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Everything posted by Ziw

  1. Try this experimental build please: https://mega.nz/#!yRUw2DYQ!1WJ--zT55-yp4OxneJ7GOWbMFP7OV6D8PdW5ikPzbg0 (replace your InfernalRobotics.dll with this one)
  2. It is still WIP, just paused. Try using the repack I made for 1.1.2 (see the last link on my signature).
  3. https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/tag/2.0.3
  4. You can experiment for yourself Long story short it will mess up IR part's joints upon docking sometimes (because KSP switches the rootPart)
  5. That is what 2.0.3 should have solved @WildLynx. Give it a try
  6. @Jeast Try upping KAS magnet forces, We had to up it quite a bit for the magnet in Zodius pack for KSP 1.1.x and new KAS for it to be working properly. Also the breaking force need to be upped quite a bit.
  7. It loads fine and I don't have any issues (apart from running out of EC) when moving it up and down on the launchpad.
  8. If your craft is mostly stock+IR you can post it here as well, I can test it on my test install.
  9. Ugh, your log is an Exceptionfest. You should update or remove outdated mods first (Trajectories, TweakScale and couple more). Second - you should try to reproduce on the minimal install (IR + mods essential for your craft) as your issue might actually be not related to wheel auto-struts but to some other mods interaction.
  10. That's exactly what I just fixed. Will PM you the link a bit later It's probably the infamous auto-struts. Can you post the log as well so I can double check?
  11. I've found some inconsistencies in handling rotating parts placed in symmetry mode. I believe it is actually one of the older issues, that was solved in code via band-aid patch instead of fixing the part itself (because we no longer have access to the part's original files). I've straightened it out by simplifying the code and removing the old patch, but you will notice that even after my fix Legacy parts (docking washer, rotatron) will rotate counterclockwise when you press right arrow and new parts from Zodius pack will rotate clockwise in the same situation. There is not much I can do about it, but it is easily solvable even for existing vehicles in flight via axis inversion. I've included this fix for the next update. If you want I can give you a new plugin DLL for tests.
  12. You are using KSP 1.1.0 which is outdated. Update your KSP and it should work Check the last link on my signature
  13. Ok, let me load the craft and check later today. By any chance did you set the limits in UI or in right-click menu?
  14. @Auranapse Tweakscale works fine with IR parts, don't be afraid to use it. Re: limits - can you check that servos remain inverted in flight (posiotion text in the UI should be yellow as well) I'll check your craft once I get to KSP
  15. What else did you expect? if you want more parts, check out recommended links in the OP and the last link on my signature.
  16. We do not handle our metadata on CKAN, but usually they are quite quick to pick up the updates. I suggest you poke them in CKAN thread.
  17. Parts in the video come from the parts pack by ZodiusInfuser, last link on my signature will lead you to the latest version. It is a WIP pack so some things might not work as you expected, but for a lot of us it works good. It is not on spacedock, only github or Curse. I'm not sure @sirkut uploaded the 2.0.3 to Curse, I'll remind him again.
  18. Try setting it and the next parameter (breakingTorque) to 1000000 and see how it affects the craft
  19. Try upping breakForce in part.cfg for that part.
  20. what if you attach a stock gigantor, will it detach as well?
  21. Can you show a picture of your craft? I'm not exactly sure I understand what the problem is.
  22. There are plenty of adapters in Zodius's parts, and you should use struts to keep things in place. You can use RoboStruts for launch (you can decouple them later once they are not needed anymore).
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