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Everything posted by Denko666

  1. What i do is build a station first then build the endurance in space, using Extraplanetary Launchpad. You may want to try Throttle Controlled Avionics mod.
  2. Ultimately adding it to ckan is of course your choice. yor reasoning for not to is however, to put it mildly, irrational. ckan is released under the MIT license, and its source code is freely available on github. same license that is used for the majority of mods btw... the airships mod has no source code public, and is releases as 'all rights reserved' iow: not open source by a long shot. ckan is there to provide ease of use. even if a mod is available on it, the end user can still choose to not use ckan ans install it manually. and just as it is your prerogative to install mods manually, it is just as much everyone else's to use ckan or not. by not enabling the option you are forcing everyone else to do things your way. effectively robbing people their freedom of choice. for myself: i'll be doing the only other option open and that is not to install your mod. with more then 130 mods installed i am not wasting my time on managing installation, dependency checking and updating manually.
  3. And yet, its not marked as submitted for ckan in spacedock... So i guess people will keep asking until it pops up in ckan. 'Cause now that evrryone has virtually unlimited memory to load mods... Ckan has become a necessity to manage that multitude of mods and dependencies.
  4. Also got an issue to report: whenever a craft has a procedural part in it, the mass of that part starts counting up as soon as it loads. Ex.: a little craft of 10t weighed 10000t in a few minutes time. When the vessel info is shown with mechjeb, you actually see the mass going up.
  5. Uhm, I think u need to check your config. I'm running SteamOS (Debian Jessy) and KSP works fine. Not counting some hickups due to bugs in mods. (I got the Exception Detection mod installed for that)
  6. I got a question: what is the correct way to use the truss connectors? 'cause they don't want to snap together.
  7. Yup, got the same. RCS and SAS dont show on the navbal. And 30 to 40 exceptions per second. They are thrown by: trajectories.navballoverlay.setdisplayenabled And trajectories.autopilot.update Sorry to have to tell u...
  8. Thought of it: yes but i didn't already because i wanted to give Sophia (previous maintainer) a chance to either return to maintaining the mod or give me her blessing on taking over. I PMd Sophia, but so far i havent heard from her.
  9. Kerbalstuff is closed, permanently. Spacedock.info is the new place to go. or use ckan...?
  10. Updated the mod to KSP version 1.1.2 (untested)... them Squad members are keeping us busy...
  11. Yay, things to fix The radial attaching thing i'll look into. This has changed between 1.0.5 and 1.1 The different caps come from previous maintainers, and their functionality has changed according. One of the reasons there are more then u can place is because somewhere in the mod's history you could choose between the fully EC powered QV drive and a xenon fueled one. The caps in front could then be swapped to allow xenon extraction from Jool's outer atmosphere. The 2 lookalike engines is just me toying with ideas i got from watching videos from NASA about alternative means of propulsion. The resource requirements will probably change in comming updates as i revamp the whole fuel/resource flow for the IXS. As for the lights in the windows,... I have no clue how to do that, so that will take some time to do. No warpship should ever have 2 warpdrives. There is a warpdrive ring and a warpdrive support ring. When i'm done with the resource overhaul, you will need both to make the warpdrive work. So... I take these in as issues: - make parts radial attachable - light-up windows - rework resource flow - diversify the thrusters
  12. I find things suspiciously quiet in here,... Either there are indeed no bugs worth mentioning or everyone has /ragequit...
  13. Bah, i know K. Yeon can't help it and i do agree rl comes first. But his absence couldn't be more inconvenient. Also, the 1.8 version looks nice, but as already mentioned 1.7 is already perfect. Why mess with success.... Personally i don't care for 1.8 parts. I just need 1.7 to work with ksp1. 1 so... I guess i'll need to update them myself. 1 thing i cannot find though is the source code of version 1.7. Anyone know where K. Yeon keeps it? Here's why i'm impatient : https://www.flickr.com/gp/112822178@N08/0rB4t0
  14. Mod is posted to Spacedock, CKAN option enabled. This takes version 0.3.3 public, it is by no means finished... but it should be functional enough to enjoy in KSP 1.1 Should any hiccups occur, please submit a ticket on the github page, and i'll look into it asap.
  15. Hey Stevie_D! Glad you approve, i don't want to step on anyone's toes. But with 1.1 out, i felt the IXS just couldn't be left stuck on version 1.0.5. I'm very excited to hear you're working on a revamp! Are you redoing the models too? (any chance on a sneak preview?) I watched the modelling tutorial for ksp, but i'm just not the artistic type. Haven't tried it, but i probably could do simple models using OpenSCAD. But i'm just interested in keeping the mod compatible and functional. On that last bit, i was pondering on how to better integrate the IXS with other mods and most importantly leveraging Community Resources. The EC to XM conversion feels a bit like a cheat. so i was considering the following : split functionality for drive and xm conversion between the 2 rings. i think this was already so at some point in the mod's history. Then: use the Tocamac/Arc reactor (housed in the main hull) principle to essentially make more EC out of EC from the solar panels + some resource to keep the reaction going. that boosted EC is then used to power a miniature Large Hadron Collider in the secondary ring to bombard electrons into or out of a second resource in order to form the XM needed by the warp drive. so the chain would be: ec + resource1 (ex: argon) = boosted ec (thinking 1.21gigawatt ;)) + resource2 (xenon? uranium? Ore?...) = xm. Then the pods sitting in front of the lab and crew quarter could like be able to extract trace ammounts of 1 or 2 of the resources from space, or maybe outer atmosphere layers of planets (like what Sophia did with the jool gas). or 1 of the resources needs to be mined from a planet or asteroid, which is where one of those pods on top and at the bottom of the ship (which never got modelled) would play a role. Do you have plans for the functional part of your revamped version? maybe we can sync the 2 designs in that regard? grtz, Denko
  16. Version 0.3.3 beta is up. Alcubierre drive is now using RoverDude's Alcubierre Warpdrive (standalone). So make sure u have that mod also installed. Please use GitHub issues tracking for the project: https://github.com/bartblommaerts/warpship/issues That should keep things organised for me (srsly, i need to keep it organised, so use it). Happy testing!
  17. My thoughts too,... i'm only just beginning with modding. And i don't want to re-invent the wheel. I'm sure that by using RoverDude's module to make these parts work we're that much closer to keeping this mod up to date and relevant. But even by using his mod, i'll need some time to get my head around coding for this thing. Why? 'cause i'm a sysadmin Jim, not a developer. This mod used to be on CKAN,.... if anyone knows how to get that up to date again and can tell me how i should package for making it work with CKAN. That would really help me out. I'm only 1 guy and as any woman can tell you... guys can't multitask. (on their own, thats why we travel in packs)
  18. i know why no functionality is showing up. with 1.1 there are more libraries to import. But with the new libraries in place i do get build errors. More specifically in the Warpdrive module. I feel inclined to revert to reference Roverdude's Warpdrive module from the Alcubiere Drive mod, instead of trying to fix this. What do you guys think?
  19. I don't see a button to open/close the bay door in the command pod. I'll need to check that out... Solar panels in the main hull seem to work tho.
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