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Everything posted by Hay

  1. The i3 7350K is way overpriced, you'll be much better of with a cheap B250 mobo and an i5 7400/7500, especially since a lot of games don't even work on a dual core.
  2. Free? I don't care what it is, I want it!
  3. This is my latest space station, Its name is "DS - 1 Orbital Station". Unfortunatly, I haven't sent any crew yet.
  4. Decided to build this, if I just launch it straight up it can reach 11 km/s at an altitude of 3000 km. Yes I know it's useless, but I wanted to create a unnecessarily complicated rocket. The staging is ... complex. And it only uses Titan (Prometheus) parts. Well, except for the fuel lines, struts and radial decouplers.
  5. I have no idea wether or not this has been asked before, but does OPM work with Sigma Dimensions?
  6. You can just use the search function inside the VAB. For example, if you look up "saturn" you'll get all the Sarnus (Saturn) parts.
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