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Everything posted by pTrevTrevs

  1. People keep saying good things about the tow plane's engines, I guess I had better patent the design! The separate craft files will be released as soon as I am able, if not today, then definitely tomorrow afternoon. For those of you who want to test the glider without the cable, how do you plan on doing it? Do you plan on mounting in on top of a plane, Approach and Landing Test style, or stick some SRBs on the sides to get it in the air and try and glide it back down when they burnout, or some other way I haven't thought about?
  2. The CoM is moved pretty far back with that third engine, so a tricycle undercarriage would look ugly. Also, the way the craft is set up at launch (Boxkite attached to the end of the plane with fully retracted winch) makes it even more difficult to use a tricycle arrangement. I have tried several other methods, and launching them together is by far the easiest. Besides, I was going for a DC-3 look with the tow plane, and that plane doesn't have tricycle gear.
  3. Thanks, I'll see if it picks up any today or tomorrow. I can probably release the glider and tow plane as separate craft if people want. EDIT: Hey! I made it to the Light Green Group! Thanks guys, it feels great!
  4. Thanks, maybe I'll release the tow plane as a separate craft. I honestly expected more people to reply to this thread, since tow gliders aren't really that common around here. Oh well, back to the SPH...
  5. I got up to the cockpit of the Wellington, fairlyy satisfied with it, before I realized what I was getting myself into. Getting the shape of the nose right while using Mk 3 fuselages is pretty difficult. The A-20 should be easy, it's fuselage is only wide enough for one person to sit in the cockpit, and it doesn't have a large glass dome in its nose. Well, the model I tried to replicate doesn't, anyway.
  6. Hey, it looks great, I can tell how much hard work you put into it. I made a feeble attempt at building an A-20 Havoc, and then a feeble attempt at building a Wellington, both failed. I can't figure out how to get the shape right! I guess I'll just wait for you to do your own Havoc and Wellington...
  7. I still think it should have at least an alternate texture with orange stripes. Models look great though, and the current texture will look good on Sputnik/Luna/Vostok/Voskhod rockets.
  8. 6 away from my next rep bar and the Light Green Group! Quick! Everybody look at this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132230-Boxkite-Tow-Glider-Tow-Plane-Easy-and-fun-to-fly%21 it's an excuse to help me out!
  9. http://youtu.be/sTGPmyCisBk uh... I don't really have anything to say for myself regarding this link...
  10. Are modded craft eligible for selection? My tow glider is finished, but it uses KAS.
  11. Alright, got some pictures of my new glider here. Can you make them look like they were taken in the 1920s/1930s? black and white, grainy, low-ish resolution, you know what I mean...
  12. Boxkite and tow plane are finally done and up on their own thread, that third engine turned out to be all I needed to fly it.
  13. It's been a long time coming, and while it isn't exactly the craft I wanted to build at the beginning, I think I've still managed to work wonders with it. Introducing the Bristol Boxkite Glider!! It is based on the Bristol Boxkite, a pre-WWI pusher biplane and one of the first aircraft to be produced in quantity. Due to KSP's lack of a sufficient engine for biplanes this small, I have converted it into a glider, and used a KAS winch to tow it to altitude and fly it down to Kerbin. The craft file comes with a tow plane based on the DC-3, but with several notable changes made to make it suitable for this job. A third engine has been added to give it the extra power it needs to haul a glider behind it, and small intakes have been installed on the wingtips to make it cooler. Below is a flight album of the first successful flight of the Boxkite and tow plane with (hopefully) witty captions inserted by Yours Truly: Alright, it's not so much of a beautiful day, it's cloudy, it's getting dark, and i haven't even had my morning tea. Let's do this! It turns surprisingly well, considering that it has another plane attached to it's tail with a cable. I hope Felix is okay with breathing in all that jet exhaust in front of him. Here's an interesting photo of the tow plane taken by Felix in the Boxkite. the glider kept bobbing and weaving around at the end of its cable, and getting this shot was fairly difficult. Turning back towards land with the Boxkite still attached. Landing in the sea voids the warranty, and Felix's health insurance doesn't cover shark attacks. Cable away!!! The glider will now begin a slow descent to the ground while the tow plane retracts it's cable and goes into a circular holding pattern around KSC before landing itself. The glider only weighs 2.4 tons, and is essentially a giant pair of wings, so naturally, it flies like a dream. I couldn't ask for a more stable, easy to operate flying machine. Front of the glider with Felix in the pilot's seat, very glad he doesn't have exhaust from three jet engines blowing directly onto his face anymore. Slowly gliding... slowly, slowly gliding... It can stay at this attitude forever unless it hits the ground or something. I took this opportunity to switch to the tow aircraft and turn it around to