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Everything posted by MatterBeam

  1. Press F12, go to settings for RemoteTech and increase the speed of light.
  2. What happens to re-entry if we took the drag slider in the Physics tab of the Alt+F12 menu and reduce it to 1/3? I imagine the re-entry would be much longer, extend to lower atmospheres, nerf the high-altitude cobra-turn/AIRBRAKE parking-brake maneouvers and increase the duration of heating. Is this workable?
  3. I'll watch it later, but first impressions: dat lag.
  4. Hello. Any idea why this isn't working? @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[LiquidFuel] { @cost = 10 }
  5. Sounds cool. Will watch and get back to you.
  6. That sounds a bit... complicated? Oh, and if something works with KAS, it'll 100% work with KIS.
  7. Yes, I was wrong. I was supposed to search for something that unloads the vessels contained, making the vessels essentially dissapear from the physics calculations. I found one mod which does this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88933-0-90-0-Hangar-v2-3-1 However, it hasn't been updated for 1.0.2, won't do so for a long time, and contains lots of 'peripheral' accessories in addition to the code that allows the Hangars to unload vessels. It might be possible to apply that code to regular cargo bays.
  8. I found the mod: Hangars by Allista (not yet updated to 1.0.2) It unloads vessels contained in the hangars. Is it possible to add this code for current cargo bays?
  9. Just a few questions: Can you spawn entire sub-assemblies? Can you spawn parts like solar panels or landing legs? Can the spawned parts be attached to an existent ship using KAS/KIS?
  10. Nice. I see you've also got part 2 up now? After watching part 1: -Yes! This is what I'm looking for. -This video starts with 3 minutes of a rocket standing still :/ -While I like the commentary and the explanation images, you could really really use tighter editing. Less 'downtime'. Part 2 is much better in regards of things happening on-screen.
  11. Hello. The Contracts.cfg in the Squad folder looks like this: Contracts { DisableWorldFirstTutorial = False DisableWorldFirstProgression = False DisableWorldFirstRecords = False DisplayOfferedOrbits = True DisplayOfferedWaypoints = True AverageAvailableContracts = 10 FacilityProgressionFactor = 0.2 SolarOrbitHeatTolerance = 800 SunStationaryName = keliostationary HomeStationaryName = keostationary OtherStationaryName = stationary SunSynchronousName = keliosynchronous HomeSynchronousName = keosynchronous OtherSynchronousName = synchronous MolniyaName = Kolniya MODULE_DEFINITIONS { Antenna = ModuleDataTransmitter Antenna = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter Antenna = ModuleRTDataTransmitter Antenna = ModuleRTAntenna Dock = ModuleDockingNode Grapple = ModuleGrappleNode Power = ModuleGenerator Power = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel Power = FNGenerator Power = FNAntimatterReactor Power = FNNuclearReactor Power = FNFusionReactor Power = KolonyConverter Power = FissionGenerator Power = ModuleCurvedSolarPanel Wheel = ModuleWheel Wheel = ModuleLandingGear Wheel = ModuleLandingGearFixed Wheel = FSwheel } ARM { MaximumExistent = 2 SignificantSolarEjectionChance = 10 ExceptionalSolarEjectionChance = 20 HomeLandingChance = 20 AllowSolarEjections = True AllowHomeLandings = True Expiration { MinimumExpireDays = 1 MaximumExpireDays = 7 DeadlineDays = 2982 } Funds { BaseAdvance = 46000 BaseReward = 120000 BaseFailure = 0 SolarEjectionMultiplier = 1.25 } Science { BaseReward = 16 SolarEjectionMultiplier = 1 } Reputation { BaseReward = 26 BaseFailure = 13 SolarEjectionMultiplier = 1.25 } } The ARM is a type of contract. There are several same-level brackets with different names, such as Base, Flag, ISRU... How can I write an MM patch that applies @DisableWorldFirstProgression = True and @MaximumExistent = 0 to everywhere it is found?
  12. Thank you for the support. UPDATE: Finished Custom Career Settings easier than expected. Custom Kerbin Launchsite is doable without much hassle, so I'm working on that too. Creating alternate launchsites is still for later. I'm also planning on releasing three career saves with specific difficulty settings and initial funds that are in line with the rest of the costs.
  13. The other way around. Works perfectly in vanilla/stock, doesn't work in FAR.
  14. Following for updates. This mod sounds like THE solution for massive spaceships.
  15. Thank you. I'll come back with results. On the subject of Microwave transmitter power sources, can't you just make it blind to the power source and have it drain directly from the ship's global energy resources at a rate fixed by a slider the player controls?
  16. You wrote x1000.... Oh. Oh. There's nothing in between x100 and 1000.
  17. I'll be needing some of those once I'm not completely ashamed of what I've produced so far :s
  18. Very interesting. Before I go ahead and test it, does it detect Near Future reactors as viable power sources, just like Solar Panels?
  19. I'd like to leech off your knowledge. Using Kerbal Center switcher, how do I place the Kerbal Space Center in the desert, but along the equator so as to not change to stock flight profile? - - - Updated - - - You take the 'i.imgur.com/12345' link and do this: squareBracketOpen-imgur-squareBracketClosed-12345-squareBracketOpen-forwardSlash-imgur-squareBracketClosed Write that without dashes and using the actual bracket signs
  20. The procedural parts mod has a procedural shield, but it only has disk-like shapes which are terrible for flying. For re-entry with a stock aircraft, the simplest solution is AIRBRAKES. Even diving nose-first straight down at 3km's can be survived if you simply place a lot of AIRBRAKES on your plane and activate them as early as possible. In practice, they give parachute-levels of drag, but have the ability to survive high temperatures and can be switched on/off using the Brakes button.
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