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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. Hey Lofi, out of curiosity if this is about the hitch and time warp. I had a thought yesterday. BD made Burn Together.... In Burn Together you have two separate ships that are controlled in tandem. Now not exactly helpful yet but.... In Burn Together you can time warp with the two ships and they stay in specific spots. I recall BD having an issue like what you described where the vehicle and payload drifting apart and then slamming back together. He corrected this and his fix may be something that could help you out. Maybe not but it was an idea.
  2. I haven't tried shooting the explosives.... There was also an older mod called "Kertex" I think. It had remote C4. And for those interested. Darren9 and I made some progress on the weapon mod. you need KIS BD Armory and Spanners Boomstick. But try it out and let us/me know if you have any issues not already noted. THIS IS A WIP TREAT IT AS SUCH http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114508-Advanced-aircraft-Screenshots-and-building-techniques?p=2075851#post2075851
  3. Well a full size Rotatron works pretty well. A trick to make them not wiggle is use a quantum strut gun to hold them in place when you are hovering or flying. I usually assign them to the abort action group (Backspace) So I can toggle them before and after I move the engine nacelles. This osprey is around 60 tons I believe and it flies well, held by two Rotatrons.
  4. That is weird! I'm curious to see the outcome on this one. And to post a video just press the button that looks like a film strip at the top right of the text window. A pop up will present itself, paste the URL for the video, hit "Ok" and boom. Imbedded video as long as it is allowed by the thread.
  5. Oh wow! I didn't see the guidance pod before. That looks amazing! I swear every time I think you've run out of cool stuff to make you throw something like that at us. Hey any chance of a scalable / full screen camera window toggle? I do like the window you have now just curious.
  6. Oh! Ok thanks for the clarification. I have no experience with Linux so there is a lot I don't know at that end of the spectrum.
  7. Why do you guy "need" to run opengl? Is DX11 not a viable option? I don't run either myself, I'm on Win 7 x64 so forgive my ignorance?
  8. Not exactly a good way to get help..... What is missing? We're all happy to help but you need to just ask, not exclaim "COME ON" Page 166
  9. What are your system specs out of curiosity?
  10. I'm so excited right now! This is something I've been dying to have but at the same time didn't even have the first clue of how to implement it. I've been using hullcam and IR to make FLIR balls to look around this will do the same thing but in a much better way. Thanks BD - Keep up the great work.
  11. http://imgur.com/a/YOAqc Another thought here. Are you sure it is indeed not working? For instance I run win 7 x64 so I try not to inundate the devs with complaints, but.... I need to zoom all the way out into orbit, then back into a ship that's in atmosphere to get Scatterer to run. Upon loading a craft the atmosphere is unchanged until I zoom out and back in.
  12. For those that have found this thread. And those interested. Darren9 and myself have been working on an EVA weapons pack to compliment BD Armory. This is VERY much a WIP. But if you want to tinker with it and give us some feedback. It is dependent on BD Armory Spanners Boomstick and KIS. All the weapons and ammo backpacks will show up in you EVA items folder created by KIS Known issues Only male Kerbals can hold the guns - Attachment rules have changed since the last update of KIS - working on a fix Dropping the howitzer when moving Ammo back pack required - removes mass from the held weapon by not adding ammo to the gun itself, which would cause your Kerbal to rotate uncontrollably Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8xWfykJ5pY_UXRJVzVyZE5JQnc/view?usp=sharing
  13. Sounds like you are on the right track. So my Osprey does the exact same thing. My COM is slightly ahead of the COT but the aerodynamics of the craft are such that the tail acts like a lever and tries to cause a backflip when hover / climbing. So what I did was set the weight farther forward so the SAS is fighting against a nose down scenario. So the quark of the plane wanting to fall backward is actually helping to stabilize itself. Hopefully that makes sense. I really need to get a headset so I can make tutorials to actually show how to do this stuff.
  14. There are a couple. That you will need. EVE 4-7 or overhaul - the base mod everything runs on Then either KSPRC, Astronomers Visual or real solar system You will also need texture replacer - with this you can change the planet textures among other things. If you really want to push it. Get scatterer for a much more realistic atmosphere I would move this question to one of the threads I mentioned above - if you are still lost feel free to PM me and I will send you some links - on my phone ATM.
  15. Ha Ha! Yeah your and Darren9's videos are what gave me the idea to try and figure it out. I guess a few things have changes since the old release of KAS. Cool thing is now the gun won't wiggle when you move and you now have recoil to deal with.
