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Everything posted by Bev7787

  1. Simple, elegant, gets the job done, modular. That is all
  2. Happened to me. Solution? Lock Suspension
  3. My 'cheat' is hmm... MechJeb Alt+F12 (When desperate or rage quit) KW Rocketry Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Kerbal Alarm Clock ...or pretty much my whole mod install
  4. Builds rocket for a crewed shuttle, ends up making a rocket SSTO to launch it into orbit.
  5. Going to upload some pics soon just to drool you guys over while I get the parts launched and sent to Gilly.
  6. Can't wait till next update! These pics are gorgeous
  7. After being inspired by another mission report involving a tower on Minmus a while back, I decided to stress test KSP 1.1 with a tower on Gilly that has a crew of over 120 Kerbals. I'm launching parts at the moment and I'll post videos as each part is finished.
  8. Me? Just building modules for a massive tower on Gilly.
  9. I thought it was because of the KSCSwitcher config in Sigma Dimensions having two references to 'Kerbin' instead of 'Earth.' I changed those and it disappeared
  10. I like the mod, though the craft files are outdated and do not include TRAILS at the moment. I'm working around it.
  11. Just downloaded- FASA don't work in 1.1 and I want a 'realistic' launcher pack for my SSRSS install.
  12. Mission to Mars- Part 3 Finally bothered to upload the album. One down, but I still have a backlog of three other albums to post.
  13. I rarely go interplanetary on my stock save- I spend far too much time messing around in RSS. So I've been to Eve and Duna in stock, and Mars, Jupiter and Venus in RSS.
  14. Back to 1.0.5 Edition- Launching Jupiter 1 Title text here I am attempting to salvage the Mars Mission. Report soonTM. BAD NEWS: The parachutes don't work in regular stock atmo. I'm cheating because I know that parachutes will work in Mars' gravity.
  15. The fairings don't seem to be able to decouple, however, if I look inside the configs, the module is there. I have ModuleManager 2.6.24 and the latest version of both Firespitter and Old School Fairings installed. I'll post a log when I figure out the spoiler CSS again.
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