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Everything posted by minepagan

  1. @CobaltWolf I found the problem, it wasn't a mod compatibility or anything - in the CFG, on the line where it defined the oxidizer, there was a / in front of RESOURCE.
  2. @CobaltWolfthere seems to be a problem with the short 1.875m tank for the Inon upper stage system - it only has Liquid Fuel (180 units). Anyone else having this problem? To be safe I deleted BDB and re downloaded, but the problem persists. Edit: I belive it is the Inon 400 but I am not certain.
  3. Yeah it's especially because it has a 'new' mods section, which is featured on its front page, so anyone going there would see it
  4. @Tokamakany chance you can upload this to Spacedock? I feel like you'd get a lot of much deserved attention, and (I've heard) it is more, erm, streanlined than using Github.
  5. You can't throttle them normally, they just have a 'thrust curve' where they start at one thrust and gradually change to another, lower thrust, so their TWR does not change as much.
  6. For parachute sliders, just set it to predeploy at 0.42 ATM - that always works, unless you come in wayyyy to steep.
  7. Hey guys, I found a good thread for 1.2! BTW this was an old April fools joke NOT actually info on the real 1.2
  8. Could we get one that has 3 ports, but 1 faces out? And one like that for 4 ports?
  9. Yeah, and then you could add the TMA version with 3 crew capacity somewhere along the line.
  10. I thought about that - but any way that I thought of meant making using it with the OM was under-powered, like increasing weight, cost, ect.
  11. @Beale, since you are redoing the Soyuz parts now seems like the perfect time: In my career playthroughs, I've noticed that the Soyuz DM/Zond capsule is really, really overpowered. It's smaller than the MK1 command pod, only slightly heavier, yet has a 2 kerbal capacity and a built-in heatshield. To make it balanced, it really needs to have a way of having the OM needed, and not just be for show. How about removing the hatch, or making the hatch be on top like the real soyuz/zond? That way you can still use it as a zond, but you can't use docking ports or anything.
  12. I'd agree, possibly some white accents on the SM and some hazard stripes/decals all around?
  13. @CobaltWolfHere's a good resource for pretty much any rocket ever: http://andegraf.com/rockets/saturn.htm also, here he has some more pics of 3D models: http://andegraf.com/f501.htm
  14. It does, for gameplay balance reasons. However...in the 3d model there are seats for 6. So, I move that @CobaltWolf make the MOL lab be as efficient as the stock lab with 2 crew, and include a patch to give the stock lab access to all 6 seats.
  15. Yes I am Problem is, I don't have Realchute, and if I uninstall Realchute Lite in FAR then my parachutes don't work normally. Like, at all.
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