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Everything posted by MatterBeam

  1. Thanks! The resource converter from fission ore into fission fuel is in the hitchhicker, now called Nuclear Processing Plant. Here are the resource definitions: RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = FusionFuel density = 0.001 unitCost = 2000 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = FissionOre density = 0.009 unitCost = 800 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = FissionFuel density = 0.018 unitCost = 1000 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } At the bottom of Resources.cfg
  2. Different power levels, different mechanics, different balances between realism and gameplay. KSPI-E is rather realistic, much more complex and much more powerful (like a 64GW reactor and a 100000 Isp rockets ect). Near Future is much more realistic despite concessions towards gameplay, quite complex but very weak (like 100kW reactors and 2kN engines). USI is not realistic at all, easy to handle and balanced towards stock gameplay. Mine, Year2200, is rather realistic, but easy to handle and with decent power levels (like 1.5GW reactors and 1000 Isp rockets).
  3. I did copy the values for LqdHydrogen from Near Future's section of CRP. I'm glad you find it interesting. If I have time and manage to mitigate the effects of random x64 crashes, I'll start a Saturn Colonization play-through to showcase the mod.
  4. It's balanced against real life values. However, it's less powerful than Interstellar Extended, and people play that in stock, so I shouldn't be too worried. If testing in stock proves them to be too powerful, I'll release a stock balance patch.
  5. Thank you! I spent a huge amount of time on heat and temperature balancing. Getting all the engine's FX to work properly is the next step.
  6. Hi. Year2200 is complete mod featuring nuclear reactors, nuclear engines and jets, as well as new resources, an overhaul of the current ISRU system and the ability to build rockets from SimpleConstruction. Features: Five nuclear reactors producing two types of output. Four multi-mode engines. New ISRU units and reworked resource converters. Three nuclear resources and two fuels resources. Resource switching for all Ore and Fuel tanks. Integrated Rocket-Building. Requires: Module Manager Recommended: Real Solar System Downloads SpaceDock. Changelog: v12: Fixed Medium Nuclear Tank mass. v11: Massively increase CoreShutdownTemp as a possible solution to high timewarp adding millions of degrees of thermal energy to the core. v10: -Adjusted MWe consumption -Adjusted electric reactor output multipliers Warning! Don't time-warp with a reactor running. Physics warp (1x-4x) is okay. v11 might have fixed this. Disclaimers: This mod contains part models and textures from KSPI-Extended and Near Future Propulsion, so thanks to @FreeThinkerand @Nertea for creating them This mod contains plugins from InterstellarFuelSwitch and ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads, so thanks to @FreeThinker and @taniwha for providing them. This work is Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
  7. Releasing v8. Lots of changes. -Added nuclear fuels to the Nuclear Processing Plant. -Reworked some engine MW consumption rates. -Increased Thermal Turbojet mass. -Reduced output of Tokamak reactor from 6000 to 4000MWe (333MW/ton). -Made progress in engine FX. Further discussion/development of this mod will be through the release thread.
  8. You need to save it as a ship that you could otherwise launch normally from the KSC launchpad.
  9. I'll update IFS then. You might have had a previous version installed separately. Good initiative. Anything!
  10. v6: Part placement on tech tree.Increased engine thrust and power consumption. v7: Fixed Gimbal Modules on thermal engines. Rebalanced Thermal Turbojet (Doubled consumption to 120MW max). Rebalanced Solid Fission reactor (Output reduced to 1500MWt).
  11. I'm fueled by such encouragements. I'm going through a round of testing right now. Next step is to put everything in its appropriate place in the tech tree,
  12. I have three options: -Redistribute IFS for a no-hassle install, which works best for people with little modding experience. -Put it in a separate folder, at the risk of the afore-mentioned people messing up their install. -Adding IFS as a dependency... Which do you think will fit SimpleConstruction best?
  13. After a very time consuming temperature balancing pass for the reactors, I came to the decision that increasing the power density (the MW/ton) by about 100-150% was necessary. The reasoning was two-fold: -At historical power output, the reactors would only be useful for very large payloads. For example, even the lightest reactor (Tokamak) with the highest Isp engine (MPD-Thruster) would only become advantageous over a simple chemical solution at dry masses of over 100 or so tons (and with very low TWR). A KSP player rarely ever gets 100 tons in dry mass. In perspective, that's a 1000 ton rocket with fuel... in space, not on the launchpad. -I used rather conservative historical figures for the thermal reactors, and optimisitic figures for electric reactors. Since this is 2 centuries from now, I increased both to avoid the problem mentioned before. I managed to mostly complete the ISRU side of things. The AdvancedISRU only does 1-to-1 resource conversions, but can perform many at the same time. For example, it won't make the perfect LF/Ox mix from Ore, but requires you to provide Water for Oxidizer, and Ore for LiquidFuel. One conclusion that resulted from various tests was that all cores shutdown or explode on time warp, so nuclear solutions for providing electric charge ( a small reactor plus electric generator, for example) always fail even if the thermal set-up is balanced in real time. I might have to provide a rebalanced radio-isotope generator to compensate, or a beefier Year2200 version.... Comment if you want pictures of the progress.
  14. I'm going to start an RSS Outer Planets playthrough soon, so I'm very interested in what you've done so far!
  15. This mod puts Extraplanetary launchpad's rocket building compatibility, from @taniwha, into stock parts. I don't speak the mystical tongue that is C++, nor can I unravel the twin mysteries of API and DLL. I cannot create new functionalities to add to parts. The original Extraplanetary launchpads used a special node in the recycler's model to determine whether the target object is touching the recycler. If yes, it deletes that part and adds metal to your tank. It doesn't work like a Claw, that 'docks' the target part. It would therefore require that @taniwha write some entirely new code for this functionality.... Thank you very much! See below.. I don't really use CKAN, so thanks for checking,. There's a good reason for this. The first is that this mod is fully stock compatible, meaning it doesn't add new parts. Second, if you remove or delete the mod, you don't break any ships. The recycler module back in v1.3 was a failed experiment. I added the Module before I knew about @taniwha's method of implementing the recycling ability, which required a special model with an additional node.
  16. The only reason the recycler isn't featured here is because it is quite hard to create a recycler function without a custom model, and that wouldnt be very stock. It is unlikely that a recycler from EPL can be 'dropped' into SimpleConstruction, because it would require an appropriate config in the Settings file. It won't break your save, but please do some testing before sending out a rocket!
  17. Not far off from what the Space Shuttle did...
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