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Everything posted by Bev7787

  1. Landing on the moon. Well, thats the plan
  2. Basically this is my log on things I do in RSS. Currently I have a small shuttle and station, but things are about to get bigger. Pictures coming soontm *Note, I don't play with RO and all my wings overheat far quicker than it should. Since I'm not bothered to change the configs for 10+ parts, I will be playing on 50% reentry heat.
  3. "330km above Indonesia, the CTV Vulcan and its crew say farewell to the crew of the CTV Athena onboard Discovery."
  4. What I did was strap that and an engine/fuel pack onto a kickback, orbit, ditch the pack and release the probe
  5. I made a shuttle in RSS with procedural parts, tweak scale and Real Scale Boosters. Had to play on 50% reenter heating though. Need to edit configs soon
  6. The Saturn Multibody textures are a bit off. The orange part is meant to run all the way down to the bottom, or something like the Multibody in this photo
  7. I used the tutorial on the wiki on how to make parts. How to make configs is in the KK thread
  8. Hmm... just what I need for my next next video. I'll wait till 1.1 rolls by though.
  9. The ASDS and fairing pack download links are gone because media fire. Alternate links?
  10. I also have a problem. When I park my ship, switch out and then switch back via map view, the part does not work and i can't untoggle it. I'm running KSP
  11. Testing my new reusable rocket/orbital tug launcher system
  12. Working on a fully recoverable booster, where the only things expended are the payload and fuel
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