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Everything posted by Randazzo

  1. The assets are in the public domain, so you may do whatever you like with them. Though everything still works fully, so I'm not sure what you would be continuing.
  2. Unless you intercept it and ride it down. Then it bounces.
  3. I had forgotten the pain of running bone stock! This is great fun to watch.
  4. The game engine is not really designed for that kind of scale with the kind of physics simulation that we have in KSP. There would be lag. There would be explosions. There's nothing stopping you from having many bases on a planets surface (but there are still frequent bugs/glitches that make this risky) but anything more than a few "structures" at each base will quickly become an exercise in frustration.
  5. Nice! I love the working door! I'm fighting so hard against the urge to start making stuff again...I've been looking at my old unfinished projects and some are really tugging at me to finish them.
  6. Once upon a time there was a hidden message in some of the anomalies.
  7. Workshop doesn't do mods, just ships. You will still have the steam copy though. If you have purchased the game anywhere, you can make copies in any location on your own PC. So, you just right click on the main KSP folder, copy it, paste it in any directory or drive you wish. Now you have two copies! Incidentally you can launch Steam in offline mode too if you want. Then you can still launch from Steam without being online.
  8. You don't need to buy a second copy. You can launch the game directly as mentioned above. You can also just make a copy anywhere you want on your own PC.
  9. For bulletpoint #5 you can try right clicking on the wheels and increasing the traction control.
  10. You don't appear to have Infernal Robotics installed so there's no telling what might be causing the problem. If you're referring to the ModuleManager files, all the ModuleManager.xxxxx files except the DLL.
  11. "Landed" on Eve Successfully made it to orbit and back with a new SSTO (even though I loathe them - I think every space program should design at least one) Only took a picture returning to the runway, didn't think about it sooner And took a picture with all my current program planes. Clockwise from left: Hermes, Icarus, Heron(SSTO), Valkyrie And last but not least, made some progress on the mission reports:
  12. This is difficult to address without specifics, but how you fly can have a big effect on the amount of fuel you use to get to orbit. If you spend a lot of time going much too fast in the lower atmosphere you'll be losing a lot of fuel to drag.
  13. Oooh, does it do the unfolding bits too? Looks like it does!
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