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Everything posted by MatterBeam

  1. Hello. A real question this time: @PART [*]:HAS[#category[Engine]] { @cost *=0.8 } @PART [*]:HAS[#category[Engine]: HAS[@PROPELLANT[IntakeAir]]]:FINAL { @cost *=0.1 } @PART [*]:HAS[#category[Science]] { @cost *=0.5 } @PART [*]:HAS[#category[Science]: HAS [@MODULE [ModuleScienceLab]]]:FINAL { @cost *=0.8 } The FINAL edits aren't being applied, only the original category edits. How do I get around to specifying specific costs for certain sub-categories of parts? @PLANETARY_RESOURCEHas anyone written a Module Manager config for the "Ore.cfg" file found in Gamedata/Squad/Resources? If yes, can I see it? It would allow me to modify the planetary distribution of the Ore resource. Currently, I can only do that by overwriting the original file.
  2. See front page for update. Okay, now that I think I know how to make a MM patch that reduces all part costs by a fixed amount (I'll check into making specific multipliers for different categories) and raises resource costs, I'll list the other implementations. Also, I think it's time to open a Github. -Contract and career rewards configuration (Custom Barn Kit) -Story mode contracts (Contract Configurator) -Resource availability modifications (?) -Abandoned extraplanetary bases for the player to discover and refurbish (Kerbal Konstructs)
  3. Hello. I'm considering using this mod. I have a question though: can the availability of a contract be dependent on the completion of a previous contract?
  4. I'm sorry. Don't worry though, this is not going to be any time soon I just put it in my bucket list of things I need to track.
  5. Just checking in. I see you've started work on Mars. Will you move on to its tiny moons next, or complete the planets first?
  6. It's one of those things you didn't know you needed. I'm absolutely going to have to use this for my project. Can you give me the rundown on how to properly attribute this work to you?
  7. Update on front page. I've thought of a possible workaround: We stick with Funds as the resource. However, the cost of all Parts becomes a tiny fraction of what they currently are, while the cost of resource is vastly increased. For example: The stock KerbalX spacecraft has 6400 vacuum m/s, enough to go to the Mun and back. It costs 61680 funds, containing 35 monopropellant, 8200 liquid fuel and 10120 oxidizer. These resources cost 8424 funds, or about 13.4% of the launch cost. What I could do is create an MM patch that vastly decreases the cost of all parts while increasing the cost of all resources. For example, if I set LF/OX to be 6 times more expensive, they'd cost 50544 funds and form 82% of the launch cost. The parts would cost 4.8 times less, forming 18% of the launch cost. How does this change things? Well, everything will cost pretty much the same, but fuel costs are much more important. How does this promote resource gathering? In conjunction with contracts not providing funds, the only way for the player to gain money is to farm resources and land them back at kerbin. The upside is that an orange tank full of LFO would provide (keeping inline with the multipliers in the previous example) 585 funds for the part and 17625 funds for the resources. That's enough to build the entire KerbalX ship and then some... but not refuel it
  8. Here's a test I did: Mods installed: KSPI-Extended 1.1.7 Near Future Electrical latest build Tweakscale (wan't used) Hyperedit Impressions: Relays only detect solar panels and KSPI reactors as a power source. No other forms of generating electricity works with them. Also, receivers are broken.
  9. Setting up a clean install with only NF-Electrical and KSPI in a bit.
  10. Make sure all of the thrusters are switching to the same resource. Are you telling me, that if I hook up a Near Future Reactor to a Microwave Relay, it'll transmit electric charge? Also, I think I saw mention of Freethinker adding a Wasteheat-to-heat patch somewhere for Near Future Integration.
  11. The way it works right now is that you have to use KSPI reactors, and for those to work, you have to use KSPI radiators. I want to make Microwave relays work with Electric Charge and stock Heat.
  12. AFAIK, Tesla' theories dealt with magnetic induction resonance, so magnetic fields. Extremely short range, useless in space. Microwave transmission is useful because it is easy to create microwaves with great efficiency, and because they can pass through most of the atmosphere and around small solid objects unhindered. In space... it's not the best. Lasers, infrared most likely (can pass through the atmosphere) are much more useful. Microwaves can be focused cheaply, however, with a large dish that is nothing more than aluminium with small holes in it. Lasers would have to be focused with optic arrays. Once again, microwave demonstrates its cheapness and ease of use. True. An visible laser by definition focuses energy 1 billion times more effectively than a 1m wavelength microwave.
  13. 1) It would be better to create one standard decoupler and create Tweakscale sizes for it instead of creating 5-6 parts on top of the several decouplers from other mods. 2) I'm sure there's an option to limit the airbrake's response time.
  14. I tested the game without KSPI and still got the revert bug. Re-installed and had no problems. Something must have broken somewhere. A small UI for the Microwave relays would be nice. As for the ElectricCharge distribution, wasn't there an option to give certain components lower priority? Also, in my experience, completely starving a ship while it has a power supply never had any ill effects, since the batteries recharge immediately and the probe core is never 'powered down'. If electrical generation is greater than consumption at all times, there should be no problem, right? What if the Transmitters throttled themselves to the power generation capacity they detect?
  15. The 'thing' is to use solar panels or Near Future reactors to store ElectricCharge in a battery. You would then activate part A on ship A and target part B on ship B. Electric current is consumed from ship A and appears in ship B, with losses calculated appropriately. Currently, this is exactly what KSPI's Microwave transceivers do, except they transmit MegaJoules and produce WasteHeat. My objective is to find a way for them to use ElectricCharge and produce stock Heat. Your suggestion of using RemoteTech seems needlessly complex. Just to gain a UI, we have to build a power distribution system from scratch with practically zero knowledge of C# and .dlls Adding a little ModuleAlternator to the Microwave Transcievers that converts ElectricCharge into MegaJoules, and the reverse in the Microwave Receivers, seems much easier.
  16. This might be interesting. Sadly, I have no idea how to integrate energy transmission into remoteTech. KSPI's Microwave Power relay was built from the ground up for energy transmission, so it might be safer to start from there. - - - Updated - - - Just getting the thing to work seems complex enough, thank you.
  17. I'm still sad that KIDS hasn't been updated. Anyways, is there any chance of a deltaV map for the 7x system? Also, are the atmospheres scaled correctly?
  18. For the thermal monitor: does it work in conjunction with or does it override the stock thermal menu accessible through the Alt+F12 menu?
  19. A bit of research tells me that it's proportional to e^(h/h') where h' is the scale height for KSP. h' = 5000 if I remember correctly.
  20. When you have more time, could you point me in the right direction for accomplishing this? I see you already have a mod that converts WasteHeat into stock Heat when NF is detected. I think my idea could work if we made the Microwave Transceivers and Receivers use Electric Charge Ec instead of MegaJoules MJ.
  21. I'm guessing that apart from the atmospheres, the rest of the dV's are the same for all x6.4 systems?
  22. So if I want to theorycraft an engine thrust curve, I'll have to go into the game and empirically test pressures at various altitudes?
  23. What I meant was, could I use solar-panel-powered MicroWave power relays to power electric engines without requiring KSP-I nuclear reactors and radiators? I'm especially interested in using them in conjunction with Near Future Electrical without having to use the rest of KSPI-E.
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