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Everything posted by yorshee

  1. This happens to me sometime, it normally happens after I switch to a ship that's been in space for a long time with Kerbal Alarm Clock but it has happened a couple of times in a 100% stock game too. I have no idea what triggers it.
  2. I like Minmus a lot, I have no idea why.
  3. Ah, I see, I'll have to remember to always put batteries on my contract vessels from now on. Thanks! I had no idea the debug menu even did that.
  4. I got this orbital station to Eeloo to complete a contract but it thinks that it doesn't have an antenna, docking ports, or solar panels, which is clearly does (if you can't see the antenna, it's between the bottom solar panel and the RCS fuel tank). I used Kerbal Inventory System to attach the batteries to the side of the lander can because I forgot to add them and the meager amounts of electricity that can be stored in the probe core and lander can wasn't enough to power my ion engines, but surely that wouldn't change anything? The craft already had the ability to store electrical charge in the lander can and probe core, I was just giving it some extra electric storage. Is there a way I can force the game to refresh the ship or the contracts so it completes the mission?
  5. Today I made my first SSTO! I don't really use spaceplanes much, but I decided to give this a go because apparently making SSTOs is hard in 1.0.2. Here's the Mk2 - the Mk1 was a completely different design and it couldn't even get close to orbit so I scrapped the design and started again from scratch. The Mk2 could get into orbit! I landed it (almost) successfully, too. It had just enough fuel to deorbit and land. Unfortunately, because the bottom-most jet engines were so far back, they smacked into the ground and exploded. The rest of it survived! I tweaked the design a bit and made the Mk3 - I got rid of the useless radial intakes, moved the wheels back, changed the canards, and added a couple of little solar panels. I also added struts where they needed to be - because I changed where the wheels were, the craft would flex weirdly in the middle and misalign the engines, and then the exhausts would hit against the other engines and everything would explode. I didn't get an orbit screenshot of the Mk3 (it did make it to orbit!) - but I did get an image of it landed. I didn't really think about where to place the airbrakes, so I stupidly put them on the top and bottom of the outermost engines. Of course, the bottom ones scraped along the ground and broke off. All I did was move 'em to the side instead, and it's complete! Not too sure what to do with the design now.
  6. How much of it have I missed? I only tuned in a few minutes ago.
  7. I had these two on my old 0.90 save.
  8. It says KIS isn't compatible with 1.0.2, should I just ignore it?
  9. I've tried that, I'll try uninstalling it and reinstalling it.
  10. I tried going to the Kerbalizer page today and no matter what I do, I just get the 'download unity web player' button. I've already downloaded it, but it's still appearing.
  11. She was stuck in a solar orbit for 6 years, but I did manage to get her back! She'll probably be going to Eeloo next.
  12. I like the 1.0.2 atmosphere better than the 1.0 atmosphere, 3000m/s of dV to get to orbit was way too easy. However, the reentry heating is now too easy compared to 1.0, I end up barely even using any ablator on my heatshields and I don't even know if I really need a heatshield anymore because only small things, like ladders and batteries, actually end up overheating.
  13. I went with the refueling option as it seemed more fun than sitting around waiting for a close approach to happen. Rendezvousing in deep space was insanely difficult but I managed to do it! As it turns out, the craft doesn't have a docking port (I must have been thinking of something else) so I had to use the claw. The craft now has ~1800m/s of dv! More than enough to get back home. Thank you everyone!
  14. I find it too easy! I got so much money from doing contracts that I had more than enough extra money to do whatever I wanted, including sending a fleet of probes to Jool's moons for no reason (other than for the science!)
  15. I'm running a strict no-cheating policy on this save game! No debug menu either. I wanted this to be the first save file I ever did properly with no HyperEdit. It has made my accomplishments a lot more fulfilling and I don't want to ruin that. If I manage to get the crew back to Kerbin by myself then it'll be the first rescue mission I ever did without cheating, too - I don't want to miss out on this accomplishment. Would that not require Eve/Moho, my ship, AND Kerbin to all align perfectly? I've never done any gravity assists before, so I dunno how it works. I'll give this a shot tomorrow Thanks!
  16. I've been playing lots of career mode lately and I was doing a mission to get lots of Science from Moho. I planned to get into a low orbit so I could get the low space Science for Moho as well as the high space Science. Long story short I didn't have the delta-v to get into orbit, so I got the high space Science and basically panicked and tried to tweak my trajectory to get back to Kerbin. That didn't work so now I'm in some weird orbit where the apoapsis is roughly where Kerbin orbits, and the periapsis is slightly closer to the Sun than Moho. I only have around 200m/s of dv left, and no matter what I try to do to the trajectory, I just can't get back to Kerbin. I even left it for a while to go do other missions and hoped that eventually Kerbin and the craft would miraculously intercept one day, but it never happened. What should I do? The craft has a docking port on it so I could send a load of fuel up there, dock it, refuel, undock, and then I would have the dv to get back to Kerbin, but I don't know how easy that would be. Alternatively I could send an unmanned crew capsule and transfer the crew over to the capsule and then get back home that way, but I sort of want the Science you get from recovering a craft from Moho. Any suggestions? Poor Valentina has been stuck out there for 3 years now.
  17. I was completing a mission to flyby the Mun and when I timewarped to get back to Kerbin, this is what it looked like. I'm not too sure what else to say about it. Nothing in the debug menu says anything unusual. It's not gameplay-harming in any way, it just looks weird, I thought I would report it here so Squad can fix it with the next patch.
  18. Steam isn't updating for me, I'll try closing down Steam and reopening it a bunch of times. EDIT: It's here for me!
  19. Guys the release trailer is on Steam!
  20. I just came back from dinner and the thread has around 50 more pages! Whoa.
  21. I went to go eat my lunch and when I got back, there were already 10 more pages!
  22. I'm assuming the game will release at 04:00 UTC since that's when the streams end.
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