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Everything posted by Shadriss

  1. I thought you had set it up so the volumetric clouds didn't show unless there was an actual cloud cover there? I thought I read that in an earlier post...
  2. Maybe this just shows how little I get to play, but which decouplers are those? I haven't seen any with the motors built in... mod?
  3. Two ullage motors per booster? Why not a single one centerline, out of curiosity?
  4. I'm well aware of this - I was pointing out that there were only two possible cases: either the texture would remain visible on the surface when you touch down (which would look extremely odd), or they would fade out as you got closer to the surface (which would leave you wondering where the city went). In either case, there's a problem with immersion, such as it is. As I recall, KSPRC did this as well, and kept the textures all the way down to the surface, though it's texture was very faint to begin with and not nearly as defined as Gal's are, and would thus be much more noticeable in either case. That being the case, I think Red Shirt may have the better idea of simply updating the Night Side city light textures, and not bothering with the day side ones at all. You still end up wondering where the cities went, but it's a bit easier to ignore it in that setup. Of course, this is staying installed no matter what he does... it's too good to pass up, after all.
  5. WRT the new city stuffs - the night sky portion I like, but I'm not as sure about the day-time cities. I get what you are trying for, but what I am not sure of is what happens when you get down to ground level... IE, do those textures fade out, are they constant on the surface, or what? Actually, in either case, it would be somewhat odd to have the textures without the actual geometry (which I understand is pretty much a no-go anyhow), and if it faded out you'd be wondering where the city went. Then again, that exists right now with the current version, so I guess it wouldn't make much difference anyhow. *shrug*
  6. CKAN picked it up - installed and all is well with the universe. Much thanks.
  7. 'Fraid not - I only picked it up recently myself out of a overwhelming sense of optimism. As I mentioned, I've never gotten even a probe outside the Kerbin Local SOI, so all it's given me so far is a bunch of new planets to look at in the Tracking Station.
  8. As another who is using OPM ATM, I will be watching for this as well. Not that it matters, as I have yet to be able to design a craft that can get out of Kerbin locals.
  9. Noticing that the the Sampler doesn't seem to be noticing the Universal Storage variants again. I know it updated not too long ago, but unsure what changes were made. Checked all my settings again just to be sure, but not conducting any science from the US modules.
  10. Here to support, Gal. Wasn't sure it wasn't a one off myself, but figured I'd mention it anyhow. And thanks also for that statement about the Menu scenes... I'd wondered why I haven't seen the 'Mun or Bust' one in a while.
  11. As an aside from the normal "My Stuff Isn't Working" comments... Gal - only just noticed the new 1.4 SVT this afternoon. Naturally, I installed it and have been enjoying the evening zooming around the local Kerbin area. However, I did notice something... well, Odd isn't the right word, but different. I noticed absolutely ZERO White Orb Of Death. Normally, I don't see it until I'm exiting out and hit the main menu again (regardless of what I do, this always happens), but tonight when I quit out, it was looking NORMAL. No White Orb at all. Not sure if it's something you changed in SVT or what, but something must have changed somewhere. And it wasn't my load order, minus the SVT update. Anyhow, still looking awesome, looking forward to your next kerbal manipulations.
  12. Yeah, the Mun is a little past my current program's capabilities. Unless you mean staring at it and wondering if it's made of cheese. That, we're good at. Calling it a night on this end - good night. Maybe we'll figure this out in the next few days or so.
  13. Those are the scaled textures, though... not the actual ground textures, which is what we're talking about. I just tried dropping the ground textures in, and instead of the SVT look, I got vanilla, so unless there is a step missing somewhere (entirely possible) that doesn't work.
  14. I appear to have somehow killed my installation of the game - Moho, Mun, and Minmus have all mysteriously vanished from the solar system. :/ No more testing till I figure out what happened...
  15. Exception occured while loading contract 'ScanSatOfficial.SCAN_LoRes': System.ArgumentException: 'Mun' is not a valid CelestialBody. at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseCelestialBodyValue (System.String celestialName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[CelestialBody] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[CelestialBody] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[CelestialBody] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, .CelestialBody defaultValue) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 No changes to any of my mod lineups or what not... but the Mun (and Minmus... and Moho) all vanished between closing out of the game and coming back in a few hours later.
  16. Trying that, I got the original look to the grass around KSC, so I'm going to say that's a bust. I know it would work for the orbit textures, but as that isn't what we're trying to keep (in this instance) this is, for the moment, a bust. Ah well.
