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Everything posted by yorshee

  1. Good idea! I'll give that a shot. EDIT: Manually removing the maneuver node did nothing, and I've found out the glitch has spread to all of my other save files. Completely separate save files! I think I'll need to get a fresh install, I have no idea what's causing this. I'll keep the thread open as I'll keep a backup of this install, in case someone has an answer to it.
  2. Long story short, I have a bug where KSP is having trouble drawing a maneuver node for a craft and it glitches out when I switch to it. The screen goes black in normal flight mode, and the map mode is also pitch black but it lags a lot too. If I go back to the space centre, it's gone and all I can see is the skybox. I've seen this glitch before but this is a rather unique instance of it. I know the issue is KSP not being able to recreate a maneuver node I set up years ago because I keep getting null reference exceptions in the tracking station when I click on the craft in question, and when I look at the output log, it says it can't create the maneuver node. I know I can fix it if I remove the maneuver node because that's what's causing this whole ordeal, but I have no idea how to remove it without switching to it first - I can't switch to it first because when I switch to it, the game goes weird with the black screen and everything.
  3. I would reapply and add my bug tracker name but I dunno if it's really worth it, my username there is the same as it is here anyways.
  4. Bring some drills and an ISRU converter and you can mine from the asteroid to get more fuel so you can push it away those annoying Mun encounters. Push it a little into Kerbin's atmosphere so you can get aerocaptured and then push it out of the atmosphere at apoapsis.
  5. On the other end of things, I've had female Kerbals pull completely deadpan expressions with no animation for uncomfortable amounts of time, even while their male counterparts continue to do their idle animations (adjusting helmets and dancing in their seats). The female Kerbals are just...sitting there...and staring at me...
  6. FishiMishi hasn't been in contact for a while now so I think I'm going to finish writing everything else up.
  7. Would placing each wing manually instead of auto-symmetrically be a workaround for now? I can't say I've experienced this myself.
  8. I think this mod is causing an issue for me - Moho's surface is completely pitch black, no matter what side I'm looking at it from. It only happens when the camera is close enough to it (a low orbit) so it makes landing impossible. I think it's an issue with this mod because someone else has had this issue in the past but I have no idea if they even fixed it. I don't want to uninstall this mod because it's awesome and I love it, but at the same time, it renders Moho useless. Is there a workaround for this?
  9. I really like your craft designs! They're unique and have a lot of character.
  10. http://gfycat.com/RemorsefulInsignificantBarracuda As you can probably tell, this makes landing impossible unless I use KER to tell me how far up I am from the actual surface. Here's my mods: Here's my KSP.log and output_log http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_1 http://www.filedropper.com/ksp I'm assuming it has something to do with Distant Object Enhancement or ATM but I'm really not sure, I want to ask here to see if anyone can make sense of the output logs before I start deleting a load of mods. Thanks! EDIT: I've tried removing all my graphics-y mods to see if that would fix it, and it didn't. EDIT 2: Kopernicus was causing the issue, reinstalling it fixed it. This can be locked.
  11. I assume this happens with service bays too? If it does then it explains the annoying glitch I've been having with them.
  12. I use it to deliver heavier payloads via the skycrane method, it's pretty good at doing that.
  13. Imagine your name literally being 'Earth Person'.
  14. In the time between applying for this and now, I've made an account on the bug tracker. Is there a way I can update my application to reflect this?
  15. Ah, I don't know too much about the actual inner workings of that 2.5m engine, all I know is it's a nuclear engine that's pretty big.
  16. The Atomic Age pack contains a 2.5m NERVA engine, but I agree that a larger NERVA should be made stock.
  17. I see, looks like I'll have to retro burn outside of Eve's atmosphere to get captured. More fuel it is, then.
  18. I had a random shower thought the other day and it sort of evolved into a ton of ideas that I thought would be cool for career mode. Career mode is bashed a lot because of how shallow it is, and I understand that, all it is really is just 'do this task and receive money for it so you can do more tasks and get more money, also science'. There should be a more managerial-y feel to career mode, like you're actually the head of the space program. One way that could help achieve this would be the addition of an extra building, or an addition to the administration building. In this building, you can choose how you want the program to be run. You can choose between being public funded and private funded. With public funding, you will receive a certain amount of money every Kerbin year or so, the amount depends on your reputation. You can still do contracts but the rewards for them are lower than what they'd be like if the program was privately funded. Most of the contacts you get will be ones like 'Retrieve science data from _____' or 'Set up a space station in orbit of _____', and less part testing and visual surveys. If you screw up a mission and a Kerbal gets killed or anything else happens that damages your reputation, be prepared to take a big reputation! Much larger than the reputation hit from being private funded. This in turn will affect the amount of money you get every year. If you choose to be private funding, you get the full scope of contracts and much larger rewards for doing them, but you don't get the money every year that public funding gives you. Reputation hits from catastrophic failures are lower. Also with private funding, you can choose the sorts of contracts you want too. If you want to focus on visual surveys, then you can do so, and the generated contracts at Mission Control will be 75% visual surveys. This way you can choose to do the types of missions you want without having to spam the decline button in order to find one you want to do. You can switch between private and public funding at any time. Another feature of this building is something like a suggestions box that members of the Kerbal public can put their opinions of the space program into. These tips will help you improve the space program, and they'd be more strict for public funded programs. For example, if you're been doing nothing but Kerbin system missions for 5 years, you'll get a lot of suggestions like 'What have these scientists and engineers been doing all this time? Isn't it time to go interplanetary now!?' or if you have lots of astronauts in the Astronaut Complex, but none of them have been on a mission in a while, you'll get a suggestion like 'What are these astronauts doing all day? Playing video games?'. If your space program is doing well, the suggestions box will praise that too, but its main purpose will be to point the player in the right direction for what to do next. (Also, this would also give Squad an opportunity to introduce a new KSC staff member who runs the building, who could be female.) Another idea I had is one I already posted here, but I want to expand upon it. I like the outpost-building contracts because I like building space stations and stuff, but it sucks because...well, nobody actually uses them. I put this space station it orbit around Jool? Cool! ...Now what? As far as I'm concerned, it's useless space junk once it fulfils its contract parameters. It would be neat if you had contracts that would have you ferry tourists to these space stations and bases, dock to them and spend some time there, and then get 'em home again. It would be even cooler if these contracts had a time limit too - if they don't get there in time, or get home in time, you fail the contract. Not only could tourists visit these outposts but scientists from the agencies could want to use the science facilities of your outposts, and could yield a little science rewards too. You'll only get these types if you actually have an outpost set up, like if you don't even have a space station around Eve you won't get a contract asking to ferry people to an Eve outpost. Those are all the ideas I have. I lack the knowledge of modding so I couldn't make it a reality, and I think this sort of stuff is outside the realms of what modding can do anyways, but they're my ideas at least.
  19. There were more gas giants in the works but they were put on hold indefinitely. Squad haven't made an actual official announcement on the matter yet but from what I've seen, they could be a possibility once the Unity 5 update rolls around and gives the game more memory to work with.
  20. I've been experiencing this too, I know the cause for some instances of the bug have already been found, but I'm not sure if all of them have. I've consistently found this bug when: The launch clamps are outside the circle marked on the VAB's floor The launch clamps are damaged from rocket exhaust The launchpad is destroyed on liftoff
  21. I started up a new career save today, I'm going to see if I can get it to go on for more than 234 years.
  22. This was just something for fun, it doesn't reflect my actual opinion on the matter.
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