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Everything posted by yorshee

  1. I have this huge ship that I want to aerobrake at Eve but stuff keeps overheating which is understandable because, well, it's Eve. Heatshields don't help because the rocket is so long, any slight deviation from the retrograde marker means the back (front?) end of the rocket gets fried. Would attaching radiators to the craft help or will the radiators themselves overheat? If they could help, could I attach the static radiators anywhere or do they specifically have to be attached to the parts that overheat? If radiators are no use, what else could I use to aerobrake this craft? Or should I just pack more fuel so I can get captured via retro burning?
  2. ^ What are those engines being used in the small top-right panel in the middle section of the image? They're being decoupled in the image below it. EDIT: They're Sparks attached to the tiny fuel tanks, I just noticed that. That's a cool idea, I might use it.
  3. I've noticed this too, it has ruined a lot of missions for me. I had a mission to Moho all planned out in Career mode and it was ready to start heading for Moho but of course a load of stuff started overheating before I was even out of Kerbin's SOI. I'm sure this happens to small parts and happens even more if there's stuff clipped into that part, even if it's meant to be clipped, like docking ports and how their model naturally clips into the parent part. This happens the most with the short Rockomax adapter, but I've also seen it happen with 1.25 fairing bases and cargo bays. (My Moho mission was a combination of these three all attached to each other x_x) I shouldn't have to resort to changing the game's physics or using the cheat menu in order to play the game properly, I hope this gets fixed in 1.1.
  4. Does it explode due to overheating? You can check the flight log any time by pressing F3. I'm away from the computer right now but I'm pretty sure this has happened to me in normal gameplay, not during a tutorial, and it has to do with the fact that for some reason small parts overheat for no reason in this current version of KSP. It can be avoided by opening the debug menu by pressing alt + 12 and checking the box 'Ignore max temperature'. Of course, having to resort to the debug menu in order to play the game normally is a very bad thing, and I hope Squad fixes it in 1.1. This bug means I can't use a lot of parts because they overheat for no reason, such as the short adapters that I like to attach docking ports to on my crafts.
  5. The landing gear thing is interesting, I might try that out. The steel beams I'm using right now have a crash tolerance of 80m/s so they're ok too.
  6. Earlier today I made a craft that has 6500m/s of dv which is capable of Eve orbit if it's landed at a high plateau. It's very...Kerbal...it has detachable upside down fins at the top to make sure it's always facing heatshield-first as it's slowing down in the atmosphere and they decouple so I can go up again without the CoL messing me up. It also uses plain ol steel girders as legs as no landing legs are big enough to point past the engines, and if I attach them to the steel beams then they start to flex and it makes the craft slide down a hill (which is where I normally land). I haven't actually used it yet (the flexing landing legs issue happened with another design) but in theory it should work. I would post an image but I'm on my phone. What does your Eve ascent craft look like? How crazy is it?
  7. I can safely aerobrake around Jool, it just takes a few quickloads to gauge the correct periapsis. Just make sure you aren't going too fast, otherwise you'll hit the atmosphere like it's brick, no matter how high your periapsis is (well, as long as it's under 200km).
  8. I need a bit of help, I hope this is the right place to ask. I want to make a contract pack for career mode but I have no idea how to go about doing this. I have zero experience with modding in general (other than using other peoples' mods and wondering how they made something so cool!) There are a lot of mod tutorials for KSP out there but from what I've seen they only seem to cover how to add new parts to the game which isn't what I'm looking for. Could anyone give me some tips or point me in the right direction? Thanks!
  9. I would go for Eeloo first, I find it easier to get to. With Moho, because you're at perihelion you'll be travelling insanely quickly when you encounter Moho so it takes a truckload of fuel to slow down enough to get into orbit. There's no atmosphere so you can't aerobrake. With Eeloo, it just takes a relatively small amount of extra fuel to get there and get back, and since you're at aphelion when you encounter it it's easy to get into Eeloo orbit.
  10. Thank you! I have a project thing that I've been working on on-and-off for a few weeks now, I want to draw the KSC staff in my own style and try to make them look different to one another (this is pretty hard to do for the kerbonauts themselves!), you may have seen Valentina and Bill features on KSP's social media pages which I'm super grateful for. I also want to do some proper poster-sized artwork too. All of this is on hold right now because I'm super busy with job interviews and driving lessons. The transition to a proper adult is a busy one...
  11. Still working on my SSTO-to-Duna-and-back.
  12. This is interesting, I'll definitely have to play around with this to see what the pros and cons are. It might help me immensely with my SSTO-to-Duna-and-back mission that I've been working on for a few weeks. I just need more fuel in my RAPIERS so I can get into a Duna orbit with enough Liquid Fuel for my nuclear engine to get back.
