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Everything posted by Bev7787

  1. I'm trying to save it to iBooks on my iPad but it still says the download is borked. Will try using a different browser EDIT: It worked using Safari. Chrome is definitely borked.
  2. Got the I-153M, the I-15bis, the I-16, the SB-2M and a Swordfish all in one day. I also have another vid that I'll post up soon Also when can we do a squadron battle?
  3. You tried screen message hider yet? It is a plugin that removes the screen messages when f2 is pressed. Also, nice
  4. I literally just did this a few seconds ago... RETRO-ROCKETS ...that also comes in handy as a launch abort system
  5. I will be dormant for a while so see you soon.
  6. Hmmm... I already have a probe design that can do that. Will try it. Also can the interplanetary part be just a flyby only?
  7. BD Armoury extends physics range i think and there was a vid showing you how to make huge parts.
  8. You may be a kerbal if you play HSP
  9. After an even longer delay... I've finally decided to finish Apollo 9
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