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Everything posted by SlabGizor117

  1. I have no comm connection even on my relay sats, let alone on the ground. I don't know if any mods are involved in messing this up but no matter what antennae I put on my craft. What can I do about it?
  2. Well by the time you get to a shell around a core you're deep into sci-fi. Especially if it was used in Star Wars you wouldn't have much to worry about as far as orbital mechanics are concerned since everything flies around like a fighter.
  3. So there's a mod that adds a planet named Inaccessible, which rotates at a faster speed than its escape velocity. This means that, in a counter clockwise orbit, decreasing your orbital velocity will increase your surface velocity, and decreasing your surface velocity to catch up with the planet's rotation will put you on an escape trajectory. Though already hard to do, the easiest solution is to land on the poles, but you could also land on the equator with a constant Radial-In burn to bend your escape trajectory down to the planet's surface, and then clamp yourself to it with some kind of harpoon, like KAS, so that you don't fly off. Because of the rotation, when you're on a planet you, for all intents and purposes, experience negative Gs, throwing you off the planet. So I showed this video by Scott Manley to my dad: And he brought up a really good point about it that the planet must have the shear strength to keep from tearing itself apart in order to stay as a planet, or else each layer would separate from another because they're spinning at different velocities. And this gave me a really cool idea for some kind of crazy Star Wars planet; What if the outer layers separated from the inner, creating a gap between the core(not the actual core, but the inner 2/3 or so of the planet) and the crust, and the core spun at a low enough rate for it to have gravity, while the crust spun fast enough to expand somewhat and create a few miles of gap between the two, and have artificial gravity on the inside, so that the planet could be colonized on the surface of the "core" and the inside of the crust? Then, in the middle between the two, what if there was a ring station in orbit of the core that rotated in sync with the crust, and the gap between the two had an atmosphere? So then they could drill giant holes in the crust for ships to get to the station. How cool would it be from the perspective of the inside of the crust to see a Star Destroyer come through a big hole(with a shielded entrance to keep the atmosphere in) and dock at the station way above you? That'd be awesome.
  4. I have no way to get my Pe where it needs to be and keep it in the same spot over Minmus because if I move my Pe the orbit will no longer be synchronous and I'll crash into the highlands before I can get to my Pe to synchronize it again. As for what you said to @bewing, I saw no implication that there was any trickery involved with keeping the station in orbit as far as game mechanics are concerned, it seemed like it was stable in any case to me.
  5. That sounds super complicated and I'm having a hard time putting that together in my head. Here's what I found on the reddit comment thread, tell me if it'd be easier. "step 1: capture by Minmus. step 2: kill eccentricity and circularize. step 3: wait until above the greater flats (and optionally until the flats are in the sun, since we'll be passing by there about the same time every day). step 4: burn prograde until your SMA is 417.941km or close to that value. step 5: wait about an hour, then correct your periapse to about 0m with a radial out burn. Clean up your SMA/orbital period with pro/retro burns if necessary. Step 6: as you get close to the peri again, adjust your approach with radial in/out burns. RCS is highly recommended. Pure radial burns will keep your SMA and thus your orbital period the same. Since your radial/anti-radial vectors move as you perform the burns and your vessel will track these nodes imperfectly as they do so, some small deviations will be introduced. As long as you correct your SMA directly after performing the burn these deviations will not have a big effect on your orbit or true anomaly."
  6. So I saw this gif: And I wanted to put a station in a skimming orbit like this. I found out the guy who did it put his station in a Minmus Synchronous orbit with his Pe on the surface and his Ap high enough to give him an orbital period equal to Minmus' rotation. I have mine in a Minmus synchronous orbit but it has a high Pe. The problem is if I lower it to get my Pe where I want it so I can extend my Ap to keep it synchronous, the lower Pe is no longer Synchronous and the planet moves from where it was under my Pe before and I crash into the highlands before I can extend my Ap to keep it synchronous. How do I time that so that I can survive till I get my Pe down to where I want it? Also how can I tweak it so that my Pe is in the exact spot I want without taking my orbit out of sync?
  7. Yes, and the cannon, as well as the height that you launch from on that cannon, replaces your ascent. So launching from the tower is your circularization burn.
  8. Oh, good idea putting it on the highest point, I didn't think about that. I just thought I was gonna have to build a 5.2km tower from the flats.
  9. Dude this is making me really mad. The tweakable bar for the limits on rotatrons and other hinges doesn't increase evenly, I can't get a perfect 90 it's either 89 or 91. It's super annoying and it needs to be fixed, ideally in increments of 5 degrees. Also, Rotatrons are placed radially with opposite directions of rotation even when placed with mirror symmetry.
  10. A command pod with an SRB filled with just enough fuel to get into orbit.
  11. So I was thinking earlier about how I had a low Minmus orbit station that I could transfer Kerbals on EVA from my base to the station, and realized that I could use Newton's cannon idea to put a craft in orbit of Minmus without a circularization burn or ascent. The minimum orbit altitude equatorially is about 5.2km, and I thought that I could use some tweakscaled extendatrons to make the tower smaller and easier to handle. If the extend to twice their length, I'll only need 2.6km, which is about the length of the runway. Obviously I was gonna cheat it onto Minmus. So how do you think that'll work? It'll be cool to see the craft come back around and skim the top of the tower.
  12. So I put the .exe patcher into my (C:) > Progams > KSP_win64 file and it's saying that it's in the wrong file. Am I doing something wrong?
  13. Nice job, looks good. Biplanes are fun to build.
  14. Oh really? I didn't know they weren't calculated, that helps. Sometimes I like using fuel tanks rather than structural parts, like Mk2 and Mk3 parts.
  15. If I want to use a fuel tank for aesthetic or structural purposes and I empty it, I don't want the fuel gauge on the bottom left or the resources panel to show that I'm not full on fuel. Also, PLEASE fix the part placing of angled elevons on angled wings. Or any elevons on angled wings at that.
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