  13. Hey now, there's nothing wrong with shipping characters. I don't think the Kerbals feel romantic or sexual feelings to one another, but I'm not gonna rain on someone elses' parade if they think differently.
  14. Yeah, a core part of the game might be bugged. It could have been a mod since I don't think any stock game bugs could do anything that dangerous. I would reinstall the game.
  15. This happens with me sometimes, but it's normally fixed by exiting the game and going back to it, and it's never spread to different save files. Have you tried closing down the game completely and reloading it?
  16. I've made some different modules for a base that I'm going to build on another planet, and because they don't have any command pods or probe cores, they're uncontrollable and so are marked as debris by the game. Every time I grab it with a claw, pull it away from the SPH runway so I can launch something else, release it, and go back to the space centre, it disappears. It doesn't disappear if I go back to the space centre while the debris is still on the runway. The vehicle I'm using for pulling the modules off the runway doesn't disappear, I'm assuming because it's not debris, it's a ship. Is a new feature of KSP to clear the KSC of debris? I don't think it is because I've manually removed it before. Or is it a mod I have? I don't have any mods installed that would do that....I think? I don't know if it's a bug or not, if it is I can provide more information if it's needed. EDIT: Reloading quicksaves doesn't make the debris come back!? And if I put a Kerbal in a part with crew capacity, they get killed (marked as MIA in the Astronaut Complex). Looking through my save files in Notepad, I can see the debris isn't even there.
  17. This is a cool mod! But it keeps giving me NullReferenceExceptions when I go on EVA, if you'd like my output log then I can post it here if you'd like.
  18. I've had this bug before, I don't know if my experiences will help pinpoint what's wrong but I'll share anyways. I had a KSP install in 1.0.2 (I think it was that version?) with some mods, the main ones being Extraplanetary Launchpads, MKS/OKS, and KAS/KIS. I made a base on Minmus that mined for metal ore to make into rocket parts which let me launch rockets from Minmus, cutting down the dv requirements to get to places. My mining vehicle was a rover with a claw attached to the front of it that attached itself to the base so I could transfer the metal ore and fuel ore to the converters. When I tried to launch anything from this base, the Glue Kraken would happen. The root part of the ship would freeze in place when I timewarped whereas the rest of the ship continued on its predicted trajectory, tearing the whole thing apart. It only happened when I timewarped, it would be fine otherwise. I thought this might have something to do with the claw on the mining vehicle so I detached it before launching. Same thing happened. Then I detached it before spawning it on the launchpad. Still happened. Then I detached it before even building the ship, transferring all the resources to the base before even beginning the actual construction. It still happened! I did manage to get it to work properly, but only sometimes. I have no idea what actually made it work, it just did sometimes. I don't think I have this save anymore, I might have deleted it because it was so buggy, but if I still have it would you like me to post it here?
  19. I had an interesting idea today - I thought it would be cool if there were more contracts when it comes to tourists. For example, if you have a space station in orbit around a specific planet, a tourist could want to go on vacation there for a certain period of time, and you would have to return them home after a certain time - if you leave them there for too long (or take them home too early), you don't fulfil all the contract's parameters. These vacations could vary from a couple of weeks to a few years. It would give more of a purpose to the empty space stations that you're assigned to create and deploy, and I don't think there are any contracts in KSP that require you to manage your time like this (other than the contract deadlines, of course).
  20. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the 1x1 Third-Length Hull has no crew capacity. I use these hull parts a lot so it's an inconvenience to me. Is there a way I can fix it?
  21. This is awesome! I love this mod. A couple of suggestions would be to add EL Workshop support to the habitats (so far only the command modules have this), and to add adapters so the gangway pieces connect to the modules more smoothly.
  22. One thing I found that helped a little was offsetting parts that may be clipping into other parts a bit. I offset the adapter out of the fairing base so no part of the adapter model was touching the fairing base and it stopped it....temporarily. It happened again, but once I was near Moho's orbit. I knew it probably wasn't the Sun because the heat spread was happening insanely quickly (this happens when the fairings are deployed, which they were) and I wasn't firing any engines. It's very odd... I'm going to try to recreate this with 100% stock parts. EDIT: It happened again with a different ship made of stock parts, this time a decoupler kept overheating and exploded. I think it may have either something to do with service bays or heatshields since that's what is near the adapter on my first ship, and near the decoupler on the ship I made just now.
  23. I've been waiting for something like this! I'll be sure to check it out asap. Thank you!
  24. I'm using Windows, and the 32-bit version of the game. I saw in the other overheating glitch thread that it's caused by FAR but this isn't the cause of it for me because I don't have it.
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