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Everything posted by yorshee

  1. I dunno if this is a known issue but I don't get the option to fuel my crafts once they've been built, I only get the 'Finalize build' and 'Teardown build' buttons. I'm using survey stakes as a launchpad, I dunno if that has anything to do with it.
  2. Oh, a little suggestion: it would be cool if you could switch between different textures, as the wooden aesthetic doesn't fit well with a futuristic-looking base. Perhaps there could be a chrome-silver-coloured furniture option, and a sleek jet black option too.
  3. I've always wanted to make a base where you can actually walk around inside it in EVA, so this will be perfect for it. Just to to let you know, you need a license to go along with your mod otherwise it'll be deleted. I think you can find all the relevant info in the modding section of the forum.
  4. I've had this mod for a while now, and I love it!
  5. Only 4GB, it's not a gaming computer. I will definitely buy more RAM once 64-bit rolls around though.
  6. Someone translated a few of the old trailers a while back: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/34275-I-translated-the-kerbal-language! I'm still really curious to know what they're saying in all of the trailers.
  7. I can see myself using the small jet engines for drones on Laythe and also for survey contracts on Kerbin (that don't require crew reports, of course). It would be cool to fit something like a small jet-powered drone into a small cargo bay. Also, reposting what I said in the blog post: I hope the reduced scope doesn't mean optimisation and bug-fixing will be skimped on! I would be happy if 1.1 focused solely on those things. That being said, I'm excited for the new jet engines. The 2.5m jet engine was something I've been wanting for a long time. I'm super excited for the contextual contracts too! I remember posting a suggestion for something like this a few weeks ago.
  8. The temperature gauge memory leak was fixed in 1.0.3, what version are you playing?
  9. I agree with this 100%. The game already provides specific impulse and thrust power for engines, which are things that newbies would have no idea about...yet they're in the game anyways.
  10. Most mods' forum posts state if there are known issues that have yet to be solved, though there could always be some bugs in 'em that haven't been found yet. There are a couple of gamebreaking bugs in the stock game so your career could be ruined even if you don't use mods - these bugs have to do with the grabbing claw, and another is how service/cargo bays handle heat management. I periodically make backups of my game that I can revert back to if something breaks, whether it's mod-caused or not.
  11. The fact it only happens in career mode makes me think there's something wrong with the game when you complete the 'Escape the atmosphere' contract. Do you have any mods that could affect this, like contract packs?
  12. Something for my blog.
  13. The grabbing claw (as well as any mod parts that do the same thing as the claw) is the source of a lot of bugs, even in a 100% stock install. I've had this happen to me a lot of times, and so have many others, and it's because there's something wrong with the claw. Forum user Claw has made a stock bugfix for it that you can use until Squad addresses the issue themselves: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v1-0-4-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v1-0-4b-2-1-Aug-15%29
  14. Oh shoot! I had no idea you couldn't do that for heatshields. I haven't had any issue with it melting away in space so I haven't bothered to look and see if I could lock the resource, I just assumed you could, like with every other resource. Sorry about that!
  15. Wasn't Moho's atmosphere removed because it was glitchy? Because the game had trouble with small planets with atmospheres. Maybe it'll return with the Unity 5 update, if Unity 5 can somehow solve the issue.
  16. You can right-click on the heatshield an click the little green arrow on the right of the bar to change it to a cross. That means the ablative won't be melted away. Then you can re-enable it when it's needed.
  17. Because the decoupler isn't a part of the craft anymore, it's considered a separate object and thus the two things can actually collide with each other. I think what's happening is the decoupler is trying to separate from the rest of the craft because it's clipped in a little bit, but in the process it's dragging the rest of the thing along with it. Try offsetting the decoupler a fraction so it isn't clipping into anything.
  18. I think that's how experimentals is done now, is it not?
  19. "'Aerobrake at an altitude of 15k' says Yorshee - talented artist and engineer."
  20. I had an idea earlier and I thought it would be cool so...here it is! I was thinking about how you can't make a stock shuttle look like a proper shuttle because the spaceplane parts lack the black ablative tiles on the bottom. A solution for this could be to have a paint-on ablator tool (and eraser tool) that lets you draw ablator onto where you want to place it - changing the camera angle to be able to paint different parts. I think this method of adding a paint-on ablative using the mouse cursor as a paintbrush would be super user-friendly, just like how fairings were implemented. Using this adds onto the amount of ablator resource on you have on your craft (thus making it heavier) and you can't tweak it as the paint-on ablative itself wouldn't be considered a seperate part, it's just a texture overlay, so right-clicking on it does nothing other than display the normal right-click menu for the actual part you right-clicked on. Also, you can't put ablator over windows. You could also change the colour of your crafts with this too, you don't have to use just black or wooden-brown ablator. You could use lots of different colours to give your ship a fancy heat-resistant coat of paint, which will make peoples' crafts a lot more unique! The ablator could turn black after being ablated away, though I'm not sure about that, some people might not want their carefully-painted ships ruined.
  21. They could be in the sharedassets files but I don't really know, I'll have a dig around later. EDIT: If I can't find 'em, I could always record his voice from the game and upload it somewhere for you.
  22. Does it have a grabbing claw (or a similar part from a mod) attached to it?
  23. Valby sounds like a female Kerbal name, 'Val' and 'By' are name halves generated for female Kerbals only, iirc.
  24. For some reason, female Kerbals are much more probe to uncontrollable ragdolling than male Kerbals. Probably a bug.
  25. ^ In-game custom Kerbals would be awesome but I wouldn't mind if they don't become a thing. More on-topic: I have the paid version of the Kerbalizer (it's a useful drawing reference!) so I'll see if it's buggy for me too, soon. What browser are you using?
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