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Everything posted by yorshee

  1. I have no idea how popular the community was, because I've only been here for a few months, but it was insanely active just before and a little after 1.0 was released, and I have noticed it dying down a little bit, but that's because the hype for 1.0 also died down because there's nothing to hype anymore. The community will die out completely when there's nothing new to discuss, whether it be updates, in-game achievements, craft sharing, and mods. With a game like KSP, I don't see that happening any time soon, there's just too much to do.
  2. I thought it could have updated like 3 seconds before OP started his thread. D:
  3. I wouldn't like KSP to have a sequel, I would just prefer the original game to keep updating until nothing else can be added. Though one thing I would like would be a form of Extraplanetary Launchpads in the stock game. That doesn't necessarily have to be in a sequel though.
  4. I made a rocket-horse. I should try and get it to fly.
  5. I hope at least one new planet is added, I really want a ringed planet, whether it's a kerbalised Saturn or something completely made up (like a random ringed moon that orbits....Eve, I dunno). Look how pretty this view is of Sarnus from the moon Ovok. It's awesome. This is from the Outer Planets mod. This view of Sarnus from afar is cool, too. Something like this in the stock game would be fantastic, but I think adding more stuff for the already-existing planets is more important. Wasn't Eeloo and Minmus supposed to have geysers or something?
  6. Right now he's at the Minmus base waiting to be put on a mission to Urlum, a planet from the Outer Planets mod. He's with a bunch of engineers and a couple of other pilots.
  7. I reinstalled everything and it works like a dream now! I have absolutely no idea what caused it, I did skip a mod or two that I never really used so it could have been one of those.
  8. Oh, whoa! I had no idea it was that bad. I'll try on a fresh install, with only EPL installed, then introduce all my other mods one-by-one until I see what's causing the problem.
  9. My sister said she saw a UFO around 5-7 years ago, when she was walking home from a friend's house. Apparently it was very close to the ground and was covered in lights. Even to this day, she stands by her story so I don't it's a childish story she made up at the time. Or maybe it was, I dunno. It's strange that she saw something like that, yet nobody else in our neighbourhood did.
  10. Here ya go. http://www./download/jqgsargqpz2burp/KSP.log http://www./download/azn1g17ygd46rv1/output_log.txt
  11. Whenever something has been built and is placed on the launchpad, before the resources have been set, after a few seconds it sinks into the launchpad and explodes. Is this a known issue? D: The KSP log spams this line: [ERR 19:24:40.053] Actor::setAngularVelocity: Actor must be (non-kinematic) dynamic! EDIT: Restarting the game fixed it, but now I can't timewarp with the craft without it exploding for some reason. The KSP log is spamming these lines now: [LOG 20:36:09.551] Packing interplanetary ship for orbit[EXC 20:36:09.552] NullReferenceException UnityEngine.Transform.TransformDirection (Vector3 direction) ActiveJoint.getControlOrt (Vector3 refAxis, PartSpaceMode mode) ActiveJoint.applyCoordsUpdate () ActiveJoint.onPartPack (.Part p) EventData`1[Part].Fire (.Part data) Part.Pack () Vessel.GoOnRails () OrbitPhysicsManager.LateUpdate ()
  12. I never got why KSP fans made weapons mods until I saw things like Macey Dean's and HatBat's Kethane Station videos. KSP is a good medium for telling stories, even space war stories. I would never like things like warfare and weaponry to be in stock KSP though, it's not what KSP is about.
  13. My last quicksave was from before I attached that huge building to the base, I couldn't reattach it because my Kerbal's screwdriver disappeared from her inventory for some reason so I can't attach it with pipes. It's 10x worse with the building and is normally what tears it apart. The effect here is a lot less extreme but it's clearly visible.
  14. I have KJR, it's a great mod but the way it handles part joints has nothing to do with the way the game loads heavily-docked crafts. I found that parts break a lot less with it but once they're flung into the air sideways then it's screwed anyways.
  15. (Because this isn't a glitch, rather a way the game handles physics in general, I won't include my output logs as they won't show anything abnormal) I've been building a base on Minmus to serve as a launchsite, I have the Outer Planets mod and launching huge behemoths to get to them and subsequently polluting Kerbin with copious amount of rocket exhaust seems bad even if it doesn't affect the game at all - if I launch straight from Minmus then I don't have to worry about that and also I can use less dV getting into a parking orbit around Kerbin which means simpler rockets which is nice. But every time I've tried to set up a base, there's a glitch where the entire thing sort of mushes into the ground a few inches upon loading, and then the physics kick in and throws it up into the air. This can become disastrous when you're dealing with a large base, and my base is pretty big as it has lots of different modules, including a freakin' launchpad. Basically because it's so big, it gets kicked up even further, and the lighter parts get thrown further upwards than the heavier parts and the tubes connecting the entire thing snap and some things come back down so hard they explode, or they get thrown sideways and land upside-down or whatever. I haven't been able to build a single base that doesn't suffer from this problem and I've been trying since 0.90. I know what causes it - as I attach more modules, the centre of mass changes and the tubes start to flex ever so slightly to compensate for it. However before physics are loaded, the tubes aren't bent or flexing, everything is connected perfectly, which then makes some parts sink into the ground. Then the physics kicks in and things actually collide with the ground and gets spat out of the planet's surface violently. Minmus' low gravity makes the whole thing even worse, too. I've tried sticking landing legs on each module, I've tried it with the legs' suspension on and off, I've tried connecting the modules with stock girders and docking ports, nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any tips to get around the way the game screws with ground bases? Are there mods that address this? Please help D: I just wanna make cool ground bases.
  16. I made this ridiculous thing to get a mining vehicle to Moho, as part of my Moho manned mission so I could refuel the lander once it gets there so it could return home. This was all on Career mode! I hadn't unlocked the big Kerbodyne fuel tanks at the time. The screenshots have borders around 'em as I was using a screenshot program 'cuz F12 to take a Steam screenshot also toggles the aerodynamic overlay, and I didn't know about F1 at the time.
  17. I haven't added this into my 1.0.2 install yet, despite loving this mod. I'll give it a go to see how it works EDIT: A question, is there a way to stop Kerbals from going insane and killing each other when they're travelling long distances? I had a manned trip to Duna in 0.90 that ended in disaster because they ended up hating each other and murdered each other and there was nothing I could do about it.
  18. It's finished! I also have a gif (albeit low quality) of the centripetal forces actually working! How cool is that?
  19. They're a part of Lackluster Labs, I would definitely recommend it if you enjoy making ridiculous-but-good-looking space stations. Thanks everyone!
  20. I made this today! I'm proud of it, I had to share it here. It has functioning walkways, is self-sustaining with TAC Life Support, and is compatible with RemoteTech. It also uses Infernal Robotics to make the middle section spin on its own. ...Now to get it into orbit!
  21. Is there a way to add clouds to the planets from the outer solar system mod? I thought it would be as simple as loading the cloud textures by using the GUI but it's not, there's no option to add clouds for those planets. D:
  22. KIS/KAS, Kerbal Alarm Clock, KW Rocketry, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, and Infernal Robotics. I hope some of these become stock one day. EDIT: Oh, can't forget Extraplanetary Launchpads!
  23. My most hated glitch is that glitch that makes your ground bases spring up into the air and rip themselves apart when you switch to them. It happens when you use KAS pipes to attach all the different modules of your base together but I'm sure it can be replicated with stock parts. I haven't tried to make a ground base in 1.0 yet but I'm 99% sure the problem is still there, because when I docked my refuelling rover to my interplanetary ship, it sprung up a few centimetres. I just wanna make cool ground bases, man.
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