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Everything posted by Bubbadevlin

  1. Wow, lol, The scanner drive is actually VERY reliable. This is because A) I had it very reliable in my walker, and this mechanism is just about a copy and paste. B) The ocean is flat, there are no hills or changes in the torque requited
  2. Thanks! With how many likes this thing has gotten, i am honestly surprised that there are not more comments!
  3. Bubbadevlin Presents The Klermont DOWNLOAD The Klermont is a stock paddle boat, which is as far as I am aware, the first stock paddle boat in KSP. It is powered by the same DNBSD (scanner drive) which I used on my walker. This boat is mainly for looks, and not practicality. It is designed off 1800s-era Mississippi river boats, and has about 500 parts (yes i know, alot) There are two decks, the main cabin deck (lower one), and then the upper deck. Sadly Kerbals cannot walk around the boat while it is moving The forward propulsion is being done by the paddle wheels (not hidden engines) and they are powered by a scanner drive. Because of this, it is slow. The top speed is ~3.4 m/s, however it can go on infinitely. The only fuel drain is by a Juno, which provides the completely aesthetic smoke. The paddle wheels work just like in real life, with much greater drag in the water, than out. Being powered by a scanner drive should mean that this boat even works on Eve, however I have not tested it. The setup of the boat is quite simple. First get it into the water (I used vessel mover, but hyper edit or even building an under carriage works too) then hit space twice. After the paddle wheel is decoupled, the engine is toggled on and off with the 1 action group. The smoke is just the throttle, and the lights are the lights button. There are hidden reaction wheels inside the craft, so it is able to turn using those. The boat is a medium size, being 34m long and 7.5m wide, however the part count is very high due to it's mechanical aspects as well as many aesthetic parts. I hope you all enjoy it, as it was one of the funnest things I have built in a while. Special thanks to Tfin, who came up with the name
  4. I am honored, and yes, many designs can lead to useful things in space, and many things (like my walker) while being replicas or something for looks or coolness, are still designed to be as functional as possible I am personally in favor of having a better tag system, and definitely not splitting the forum, there is not enough posts here in the first place!
  5. You know what, I like the Klermont, especially since the Clermont was the first steam boat, and this is the first stock paddle boat (as far as i am aware) Thanks for the great names guys!
  6. Today in KSP I finished up my stock paddle boat/steamboat. I still have not came up with an appropriate name for it, any ideas?!? (I want it to be something Mississippi river themed, but with a K )
  7. I personally believe that you can not cheat in KSP, but you can in KSP related things (let me explain). KSP being a single player game means that you can do ANYTHING you want to (as long as you can). There is no cheating against the system. I also think that you can not even cheat yourself. When a person sets up a rule, they do this because they WANT to, meaning that if you break your own rule, you no longer want to have that rule, so therefore it is not there, and you were NOT cheating . There are some things you can cheat in however, and namely challenges. Doing something against the rules of a challenge or other mission related to KSP IS cheating, and should not be accepted. The rules in challenges and such are made by another person, and if you want to legally complete the challenge (or mission, or whatever) the rules need to be followed, other wise you will be considered "cheating"
  8. Yea, I called it that in on my grasshopper walker, and since there is no real good name for it, i just tend to call them that
  9. It is a Direct Narrow Band Scanner Drive, and I used/named it first on my Cricket walker design. The NBSD I would hope is obvious, and the Direct part means that the scanner directly pushes the axle, compared to a GNBSD, where there is a central "gear" and the narrow band scanners are surrounded around that, pushing. The DNBSD is decently quick, VERY simple for something like that, but it still has a limited RPM, and cant provide much torque. The GNBSD, which I am still working on, provides WAYY more torque, but has about half the RPM, and is more complicated
  10. When I first played, there were no 3m parts, so you basically HAD to do asparagus if you wanted to get any type of good payload into orbit. Then they added the 3m parts, and generally 3 3m boosters are enough to get my payloads into orbit, so that has been what I have used. I also have really started doing more planetary stuff, like SSTOs, rovers, and of course, I have lately been doing VERY complicated stuff (bearings and NBSDs) like my walkers
  11. I made a steamboat. It is powered by a DNBSD, but only goes like 3 m/s. It is also ~500 parts, but it is VERY realistic (IMO) Any suggestions on the design? Also I need a name :), any suggestions there?
  12. Today I worked on a paddle boat From that I learned that sometimes, wing surfaces can be EXTREMELY weird with water I also learned that the center of drag of an air brake is near the base, not the tip (yes, this was from the paddle boat, its going to be stock)
  13. Nice! Cant wait to see an actual tank using these! (although good luck with the part count) This is the first time I have seen someone using a NBSD on a craft too, and yea, they are really tricky and NOT for precision parts
  14. Probably the most silly fun I have had in KSP was making a kerbal statue. It used Kerbpaint, but was stock otherwise The forum link is Here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/119748-the-statue-of-kerbal/
  15. Ah cool! My suggestion for that destroyer is to clip some MK3 fuel tanks in there and empty them. For some reason they are STUPIDLY buoyant
  16. ROCKETS!!! You cant really use planes in space... Alligator vs Crocodile
  17. That would actually be really fun! I am a idiot with battle dates and such, when would those actually be? Either way, count me in
  18. Cream cheese Cookies vs cupcakes?
  19. Nice!, but where is the machine gun?!?!?!?! Its also so nice that you are updating Kerbpaint, its such a useful mod
  20. Very cool!, I am amazed you didn't encounter a myriad of fairing bugs (considering the amount)
  21. Well i have been imagining using a narrow band scanner, and paddle wheels as a stock method, however, for mods fenghist's boat mod would probably be the best idea, as I believe he completed it using his ship mod
  22. Woo! thanks for the mention! Yea, its a bit computer-melting, no freaking clue how i could actually run it on my old computer (complete CRAP), but did :P...
  23. Nice!, very creative uses of parts! I have always found that making car replicas is hard, great job
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