAN? On Github there are only the C-script-files.
  21. Ah, ok, thanks. And thank you very much for new release.
  22. I think u have to adjust the Parts White- or Blacklist (DMP Settings). Or simply disable it completely.
  23. Nicate (and maybe to all "new" users): Revert and F9-Quickload is not that good Idea with DMP in actual State. In 49 % it can work, but in 51 % it will "not" work. OK, yes, it loads/reverts, but the ship-handling-mechanism/routines in DMP WILL OFTEN get confused/irritated. DMP "like" to begin to do mistakes. (Doublicated/disappearing Vessels/Kerbals, time-jumps for other players specially when 2 or more players want to handle same mission/vessel, etc. etc.) But all of that is quite "easy" to handle/workorund/flyaround. Never that was reason/s to NOT play DMP ;-) I could ask, how much masochism we must be to collect thousends of hours playing KSP/DMP :-D
  24. MSI GTX 560 TI Hawk Crucial 16GB 1600 RAM Intel 4790K I have 20 to 30 FPS (if KerboKatz' FPS Counter is right) Depends on the scene.
  25. When i add this Mod to my GameData, all of my Savegames will not load. (Press "Load" -> nothing happen.) Move it out of, everything is fine.
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