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    Bug Hunter Extraordinaire

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  1. You were correct in you initial assessment of the missing field, but i believe the config for Eve is also missing a Atmosphere node for the planet and is probably the source of the second issue even with the correct type variable. The config for Mun is also missing a type field, although it should be type = Vacuum. From looking at the files the mod seems very incomplete. Eve also has no Ocean node though i can not judge the intention of that. Maybe the author intends for the config to be usable as is, but I don't think the are complete enough for general use YMMV.
  2. hi @Alex Starlight, Really appreciate the mod just wanted to give some feedback. With this mod installed I am unable to scroll the advanced filters, the ones hidden and revealed by the arrow at the top of the filters left of the basic categories. Without the mod you can set you mouse anywhere in the advanced filters and use the scroll wheel to scroll the list up and down, or left click to drag the list up and down. With the mod install the list wont scroll unless you have the pointer precisely between the filter squares in the 2-3 pixels space between them making scrolling very cumbersome and frustrating. I hope the issue can be resolved because I really enjoy using your mod. Happy to test an fixes if that helps. Thanks!
  3. @rockmeowstar I was wondering if you could fix the textures of the storage containers of the KIS mod found here. They appear fully glossy and have a mirror finish which looks strange TBH. I haven't found another mod that has nice inventory containers like these. I know your more focused on fixing glass/window textures, so if this is beyond your scope I understand. Thank you either way for your work thus far!
  4. The difference is; when the periapsis parts were made the creator named that part of the part thrust_transform not trustTransform. So when you told the game to give that part a plume it was trying to find a not existent part of the part, AKA misnamed. In the future when making configs for a part it is always a good idea to check the parts original CFG file to ensure proper naming conventions. it isn't often that people use their own naming convention, but every time I have had an issue like you did that was the cause. I found the solution for you by doing eactly that I went to the original CFG file and went to the ModuleEngines module and checked what the thrustVectorTransformName was set to. Hope that makes sense.
  5. The thrust transform for the part you are working on is different than the config you copied from. @pr4ger Change thrustTransform -> thrust_transform
  6. Love the mod. I have a request. I was wondering if you can make it so the float for detail is saved/loaded? I keep having to modify the value when painting. Thanks
  7. Have either of you told the people who run CKAN? It occurs to me that they might be more inclined to assist since your issue wouldn't be without CKAN...
  8. What is it you think that engine, the d-30, can do that the stock jet engines don't do? If you are looking to match performance of the real thing then trying to avoid AJE is like missing the point of AJE. Which is to model the IRL performance as best we can. I say this because how this mod works is it just clones the stock jet model for the turboJet and uses AJE to give it the stats it need to be like the engine IRL. without AJE i don't know what you would gain from making another jet engine when we have a turbojet and turboramjet already.
  9. From my own experience of making aset iva's I think it can only be done in unity. You can use blender to make and edit part, but not IVAs AFAIK YMMV. The guide for unity setup you linked looks correct to me. As far as details regarding props and the cfgs for them. I would look at the RPM github and see if there is documentation to help you. As far as action sets. I don't think there was any props were made after they were added to the game. So i don't think there is a way to see or control from IVA only. It may require code updating in RPM for it to even be possible.
  10. IF you add this MM patch it will fix the clamps in the editor. @PART[launchClamp1]:AFTER[Restock] { @MODULE[ModuleRestockLaunchClamp] { %instancingEnabled = false } }
  11. I have this installed but what "prop search bar..." are you referencing?
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