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Everything posted by Jansn

  1. Well, (maybe some interesting informations for modders/developers/users) after some more hours of "sniffing" the actual status quo: - *Shame* on us, we play on Linux-DMP-Server by "dsonbill" - Sooo, i set up "mono" on my remote linux-box to start original DMP-server - Copied the /Player- and /Universe-folder to that places - Original-DMP-Server reported all vessel-files are damaged (maybe the vessel-files are not compatible between mono- and native linux-version?) - Moved Player/Universe-folders away from Linux-DMP-server-folder and started from scratch - Result: in folder /Universe/Players the server generates .txt-files for some (not all) Modifications - There is an TSTxxxx.txt-file generated from/for the "TarsierSpaceTechnology"-mod. - Deleting this file let me login again, bypassing "vessel sync error"! - File will be generated again, error re-appears - I login to linux-box and delete file as an actual workaround Meanwhile everything beside that runs very fine… ! - In the release-thread of "TarsierSpaceTech" (december 4th, page 38, post 372) was posted a "-fix recompile 4.5c-patch1" (Galaxy-fix?), i will try/test this tonight if error-behavior still exist, and drop a short msg later. So, stay tuned for the next episode Kerbal of Interest.
  2. quote from the past: ---------------------------------------- We here have now a FATAL DESASTER: Connection ended: Unhandled error while syncing! I logged out to assamble and test a rocket in sandbox-mode. I copied the craft-file to tthe VAB-folder in DMP-save. Then the error appeared. I deleted persistent.sfs and the cache, also reinstalled a plain DMP-client (with existing publickey/privatekey/server.xml) I logged in with a new user, connect -> disconnect -> connect -> error. (No actions, just connect/disconnect/reconnect.) I googled around, also searched forum, the less i found didnt help. After 20 hours "maintenance" i ran out of ideas. Any experiences/help/tips/avoidings? (Kill the universe/server or restart would be bad after around 90 days of building up all the stations/vessels/outposts. Do we really have to climb up the career-ladder again?) Thanks in advance.
  3. I prefer that. (Plus colour-changing icon.. at chat-messages.) But, i am sure, there are much more things prior to such "luxury wellness feel-good nice-to-have"
  4. One more idea: Maybe it is fine - if community agree - to make DMP client window (CDSO+) hide/unhide over stock or blizzy toolbar.. ?
  5. You can setup a server on a local lan-box. Also on the machine you are running KSP. Server needs really minimal ressources. (We tested on an old raspberry pi) Since two months, here (austria) we did NOT recognize any desync phenomens on our 1-core/256mb-ram/1gb-hdd-space vServer (in germany). (ping is between 15 and 500 ms) Or do you mean timewarping/subspace desyncs?
  6. a.) ATM, habe beide probiert und keinen Unterschied feststellen können. Habe seit letztem Update "Aggressive" laufen. Ich sehe auf meiner GTX560TI keinen Unterscheid in Speicher- oder Chip-Auslastung. (Bleibt immer gleich.) b.) Einen konkreten Rat habe ich nicht parat. Nur von ähnlichen/gleichen Erfahrungen unter Windows kann ich berichten: manchmal crasht es mit 3 4 5 Mods, manchmal lief es tagelang mit meinem 70+ DataGame-Folder "einwandfrei", nur um plötzlich nicht mehr oder nur sehr wackelig zu wollen. (Seih froh, dass du nicht unter OSX spielst.) Besserung brachte eine Aufrüstung von 4 auf 8 GB Ram. Und seitdem ich unter "Lubuntu" spiele, gabs nicht mal mehr einen einzigen Ausrutscher. Und bei unseren 60+ Stunden-Sessions soll das was heissen ;-). Abgesehen von einer Verkürzung der Ladezeit auf 1/5 als noch wie unter Win 7. Wünsche viel Erfolg.
  7. Yes. Here 2 Player on same server, each with them individual mod-configs. Of course, mods with PARTS in it have to keep synchronized to avoid "can not switch to vessel" errors. Our (Private) Server-Config: Mod-Control/Whitelist-/Blacklist-/Optional-/Required- = disabled/empty.
  8. Thanks GoDaLl for fast reply. Ok, 1 Player have to finish its scan, then copy the .txt to Intitial (for new users), OR! copy into existing user folder (of existing user) for synchronized maps. (?) (We keep trying around with that.) Also Server-Plugin-Folder is clear now. Good luck for your further development ;-)
  9. They should generated at first start. But i expect after 9 days you have them already.. ?
  10. 1.) The DMP-Project (plus dmp-Linux-Server-Derivate) is (in my/our opinion) the absolute most important Extension for KSP. It takes the KSP-Experience to an completely new and exciting level. 2.) This Project is the one and only reason, i created an account here on "official" KSP-forums. 3.) Now lets step to some questions: 3a.) Does this mean to copy /srv/dmpserver/bin/Universe/Scenarios/Playername/KethaneData.txt and SCANcontroller.txt to /srv/dmpserver/bin/Universe/Scenarios/Initial? I expect that its NOT (never) possible that 2 ships of 2 players can fasten scan SCANsat/Kethane/ Kerbonite etc... (?) 3b.) Whats the purpose of the folder /src/dmpserver/bin/Plugins Can we (in a future feature) copy there plugin-archives and the dmp-client download/install it to a clean/fresh KSP-installation? Have a kerbalish Day.
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