keep it from going out of physics range. Back over land again. If you look extra closely, you can spot the tow plane and it's contrails in the background. Coming in close to the ground now. Slowing down isn't a problem, the Boxkite's regular flight speed is about 30 m/s. Final approach, here goes nothing... Touchdown and stop! It slows down fairly well, I didn't slam on the brakes because i was worried about it tipping over. Maybe it can land at the Island, maybe it can't, I'll have to test that. Now it's the tow plane's turn. I love the longer physics range, without it, these guys would have been toast! Gear down, engines at idle, final approach! The Boxkite is in the background, it's that small speck above the tow plane. Ooh, yeah, look at that screenshot. The tow plane rolls to a stop after several bounces. This thing definitely cannot land at the Island, and maybe not even at KSC's own Runway, it rolled forever before stopping. Flight Instructions Right after lloading the craft, extend the KAS winch to desired length. YOu may want to unplug and re-plug the winch in undocked mode so you can control the Boxkite separately. I used a 10 meter cable for takeoff, and extended it to 12 meters once I was in the air, but it ought to work with different lengths as long as the glider's wheels can touch the ground. Ascend to desired altitude, keeping an eye on the Boxkite. You don't want it to smash into the ground. Fly to desired landing spot, if you want to land at KSC, you can just fly out over the ocean a little bit and then turn around. Point towards landing spot, but release the cable while still far enough away for a landing run. Switch to glider, perform any desired aerobatic stunts. Begin descent to ground. Keep the glider's nose pointed just below the horizon to keep enough speed to avoid stalls. If it starts to go too low, raise it up and climb a little bit. Shortly before reaching ground, flare a little to get rid of any excess speed. Try and land at around 20 m/s. Use brakes as needed, but be careful not to tip it over, it doesn't have a fancy tricycle undercarriage. Land tow plane. you may want to switch back and forth between the two during the glider's descent to keep the tow plane from going out of physics range. Remember, the tow plane doesn't have a tricycle undercarriage either, so be careful with the brakes. Celebrate your magnificent flight and let me know what you think of it! Download here: http://kerbalx.com/pTrevTrevs/Boxkite-Glider-+-Tow-Aircraft Tow Plane without the glider (Stock): http://kerbalx.com/pTrevTrevs/AP-341-Super-Skytrain Glider without the Tow Plane (Also Stock): http://kerbalx.com/pTrevTrevs/Boxkite-Tow-Glider Make sure to give me some feedback and rep if you enjoyed!!
  14. The Ottoman Empire still existed the last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series
  15. After about an hour and a half of figuring out the best way to hook up a cable between the tow aircraft and the Boxkite, i got a chance for one rather short test flight: Alright, it's a beautiful day, let's make history! YES!!! It's working!!! The piece of trash actually flies!!! Uh oh, it's getting a little too high. Need more power!! Yep, needed more power on the tow plane. I think a third engine on the tail might be sufficient. It still flies, even when it's tow plane bites the dust. The frustration is real. The Delta II is nearly done as well. The second stage needs more DeltaV, but it was still sufficient to insert this 10 ton fuel pod into a 300km orbit:
  16. Noooo!!! I'm late!!! The Boxkite is still being worked on! Oh well, there's always next week.
  17. I'd better hurry up and get the Bristol Boxkite and tow plane finished this afternoon! Unless only stock craft can make it in.
  18. Yeah, Silverplate B-29s had a tail gun with two .50 caliber machine guns and a 20 mm cannon, but everything else, including the remote turret control thing I think B-29s had, was ripped out to make the aircraft light enough to carry atomic bombs.
  19. My own Delta II is almost done, I just need to make the core stage more powerful and less efficient. Looks nice, by the way. Nine way symmetry is difficult to do without Editor Extensions.
  20. Looks magnificent! I really need to try and do this sometime. "You must spread reputation around before giving it to Columbia again"
  21. Biplanes! Namely these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gotha_G.IV https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handley_Page_Type_O
  22. My first time trying any kind of airliner-like craft. It's meant to be a tow plane for my Bristol Boxkite, I've given up on trying to make that a powered aircraft. Flies ok, climbing is really good, but only when the engines are at full power. Needs improvement on turning, it can't maintain speed for very long when it goes into a turn.
  23. Wow, I'm a little late again, but that R-7 looks magnificent! The orange stripes look perfect on the rocket, and if you don't like them, you can always make an alternate texture. I think it would be cool to see a military green texture for R-7 ICBMs, and maybe that grey one you have for Sputnik/Vostok/Voskhod rockets. I haven't played KSP in earnest for a while now, but when this R-7 is released,I'm gonna have a KSP binge like you've never seen before! Well, maybe you have seen it before, I don't know how long other people play KSP at a time...
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