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Everything posted by yorshee

  1. I love it! It's amazing!
  2. It sounds like the 1.0.4 build is possibly missing a file or two, so if it gets patched over an already-existing game, then it won't matter because the file was already there on 1.0.3 (or 1.0.2?). But on a fresh install, because the file was never there in the first place, it messes things up. Just my thoughts on what might be causing it.
  3. Nope, but I haven't seen it happen before 1.0.4. It's either because of a recent mod, or something caused by 1.0.4 but only happens rarely.
  4. The fact that 64 bit isn't stable for Windows yet, I can't use any visual mods without it crashing after a while. Not that it matters because my computer only has 4GB of RAM anyways. I need to upgrade it soon. I also dislike how the Engineer's Report doesn't have dV/TWR readouts but that might happen in 1.1.
  5. I can land on Duna with no airbrakes if I land on a flat area (oh the amount if times I've smashed into the side of a hill...) though airbrakes do sound like a good idea as I find myself using my engine to maintain a steady glide until I've bled off enough speed to land, which is wasted fuel. My issue isn't really landing though, I can do that ok, it's getting back to Kerbin that's the hard part. Because of Duna's thin atmosphere and my awful TWR I'm spending a lot of time in Duna's lower atmosphere because I can't pitch up a lot without losing speed. Because I'm spending so much time in the lower atmo, I'm wasting dv from pushing through the atmosphere, but I can't not do that because I lose speed otherwise. I think my issue is the TWR problem, I need to save some oxidiser for my closed-cycle RAPIERs to use at Duna. EDIT: Should I post my craft here too? o:
  6. Just an update: I've finished my portion of the writing, I'm just waiting for FishiMishi's half now. Once I have all the writing, all I need to do is get some screenshots and put it all together and it'll be done.
  7. What I do is pitch up as much as I can without my thrust decreasing (for larger clunkier crafts it's normally at around 15-20 degrees) and I keep at that angle until I get to around 10km, pitching down slightly if I see the thrust decreasing. Once it gets to 10k metres, I pitch down and maintain level flight until I get to around 1000m/s, which is when the thrust on my jet engines starts to decrease a lot, and once the thrust gets lower than 150 kilonewtons I switch to my rocket engine of choice and pitch up as much as I can without losing speed and stay at that angle until I get an apoapsis of around 75km, making sure to throttle down if I'm gaining too much speed - I want to get my apoapsis above 70km when I'm at around 55km. This always works for me and I've never had any trouble with it. Try pumping your fuel forwards so your centre of mass is as far forwards as it can be.
  8. I've been trying to make an SSTO that goes to Duna and back. I've succeeded in landing it on Duna, and my best attempt has around 2800m/s of dv when landed on Duna. I can get it into orbit around Duna again, but barely. It has around 400m/s left when in Duna orbit, which isn't enough to return - even Ike slingshots aren't enough to get me back to Kerbin. I managed to make an SSTO capable of returning to Kerbin but it uses drills and an ISRU converter to refuel so it feels sort of cheat-y to do that, so I want to make a craft that doesn't do that. My question is - is it possible to make an SSTO capable of landing on Duna and then returning to Kerbin without refueling?
  9. It seems like there are a lot of conflicting opinions here too. I'll make a simple jet soon, one with precoolers and one without, and I'll see what difference it makes.
  10. I read on the subreddit that precoolers increase the thrust of your jet engines, but I've tried flying planes both with precoolers and without precoolers and I haven't noticed any difference. If anything, it's been making 'em worse because they're just adding dead weight. Someone else said that they stop your jet engines overheating but I haven't had any issues with jet engines overheating, so I don't think it affects that. Does anyone know what the precoolers actually do?
  11. Despite the ladders having the same heat tolerance as most of my spaceplane's other parts, the wings for example, at 2000 degrees Kelvin (Is that the unit of measurement?), they ALWAYS explode on reentry. This is super annoying when it's the only thing that doesn't survive on a spaceplane that you want to be 100% reuseable, and iirc the shrouded ladders have the same heat tolerance as the static ones, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
  12. I made an SSTO with around 3000m/s of dv once it's in orbit! I dunno what to do with it, though. I managed to land it back at Kerbin with no damage, too.
  13. I have no idea how popular the community was, because I've only been here for a few months, but it was insanely active just before and a little after 1.0 was released, and I have noticed it dying down a little bit, but that's because the hype for 1.0 also died down because there's nothing to hype anymore. The community will die out completely when there's nothing new to discuss, whether it be updates, in-game achievements, craft sharing, and mods. With a game like KSP, I don't see that happening any time soon, there's just too much to do.
  14. I thought it could have updated like 3 seconds before OP started his thread. D:
  15. I wouldn't like KSP to have a sequel, I would just prefer the original game to keep updating until nothing else can be added. Though one thing I would like would be a form of Extraplanetary Launchpads in the stock game. That doesn't necessarily have to be in a sequel though.
  16. I made a rocket-horse. I should try and get it to fly.
  17. I hope at least one new planet is added, I really want a ringed planet, whether it's a kerbalised Saturn or something completely made up (like a random ringed moon that orbits....Eve, I dunno). Look how pretty this view is of Sarnus from the moon Ovok. It's awesome. This is from the Outer Planets mod. This view of Sarnus from afar is cool, too. Something like this in the stock game would be fantastic, but I think adding more stuff for the already-existing planets is more important. Wasn't Eeloo and Minmus supposed to have geysers or something?
  18. Right now he's at the Minmus base waiting to be put on a mission to Urlum, a planet from the Outer Planets mod. He's with a bunch of engineers and a couple of other pilots.
  19. I reinstalled everything and it works like a dream now! I have absolutely no idea what caused it, I did skip a mod or two that I never really used so it could have been one of those.
  20. Oh, whoa! I had no idea it was that bad. I'll try on a fresh install, with only EPL installed, then introduce all my other mods one-by-one until I see what's causing the problem.
  21. My sister said she saw a UFO around 5-7 years ago, when she was walking home from a friend's house. Apparently it was very close to the ground and was covered in lights. Even to this day, she stands by her story so I don't it's a childish story she made up at the time. Or maybe it was, I dunno. It's strange that she saw something like that, yet nobody else in our neighbourhood did.
  22. Here ya go. http://www./download/jqgsargqpz2burp/KSP.log http://www./download/azn1g17ygd46rv1/output_log.txt
  23. Whenever something has been built and is placed on the launchpad, before the resources have been set, after a few seconds it sinks into the launchpad and explodes. Is this a known issue? D: The KSP log spams this line: [ERR 19:24:40.053] Actor::setAngularVelocity: Actor must be (non-kinematic) dynamic! EDIT: Restarting the game fixed it, but now I can't timewarp with the craft without it exploding for some reason. The KSP log is spamming these lines now: [LOG 20:36:09.551] Packing interplanetary ship for orbit[EXC 20:36:09.552] NullReferenceException UnityEngine.Transform.TransformDirection (Vector3 direction) ActiveJoint.getControlOrt (Vector3 refAxis, PartSpaceMode mode) ActiveJoint.applyCoordsUpdate () ActiveJoint.onPartPack (.Part p) EventData`1[Part].Fire (.Part data) Part.Pack () Vessel.GoOnRails () OrbitPhysicsManager.LateUpdate ()
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