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Everything posted by Ziw

  1. First one (re Coroutine) should be fixed in the next update. Second one (re assets loaded) - I need more details. Does the IR UI work with those messages? Do you have Sequencer installed? I need more info. Some better screenshots and a log as well. Alternatively give me the craft file and reproduction steps.
  2. You mean moving with action groups differs from moving using UI? You know you can invert movement direction on a per servo basis?
  3. you really must update your KSP and all your mods. You are still using KSP 1.1.0 and a bunch of outdated mods
  4. zip it, upload to some file sharing site (like dropdox, mega) and post a link here.
  5. Your problems seems not to be in the parts. Post a screenshot of a craft and a log.
  6. The last link in my signature points to a latest repack, but wheels are still broken.
  7. then we definitely need KSP.log file please upload it somewhere (like dropbox) and post a link here or in main IR thread A screenshot of your craft would help a lot as well
  8. You see the parts but they don't move or you don't see the parts? in both cases a log file would help us help you.
  9. Our Full zip includes old (dark) parts, and reworked parts by Zodius (white) could be found in the last link on my signature.
  10. oops, the icon somehow slipped through the cracks Will reupload the zip file on github and update the Curse zip later when we release 2.0.3 Edit: reuploaded the 2.0.2 on github, now it contains the icon
  11. Bearing parts are early WIP, but you can try using this pack below for stations It is quite old, but should still work.
  12. The wheels are not included in my pack for a reason (they need much more than a simple cfg fix).
  13. People did that in the past, so it is possible, just not as straightforward as you'd like (if you read last couple pages you'll see why)
  14. There is no need to apologize at all You tried to help and I thank you for that. BTW I suggest you grab that repack of Zodius parts I posted in his thread (check my signature)
  15. I'm afraid you misunderstood me, IR wheels from Zodius parts pack are still broken. This fix was for stock wheels attached to robotic crafts (like in this album posted before)
  16. If you'd be kind enough to read at least the last page of this thread you'd see the link to the download posted 5 posts above yours. You can also use the link to the post in my signature.
  17. @boywithumbrella, Bearing rotatron is for completely different use-case, you should not use it for wings. If I remember correctly the last '1' represents the size of the node. If that fails, you might try this tricky solution: 1) Install Sequencer 2) set up action group for toggling your struts 3) Create a sequence for wing rotation with several 3-5 degree steps, each time toggling the struts before and after movement, basically create your own animation 4) try the sequence in flight, this might help you keep wings strutted while animating the movement.
  18. @kujuman or anyone else experiencing wheel jitter - please try this dll (replace your existing InfernalRobotics.dll with this one), it uses a different approach for auto-strut removal and re-creation. https://mega.nz/#!ud1jRCaR!bwnIRog24Hc-PUOrhvN8bTB6o0RK37E4antzMnuTdgM Alternatively - post a craft file here, so I can test it myself
  19. You can try artificially increasing the node size of a hinge, maybe this will help. You can also try using big rotatron/washer and attach it differently
  20. We've added auto-strut removal for wheels in 2.0.2, but it should only affect craft when you move servos. Let me know if it's not the case.
  21. With @ZodiusInfuser's permission I'm proud to present a repack of latest beta release https://mega.nz/#!rdlHkLAJ!ZizDvd8s7zCIG529FtO8b7wM0avJ8yC3pldIaf6BGFw This pack has updated configs to accommodate for latest IR 2.x and IRS 1.x changes and has most parts from beta, except wheels and mecanums, because they need much more than just a config fix. Also in this pack there is an experimental build of ActiveStruts, but please DON'T use the FreeAttach functionality, or it might crash your game. Use TargetAttach or StraightUp attach. Updated version of IRSurfaceSampler plugin was kindly provided by @DMagic himself, so it should work with our surface sampler part in 1.1.2 EDIT: Alternate link for those who cannot use Mega https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9f5PHcywXQINzQ3UC1aLVNBZk0/view?usp=sharing
  22. Check your PM, this discussion would be a bit too technical for this thread I'm afraid Although it is not requested as much, as it can be done with 2 existing parts now, I do want to make a ball joint free moving part possible with IR.
  23. If you open the part.cfg file of a part you are interested in look for keyRotateSpeed - this will bee speed in degrees per second. "Speed" parameter in the UI is the multiplier that is applied to this basic speed.
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