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Everything posted by SlabGizor117

  1. So I already posted before about my uncontrollable shuttle and came up with no solution. I installed Mechjeb to try and do an automatic ascent and that was just worse. It always rolls right off the bat with no discernable goal in which way it wants to point. Just back and forth. It's even gone West before. I don't understand what the crap the deal is with this. I added a probe core rotated sideways in the same way that rockets in the VAB are turned, but it makes no difference. How am I supposed to get a decent flight path out of Mechjeb for my shuttle? By now I'm convinced it's the only way it'll be usable.
  2. I don't think I can target the moon and burn at inclination nodes, so I dunno what to do. EDIT: Nevermind, I can use KER to do it.
  3. I spend time talking about the game's concepts because it's a good tool to explain physics with and though it's inaccurate between Kerbin and Earth for example, the concepts I explained still apply. You know I don't know if you're trying to help with that but it definitely doesn't help me. You're right, I didn't think about that. Saying it that way makes more sense though.
  4. A. The title is a joke, B. That's not an insult, C. It's most definitely about real life because I'm using the game to explain how real life rockets work. What a horrible person I am for using a maneuver node to explain everything well instead of describing Normal, Anti-Normal, Radial in and Radial out all in text. It's NOT a game tutorial, it's a post about physics, as clearly stated. I used the maneuver node to be more clear about what each maneuver does. See above explanation. Is it really that hard to understand that I'm using the game to explain how physics work and not making a post about the game??
  5. So if I press Add New, what am I looking for? I did some weird stuff with my install because I got it from the website, I have it set up as a non steam game in my Steam library so the launcher and the KSP.exe icon themselves are not in the game folder for some reason, if Steam has anything to do with it. I don't even know if that's what I'm looking for though. I got it from the old thread for CKAN though because the new thread isn't there.
  6. I've seen plenty of posts just as involved as mine if not more on the front page.. It's annoying.
  7. Let me know what you think! http://imgur.com/gallery/Rp40E Sucks that I'm getting downvoted, though.
  8. I looked everywhere and found nothing asymmetrical
  9. Ok, yet another problem, the shuttle still yaws after disabling yaw and roll gimbal, meaning I basically have no yaw control on the shuttle, other than RCS. EDIT: So I chose after messing up my launch to land and to my surprise when I landed it still had that left hand yaw. Looking at the Aero overlay(and taking a bunch of pictures on steam), the tailfin was producing lots of lift, which is really weird. Glitch? EDIT 2: Tried it with that really tiny little basic fin to see what happens and it still has a yaw. Testing with no vertical stabilizer now. Also launched with no SAS and I dunno if it's the same effect but by the time it nosed into the runway it only had a slight left roll. Probably the same thing happening. EDIT 3: Still yaws even with no stabilizer. WHYYYYYY MEEE EDIT 4: So the best I can tell is that when the SAS pitches down to account for the pitch up of the uneven thrust it induced a slight roll for some reason which brings it off the 90 and as it goes too far the other way and brings it back it rolls back the other way so that it keeps going north. Then gravity takes over and pulls the nose down. Launching without SAS does the same thing when you manually pitch down. Launching and then letting the shuttle nose back to the ground ends with the shuttle at a slight left roll as well. I don't understand what's causing this, I even disabled roll on every control surface.
  10. Oh u rite. Maybe that'll fix my yaw drift problem then, if Slashy is right about what's causing it. Noice!
  11. Ok. Well I brought the gimbal range down to 70 and that helped and I turned off the tailfin yaw but I still have that yaw drift. I don't understand why it's doing that. And it turns everything into a big mess to try and correct it because yaw on such a weird vehicle as you know is just an absolute nightmare. I did realize however that when possible it helps alot to set it to align to prograde. I wish there was an autopilot to control roll and yaw so you would be left to only deal with pitch.
  12. Wait... Correct me if I'm wrong but if the SRBs are lined up with the CoM of the External Tank and the Vectors are lined up with the CoM of the shuttle by itself then everything will work itself out, correct? Also I don't like having to angle the shuttle. Can I do it just veritcally? I don't mind if the Vectors push me backwards till I nose back enough. EDIT: One more question. What's causing that yaw drift? I don't have any symmetry that I know of causing one sided drag.
  13. I don't think you can disable individual gimbal directions on engines.
  14. Huh, interesting point. I never thought about deactivating it. What if I need it for maneuvering during reentry and landing? Also yeah how am I gonna balance my CoT to account for liftoff configuration, booster seperation, and payloads?
  15. So what about the tailfin being so far off the CoM? Does that cause problems when yawing? Also if I turn down my gimbal range that'll give me big problems when the CoT and CoM shift as the ET runs out of fuel and I drop my SRBs. What am I gonna do if I have to balance the CoT for liftoff and SRB seperation, and then I add the CoM shifts of a payload??
  16. So I'm working on building a classic space shuttle but I have ridiculous stability problems. It drifts off of exact east for no reason and any attempt to correct it induces roll and it's all downhill from there because when the SAS system take priority away from keeping the shuttle from immediately nosing to the horizon(thrust vector isn't quite worked out yet) to deal with my command input then ever roll and yaw just drops the nose further towards the ground. I have a video uploading to YouTube now that I'll edit in to show more, but in the meantime I have two questions: 1. I think part of it is that my yaw controls are off center. The vector engines are obviously way out of whack for yaw, and the tailfin is super high above the CoM. Should I put hidden control surfaces in for yaw? What else could I do for that? 2. How can I fix my thrust vector so that I'm not constantly wanting nose down, but then keep stable after I lose my SRBs? How can I have one without the other?? I'll edit when I finish uploading the video, it's taking a while. EDIT: Video! I'm not sure if you can see my frustration at the end there, but Suffice it to say Val preferred suicide to landing the shuttle safely. Watch the navball and how everything snowballs as I try to correct stuff. This is without payload by the way. Lord help me if I ever tried that.
  17. So I can't weld any parts with crew hatches on them? Because I'm building a space station made of mostly crew hatched parts. Does that also include mk1 passenger parts which have hatches on the ends but aren't exposed when lined up?
  18. Yeah I was thinking about adding more solar panels but it's already a very long, narrow type of station so I don't wanna go too far. An escape pod is a good idea, though
  19. http://imgur.com/gallery/oqYJP Let me know what you think, I need suggestions on how to expand the front end and what else I could add. I want a small degree of asymmetry with it, which I'm going to do with the tunnel on one side from the shuttle dock to the hub(see post for explanation). Let me know what you think! By the way I didn't embed it because Imgur's website format is much better IMO for looking at these albums.
  20. So ALG is out the window for a while I guess? What about BDA? Is Bahamuto working on it for 1.2?
  21. Wasn't 100% sure, thanks. Can you tell me anything about adjustable landing gear and BDA? I can't find any info on it.
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