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Everything posted by SlabGizor117

  1. I'm not interested in restoring it, it's my grandmothers, only in freeing the bolt for "the fun of it", being able to do more than just look at it, so my question was whether it would be a bad idea to use a dremel for it. The bolt is only welded with one small weld that would probably be fine after you cleaned it up. As for where I found it, it's been hanging on the wall as long as I remember, and I think my grandmother said it was from an antique shop, thus why it was welded. I know it's not an M1, the bolt is different and it's also lever action anyways, but it looks to be around that time. I've never seen anything like it, so it may be a more obscure gun.
  2. I know this is a bad place for it, but I don't know where else to go. So here's the album: http://imgur.com/a/xeKk2 The pictures are opposite of what they should be but I'm on mobile, sorry. In the first picture, there are three markings on the top and each sides of the barrel there. One side says Trent, the top says P.F. In fancy writing and on the right it says KN 891. Any ideas? I assume it's American and I suspect it's some 7.62 marksman rifle. Any ideas? Also, the bolt is welded to the receiver and however the magazine works, I believe something there is welded too. Would it be a bad idea to dremel it or something so hat I could get the bolt to open and close?
  3. Mine was when I sent my Space Shuttle to my fuel station for a crew exchange. The fuel station was a main fuselage of the crew cabin and fuel tanks, and then on the side were two fuel tanks with large docking ports for sending fuel pods up to the station to dock and refuel the station. On the other two sides were girders with medium and small docking ports. My plan was for the medium docking port on the dorsal section of the shuttle to dock with the medium docking port on the end of the girder. There were, as I remembered, two small docking ports on each side of the girder. Well turns out I was wrong. It was two medium ports on the sides of the girder and one small one on the end. So that left me with the large docking port in the bay of the shuttle. My plan was to dock to the fuel "nacelles" on the side of the station, with the cargo bay hugging the sides around it. It was a perfect fit with the shuttle bay, all until I realized... The top of the crew cabin was up higher than the docking port in the cargo bay. So the cabin hit the station before the docking port was aligned, and I was all sad that my genius Apollo 13 -esque solution ended in failure.. and I just EVA'ed the crew over instead. Makes sense, you shouldn't be able to transfer crew through a fuel tank, but I still wanted my idea to work. It was pretty anticlimactic...
  4. I like the ideas, thanks guys. In other news, I just made a manned Apollo 8-ish Duna mission to orbit and come back, but I may not have enough fuel, so it looks like I'm gonna be sending a probe to refuel it, but, it has no docking port(I knew I should've put one on!), so hopefully I can use the claw. You can transfer fuel through the claw, right? RIGHT??!! Here's my duna trip: http://imgur.com/G3yZUFO
  5. While it may be visually possible, practically, most likely not. In real life as well, you would have no stable orbit other than a perfectly equatorial one, which would be very hard to achieve in an interplanetary transfer. Cool idea though.
  6. The title says it all. I don't know where else I would post this by the way, so I'm putting it here. I'm really kinda stuck in KSP without it. What's the deal with it?
  7. Probably. My normal shuttle lifts itself fine with the three Vectors.
  8. Cool ideas guys, keep 'em coming. Also, I don't always have the patience for big projects, so if you can think of any smaller fun things to do, that would be nice. Thanks!
  9. Thanks for the ideas! I have only been to Duna once on an unmanned one way lander, but Career with Life Support and Remote Tech sounds fun!
  10. Cool, thanks for the pics. I never really bother with career because I don't have the patience for such a limitation and the contracts bore me. Maybe I can get into it with all the changes they've been making with it.. Most of the time I try a no death and then inevitably die and ragequit. Maybe I can make use of "F5 simulations".. Keep the inspiration coming!
  11. So yeah, as I said I'm kinda getting bored with the few ideas I have, because I do them and they don't work and I don't have the patience to see them through to the end, or I'm just not good enough at the game for it. For example, I was building a lot of fighter planes with BDArmory, but I ran out of ideas for designs, or I wanted to make an ODST Drop Pod from Halo that could work as an escape pod from a space station, but I didn't even have a space station in my Sandbox save. So here's my ideas: Fighter planes and ODST Pods, as mentioned before, and another thing was from a hype picture for Mk III parts, where a shuttle had it's EFT docked at the nose, and the EFT had its own wings. But that's it, so for me and other people who have lost their inspiration, post your ideas here!
  12. So I'm still having the same problem, with four categories of the same BDA parts and it's not detecting my weapons manager. I tried redownloading BDA and the whole game. I have Adjustable landing gear, Tweakscale, RCSBA, KJR, and obviously BDA. Any suggestions?
  13. ooh, I think that's it.. I can't find a clip of it though. Thanks though! EDIT: That was it! Thanks, I've been looking for this for so long!
  14. My grandpa was able to see a shuttle launch once in person. Doesn't matter that much how close you are. He said you can watch it in all the IMAX you want with your stereo blasting those SRBs out, but you'll never be the same when you're there to feel the ground shake and the sound of it. If you have a chance, do it. I live in Florida and I never even have, but if you can, you won't regret it.
  15. All I remember is a scene where the guy is on a big giant platform, I think on the side of a mountain. I think an old guy has his hand on his shoulder, and then he walks up to the end of the platform to a chopping block where he's about to get executed. Then his friend jumps up with a bunch of other guys from on the side of the platform and saves him, but ends up taking his place at the chopping block, and I think he gets out of it too. Anyone remember? I know this is really off topic for ksp forums, but I don't have an account anywhere else to ask about it. Thanks! EDIT: I think it was animated too, like a Disney movie, if that makes any difference.
  16. Hey I have a problem. BDArmory has all the parts there, but there are four categories filled with the same parts. Also, it's not detecting my weapon manager. the toolbar button says it's not there, and even if I right click and press open GUI on the weapon manager, it says it's not there. Help?
  17. Thanks, but I meant, would it work the same if it was clipped into the cabin?
  18. Ok, so everything is there but the weapon manager isn't working. I clicked on the BDA button in the top right and it said there was no weapon manager. I right clicked the weapon manager and clicked Open GUI and it did the same thing, saying there was no weapon manager. What the heck is going on?
  19. Ok, so I downloaded it from KerbalStuff and it had everything in it... I'll try it and see what happens.
  20. Basically the title says it all. I installed it by dragging the "BDArmory-master" file into GameData, and that's what I got. There are four tabs on the menu that say BDArmory weapons, but they have no icons and no parts in them. Help? D: EDIT: I should add that all that's in that file is a BahaTurret file, .gitattributes, .gitignore, and a README, and I couldn't find any files of the parts in the mod. I got it from GitHub, maybe I didn't get the complete mod?
  21. Ok, so if I attach canards at the front for more control(which by the way would be clipped as I believe they still work like that and I really wanna keep the realism), that'll move the CoL forward. So what could I do to move the CoM forward as well, without adding the complication of fuel to have to pump around or something like that? Just clip full unused fuel tanks in the cabin also? Again, would canards in the front still do their job as control surfaces? Or do they only count for lift? Great reply by the way, thanks for your help!
  22. I meant where on the shuttle. I know what adapter you're talking about since you already posted the link. Where is it? Also, That makes sense to have the CoM closer to the cargo bay, thanks
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