  16. Get as much fuel to the center of your craft and use the fuel lines to drain it from that central spot. Also another trick I use is make the VTOL heavier by using fuel and oxidizer tanks. You'll need more power taking this route, that way the overall weight doesn't change as much. If you are transitioning from vertical to horizontal flight use the aerodynamics of the plane to fight the A-symmetrical thrust (if this is even an issue in your design. And lastly use a fair amount of SAS. VTOL's are inherently unstable, so they do need a bit of help. edit If you use the tweakable menu in the VAB you can adjust the amount of fuel in a tank. Use this and the COM indicator to see how much you COM will change as fuel is drained. Depending on the design of the craft. It will tolerate a slight amount of change front to back - Exploit SAS with this one, it takes a lot of SAS but you can compensate for quite a bit of A-symetrical thrust on a VTOL.
  17. Darran9 You're the man! - got the vulcan and the .50 from spanners working.
  18. Also did the equipment slots change for the female Kerbals? "equipSlot = eyes" is not working between male and female. edit just saw this Yes I have been working with Darren9 and we have a working vulcan with "equipMode = physic" under a ModuleKISItem. But there is still a lot of tweaking to do. (Darren9 Figured out the euipmode that was the key I was missing)
  19. Ok I couldn't find my olf file. So I wrote a new one, and provided I got it right this should prevent ATM from doing anything to your EVE / Astronomers files ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG{ folder = BoulderCo enabled = true OVERRIDES { BoulderCo/CityLights/Textures/.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } } { folder = BoulderCo enabled = true OVERRIDES { BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } } { folder = BoulderCo enabled = true OVERRIDES { BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/particle/.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } } }
  20. Hey I made one of those. But I really love the folding rotors, that is really cool! I had a suggestion though. I used a quantum strut gun on each of my 4 rotor nacelles to keep them from wobbling. I assigned them to the abort action group as I didn't need that for anything really. But besides the wobble the design is freaking cool! I had to cheat and modify a FS rotor to have enough lifting power and SAS torque.
  21. Hey no problem. That's what we're all here for.
  22. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54925-1-0-2-ALCOR-Advanced-Landing-Capsule-for-Orbital-Rendezvous-by-ASET-%2805-05-2015%29?p=1975136#post1975136
  23. Yup that's exactly what I was trying to reproduce. Nice one Darren. And hey thanks for even looking at it man.
  24. Ah Ha! The weapon manager module I didn't try that. I did try the probe core but not the weapon manager thanks Darren9, I'll give that a try. edit Hmm no I still can't get it working. I'm assuming quite a bit changed between BD and KAS/KIS from .90 here is the CFG file for anyone who wants to help tinker with this one PART { // Kerbal Space Program - Part Config // // // --- general parameters --- name = bahaGatlingGun_KIS module = Part author = BahamutoD // --- asset parameters --- mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 0.2 CrewCapacity = 0 // --- node definitions --- node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.2845967, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2845967, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 node_attach = 0.1, 0.0, -0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = precisionEngineering entryCost = 0 cost = 100 category = none subcategory = 0 title = Vulcan Turret Hand Held manufacturer = Bahamuto Dynamics description = A 6 barrel 20x102mm rotary cannon. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 0.01 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 60 maxTemp = 3600 vesselType = Probe MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem volumeOverride = 100 shortcutKeyAction = equip editorItemsCategory = true equipMode = part equipSlot = rightHand equipable = true equipMeshName = body01 equipBoneName = bn_r_mid_a01 equipPos = (0.10, 0.01, -0.06) equipDir = (10, -91, 98) runSpeed = 1.0 } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 3.00 } } MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 0 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.025 } } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 5.0 maxAmount = 5.0 } MODULE { name = MissileFire } MODULE { name = BahaTurret fireKey = mouse 0 fireSoundPath = BDArmory/Parts/20mmVulcan/sounds/VulcanCannon overheatSoundPath = BDArmory/Parts/20mmVulcan/sounds/VulcanEnd oneShotSound = false deployAnimName = deploy hasFireAnimation = true fireAnimName = fireAnim spinDownAnimation = true yawTransformName = aimRotate pitchTransformName = aimPitch roundsPerMinute = 5500 accuracy = 5 bulletMass = 9.85e-5 bulletVelocity = 1000 ammoName = 20x102Ammo requestResourceAmount = 1 maxTargetingRange = 5000 bulletDrop = true projectileColor = 255, 20, 0, 205//RGBA 0-255 startColor = 255, 30, 0, 160 shellScale = 0.66 minPitch = -8 maxPitch = 65 yawRange = 90 onlyFireInRange = true instakill = false maxHeat = 3600 heatPerShot = 36 heatLoss = 820 tracerStartWidth = 0.28 tracerEndWidth = 0.2 fadeColor = true } RESOURCE { name = 20x102Ammo amount = 650 maxAmount = 650 } MODULE { name = CFEnable } }
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