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Everything posted by Matuchkin

  1. By the way, @Andiron, your challenge submission is also shown in the article. Props to you.
  2. What are the parameters for an asteroid supposed to be in Realism Overhaul, exactly? Just asking. In my save, there are 3 captured in Earth orbit. There are also a crepe-ton of them outside Earth's SOI, that are about to fall into said SOI.
  3. Did I just seriously get quoted in a NASA article? Thanks for notifying me, @IonStorm. And you know what? Is the challenge still up? I'm trying to do it in realism overhaul.
  4. I was thinking about that. I think we should temporarily put the KSC flag at half-staff.
  5. Seriously? Cassius died? Why did no one in Toronto know, I didn't see any news on it!
  6. Velocity was approximately 12,000 mps upon impact. I watched the altimeter, and it reached 0, so the asteroid actually crashed into the Earth. It was a "large", which, in RSS terms, probably means "we're all screwed". First time that happened to me, so naturally I'd make a joke about it.
  7. I try to get approximately 4500 dv on the second stage. The first stage has to have a twr of less than 1.10 but more than 1.05. In general, I try to keep my total Dv above 10,500. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble managing that, with the best engine mods being gone forever. Also, does anyone know how to download SSTU so that the engine models will actually be visible?
  8. 10/10 NOW it's more creative than "Wyoming".
  9. 10/10 mod creators always deserve it.
  10. 4/10. Out of all the creative locations you could have picked, you wrote "Wyoming"?
  11. Wait, can't you just make a procedural base? Like, "base width, hole width" parameters?
  12. 7/10. But what's the NASA photobombing frog?
  13. You should get DCS World, and buy the best planes.
  14. Holy hot dang. This is the first thread I ever posted, and there are still people talking here? Where have I been all the time? Whoever wants to keep contending (@JacobGHC and @spacebrick3) can do so if they wish. I'll start monitoring this place again, and hopefully adding scores.
  15. Well then that's about the management, not the ship.
  16. Nope. SpaceX is pretty much doing what every Realism Overhaul player is doing with their ambitious rockets. Flying them, improving them, trying to perfect that goddamn landing system (or something else), and putting up a few actual missions while they're at it. I know, I have done the same. The only difference is the "revert flight" button. Please do not refer to it that way. Though SpaceX has ambitious goals, the concepts were tested and the goals were proven to be important. NASA is currently at the phase where it has systems that are already good enough, hence not needing as much improvement as SpaceX. Also, if the Falcon 9 is "12 year old ambition", then what is the Space Shuttle? 5-year old ambition? What do you have against the Proton? I especially love that one, due to its multiple usages and versatility. Also, if this discussion is about NASA's space exploration program, then I'm more with NASA. NASA is time-tested, reliable, experienced in the business, and already has an evolved space exploration program. As for SpaceX- we'll have to see. Chances are that SpaceX will be mostly centred (screw you, autocorrect, I'm a Canadian) around launchers, but will be very good at operating and creating them.
  17. I think you mean "is SpaceX doing better than ULA". I would say yes. Though ULA has extremely reliable systems, and extremely experienced personnel as staff, SpaceX is making progress with blistering speed and will catch up to ULA's status in no time at all. Perhaps, though, ULA will follow with SpaceX's ideas, and the two companies will remain on the same level.
  18. I was not belittling him. In fact, I just tried to advise him nicely, without an insult. Please excuse me if my comment came out as insulting.
  19. Yeah, just a tid-bit. You know, make a small dent in it.
  20. 1. Complaining about someone complaining about someone complaining is CHEATING! 2. There is a difference between complaining and calming others. There is nothing wrong with what OP did.
  21. Needless to say, this is actually the most well-formatted scam emails I have ever seen. Usually, one would expect "Helo, i'm de hed of a bank and I vont to transfer paiment of 300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 tons of diamonds to yu, if yu do this:".
  22. Holy god. Out of all the realistic craft people made, this is by far my favorite. How many parts?
  23. Can you please revise your grammar? I am having trouble understanding your post.
  24. So even Musk is potty. After being defiant to so many conspiracy theorists against him, it's quite sad to see this.
  25. I got this new version of my super bomber going along, with more manoeuvrability. I'm totally adding more external mounts.
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