  17. THIS might give you a few ideas. Granted, it's a completely different game, but auroras are auroras. I'm doing some research into the TR solution, but haven't been able to find where Squad keeps the base ground textures. Don't suppose you'd know where? EDIT: If I'm reading this right, so long as the 'internal' texture name is the same, it can be dropped right into the default folder of TR and work. Not sure how that will affect the CFGs you have in there as well (those would only be there to make it play using the Kopernicus method?), but texture wise, looks like it should work. Gonna give it a shot and see what happens. EDIT Jr. : Nope. That didn't work. *sigh* Was worth a shot.
  18. Was just looking through that Mod's thread myself, and I think you are likely correct that it doesn't. All the mods that do celestial bodies are only doing the orbital ones. Unfortunate... though theoretically, it should still be possible if it makes ALL stock textures able to be replaced. Don't know enough about modding on this game to say for certain, so I guess I'll just let it lie, and hope Blackrack (or someone else) comes up with a solution. Thanks for the ear, though. Also, for the hopefully upcoming multi-color auroras.
  19. Is that not how the KSPRC ground textures were applied? Through TR, I mean? I know there have been ground texture replacers before Kopernicus came around.
  20. G'eve, sir, and first off, thanks for this mod. I've long wondered why this wasn't done stock, and it certainly simplifies some of my builds, especially in the early tech eras. Since you mention in your OP that CKAN is your recommended installation method, however, I am surprised that (as of this AM when I last checked it) the 1.1.2 version hasn't propagated to CKAN yet. Was this overlooked, or was this deliberate for some reason not mentioned in this thread? Either way, my thanks again.
  21. WRT this - I use that mod, but I also use KW Rocketry... I wonder if those engines are set up as well? I don't get that neat little blue bit right at the nozzle for any of the KW engines so far, and I haven't used the stock engines in so long... On the Kopernicus Issue front: I saw this issue myself tonight, and I would like a little clarification. As I understand it, SVT requires Kopernicus, correct? If so, would it be possible to, instead, make it a Texture Replacer mod instead, which might alleviate that issue. Also, since I kept playing even after it showed, I noticed a couple things. It gets progressively worse. The best guess I had initially was that the conflicting portions of the mods are causing the textures to be drawn on themselves over and over again, causing a net 'Screen' blend mode. When I did a landing with the white globe of terror effect going on, however, I was watching the ground textures, and once you get down below the edges of the atmosphere, it goes away and all looks normal. This leads me to the belief that it may not be SVT and Kopernicus, but SCATTERER and Kopernicus that is the issue, since the atmospere effects are essentially nil once you get down low enough. *shrug* Just a thought. On the subject of the auroras again... My kids had a thought as we flew by them earlier today - is green the only color we can do there? I know that tends to be a dominant color, but imagine if you had two or three colors weaving in and out from each other. Again, just a thought... Regardless, very much enjoying the mod. You continue to take it where I have no doubt NHawks would have eventually taken it himself, if not even a little bit further. Thanks much once again. EDIT: Regardling the 'Apply' button thing - I know. I tend to fail at the 'humorous sarcasm' note when writing in text. Having discussed T/S'ing with you before, I know the first few things to try are always the obvious ones that aren't really obvious to some people. I was making a joke, not getting upset with you. (Also, I made sure it was turned on. I even turned it off, then back on again. )
  22. You have to hit the apply button for stuffs to be applied!? This new learning amazes me! Tell me again how sheep's bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes? Seriously, though, that dimmer slider seems to do about nothing... or I'm misunderstanding how it's supposed to work. *shrug* No biggie... and not this mod, so no need to continue that discussion. Glad you like the shots... I tried to get up into High Orbit for a few, but AP ended up being on the night side every time, so the shots weren't any good.
  23. So, since I can't do full albums from IMGUR here anymore for some reason, I'll just post the LINK here for you. I'm no screen archer, but I think one or two of those might meet your needs. I hope. Possibly. Maybe. Ok, maybe not. Either way, the clouds are a significant improvement over the last version, and I finally got a good look at the new auroras, and they are simply amazing. Only thing missing is them glowing, but until someone else fixes EVE for that, guess it's as good as I could ask for. On a slightly separate issue, since you brought up Distant Object a few posts back... is there any way to keep it from dimming the sky so much? I've played with the dimmer slider, but it doesn't seem to make much difference.
  24. Curious - is there some extra moddage going on with the rocket exhausts? I don't think I've seen anything quite like that.
  25. *blinks eyes* Screenshots? Me? Don't recall that I've ever posted any here, but once I manage to get in orbit again, I'll see what I come up with. Also: Does this mean SVT updated as well?
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