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Everything posted by Ziw

  1. Monobhaviours and classes derived from them are not meqnt to be created via 'new' keyword in Unity. They are meant to be instantiated via AddComponent on a relevant GameObject. Moreover when you named a method OnGUI in your second class it made Unity call it automatically. So when you call it again in another class's OnGUI you have problems. THirdly you dont need the IF befor GUI.DragWindow, it is handled automatically I do recommed studying new Unity 5 UI and using it instead of ongui calls - it makes much more sense.
  2. For this kinds of loads only struts will help. You should try using quantum struts or wait until we update active struts.
  3. Can you make IR button visible in Toolbar (blizzy)? Did you clean install or update? can you check with stock+IR on a separate install?
  4. Latest 2.0.2 update fixes that as well, so you no longer have to do it.
  5. Rotating parts do create the force because... physics I'm not sure about KeepFit, it is out of the scale of our mod. If KeepFit accommodates for artificial gravity via rotation, then it should work with IR as well.
  6. No. Did you move the uncontrolled hinges in editor prior to flight? EDIT: Yes, i see the missed check in the code. For now you can change scene or quicksave/load and they will stop consuming EC. You should then open the editor mode and move all the uncontrolled parts to a different group to avoid the same issue starting again when you move your normal servos. I'll issue a fix later today.
  7. Using WWW class is really easy for asset bundles, basic loader is like 30 lines of code taken directly from U ity docs with minimal adjustments
  8. Usually CKAN people are quick to catch up, so I hope soon
  9. I had the same problem, ended up writing my own Loader following the examples in the Unity docs. Feel free to check out the source code of IR, file is UIAssetsLoader.cs in GUI folder
  10. Actually we might need some help with a couple short gifs (15 seconds should be enough) for our forum thread to show some Sequencer features and what it is capable of. Can you make some and post them here and I'll link them in the OP?
  11. Pushed new update, mostly recompile for 1.1.2 and restored AGX functionality alongside some other fixes https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/IR-Sequencer/releases/tag/1.0-rc1
  12. No, unless you need them. Some parts, like gantries, do not have an analogue on Rework pack yet.
  13. Infernal Robotics 2.0.1 - The Zodfix Release This small patch addresses some small UI and QoL related issues. Compiled for KSP 1.1.2 UI Windows are now clamped to screen on initialisation, so you will not loose them if you change resolution or move them of the screen accidentally IR Build Aid now shows all the presets in a more clean way IR Build Aid color scheme is now more in line with IR color scheme Added option to toggle IR Build Aid for the group of servos Fixed a bug that made Settings window invisible Fixed a bug with uncontrolled hinges loosing orientation after scene change Fixes to avoid wheel auto-struts get in the way of IR moving parts Fixes for mirror symmetry parts not working. This fix might invert some parts' default movement direction, but it is easily fixed by inverting the axis where needed. Some other very minor changes. Core zip only includes an updated version of plugin and related files and is a recommended way of updating. Full zip also includes Legacy Parts in case you need them. https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/tag/2.0.1
  14. Please wait couple hours, this should be fixed in the new version
  15. You can invert the part's rotation direction in Editor UI by going into advanced mode (Cog shaped icon) and toggling the invert axis button Alternatively you can right-click the servo and toggle axis inversion from there.
  16. Hmm, UI should not allow you to delete all groups. Will add more checks. EDIT: Although I could not reproduce it on my system. Can you describe how you managed to do it? Re: cycling: If we are talking about unlimited rotation parts (like Rotatron with default settings) then pressing `Next Preset` when you are on the last preset position should move the part to the first preset position on the next rotation (it should not go backwards, but instead continue rotation till it hits the first preset).
  17. Ok, I was able to reproduce, but unfortunately not much I can do. Our joints are managed in FixedUpdate (physics ticks), but when you do 4x physics warp some updates get skipped, so you see joints under load drift away. In your case your craft is quite heavy, so it goes to a certain extreme, but in most cases it is not that bad. I do have some other ideas, involving locking the joints completely while they are idle, but it requires some substantial code changes and therefore needs much more testing. Will keep you updated. Thanks to @NathanKell, who left important methods public, I've added the code that handles the auto-struts on wheels transparently, by disabling the strut when movement is necessary and recreating it afterwards. This needs more testing, but I'll push the release really soon for everyone to try on their crafts. Also I've fixed the mirror symmetry on all parts including the uncontrolled ones. There is one thing though - due to some changes in Physx in Unity 5, in order for uncontrolled part to function properly both ends of it need to have a regular part attached somewhere (like fuel tank or structural fuselage) and not only physics-less ones (batteries or octagonal struts and etc) as the latter are not simulated and thus do not move the joint. Thank you. We try.
  18. Was it physics warp or normal warp? Can you post a picture?
  19. It is because Mr Zodius is a perfectionist (which is good, thanks to him our mod has such a polished UI and thought through user interaction mechnics). He wants his pack to be complete and perfect before including it into main IR release, but unfortunately he does not have time to finish it right now. We might have some good news on that front though soon (tm).
  20. Most likely problem lies in IR itself. Will fix it after I'm back to my PC on Wednesday.
  21. I'll try to write a code that will disable auto-strutting on a per-vessel basis, but this would be a fallback solution if I fail.
  22. @Nommykins I dont have access to KSP for couple days, but if you post your craft here, someone else might be able to help you. The part itself seems to work, it is just jammed by something that is attached to the main body.
  23. We are very careful here about backwards compatibility, so I'd say yes. Just avoid known issues and you'll be fine. I do recommend using Zodius parts where you can, as they are most likely to get updates in the future To all: I hope to get my hands on 1.1.2 on Tuesday, so we should push the new version with a lot of fixes sometime next week.
  24. Only legs/wheels and exotic parts (struts, surface sampler and etc) have issues, everything else works
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