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Everything posted by Ziw

  1. Looks like it, from what I see in the docs http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/ForceMode.Impulse.html
  2. Do you apply force in every update or only once? If its the latter then ofc it would not work as expected. AddForce is meant to be maintained in each FixedUpdate to be meaningful, with the exception of Impulse type
  3. It is stock tooltip. IR's tooltips are different. Try hovering any part on the craft or in the left pane - it should go away.
  4. Most likely you, as like a dozen first-posters in this thread lately, use KSP version 1.1.0, which is not the latest version and is not compatible with IR 2.0.x Update your KSP and everything will work. Where do you even get KSP 1.1.0 nowadays? Then they will fix it the same way you did it - by updating their outdated mods and making proper clean installs.
  5. Emm... Didn't you say earlier your issue was solved after re-install, dude?
  6. Ok, I will take a look, but I don't have these in my install, so it would be not so easy to debug.
  7. Yes it is possible. You should watch the video on the OP, although the UI is from previous version, the functionality is still the same. To set a new default position, you should open the Presets window, add a desired new position as preset (if it is not added yet) and press the "Default Position" toggle button to set this new preset position as the default position.
  8. Do the IR and Sequencer work normally? Or you are having any issues?
  9. There is no such file in the Model Rework archive. Only Active Struts and Parts
  10. There is an updated version included with the repack available via last link on my signature. It has issues with free-attach but mostly works.
  11. Dear All, To avoid any issues with installation like @Tr1gg3r had, make sure your folder structure for IR and all related products is as follows (Active Struts might be anywhere in MSI folder to be honest):
  12. There is a bug with Safari&Mega interaction resulting in incorrectly downloaded files. Please try downloading using Chrome or Opera, and everything should work.
  13. I'll take a look later today, I don't have access to KSP at the moment. BTW they might not have the similar names, try sorting by Manufacturer
  14. The ring is not robotic, so it should be in your Utility folder. It is similar to bearing rotatron from Zodius pack where you have a non robotic part combined with robotic one. It seems your IR is not installed properly. Try to make a clean install (delete the folder completely and install fresh copy from github).
  15. This thing is not generated by IR for sure. Upload your KSP.log, so we can try to pinpoint what exactly spawns it.
  16. Please note that rover wheels (including mecanums) are not included, they require much more work than just a config update to work in 1.1.2 It is being worked on slowly, but if you want to help and have the time and skills (because I don't and Zodius is busy) - PM me or Zodius
  17. Hmm, some of our initialisation is done when MainMenu loads, but it seems that Quickstart loads the savegame for you before that initialisation actually finishes. Not much we can do here though, so let's wait, maybe someone else has a solution.
  18. a short video would help us help you, and a KSP.log as well.
  19. I believe you should've asked @ZodiusInfuser first before posting any repacks. This pack is not abandoned and he visits forums quite often. Moreover we have an 1.1.2 compatible repack already, with plugins updated and part configs fixed to accommodate for 1.1.x changes (IR and KAS related mostly)
  20. Why would you want them clutter the Utility category when we have a nice IR only custom category?
  21. IR 2.0.4 Fix the lazy-code edition Fixes mirror symmetry movement direction inconsistency between SPH/VAB and Flight mode. Thanks to @Auranapse Fixes servo range not showing right after toggling in UI for rotating parts, thanks to @Mogeley on github. More auto-struts handling fixes. Thanks to @Mine_Turtle and @Nimelrian https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/tag/2.0.4
  22. Just as I thought. Will push 2.0.4 update to github then, this issue seems critical.
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