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Everything posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. Your threads always tend to bring in a very special kind of audience. I applaud you for being able to tolerate it. You really are my hero.
  2. I must ask, why is the Falcon 9 painted orange? It's kerolox, which isn't really cryogenic.
  3. Or we could at least ping @NecroBones?
  4. You can't? You used to be able to, but LiquidHype took it down to revamp the launchers, life happened, months later we're here, waiting just like you.
  5. I'm pretty sure if it exports to .obj or .fbx it'd work? Maybe, I've never exported anything. All my models just get sent to Cobalt and he handles literally everything else. I don't think Jso models.
  6. @Jso is in charge of balance, not to throw him under the bus. I'm sure he's already looked at it, and it's just right. Have you forgotten the first rule of KSP? More boosters, friend.
  7. Yeah, those totally seem to something that is re-runnable. Which camera are you using? I feel like the film one shouldn't be as re-runnable than the others.
  8. There's probably some kind of issue in the part cfg. We recent fixed this same issue with one of our antennas over at BDB, and it was cfg based.
  9. Cobalt will be gone for a while, but I'll bet if you ask nicely @Jso could take over the Github administration for me while Cobalt is gone.
  10. ...something I didn't know I needed! You're my hero, Triston.
  11. I think you should keep it short and 1.25m tbh. We could put a 1.25m-0.9375m adapter on top, as the real one didn't really have those struts at the top, it was solid. As well as the bottom of the struts went around the edges of the kerosene ring, not stretched to the top of it. But hey, it already looks almost done so I'm not really worried about it.
  12. I see that you've got the new engines running Kerolox plumes. Is there a dedicated metholox plume?
  13. Someone get this man a log! Also, I took a screenshot for the OP whenever @CobaltWolf gets back... I like it because it really captures my PC struggling to stay above 30FPS. Notice the stuttering of the FX...
  14. Well, either way I'm convinced this isn't our fault... How many times have we fixed this issue, twice?
  15. Did you actually play before you uninstalled it? Sometimes mods will generate their own files for whatever reason, and those are left behind. CKAN doesn't touch files it didn't make.
  16. Who even put this on CKAN? How did that happen? No one who installed BDB manually has had the problem you had. We fixed it a while ago, and I've heard CKAN can mess certain things up, so I'm going to go ahead and speak for the BDB staff and say it's not our problem.
  17. Hey, that's great. But did you install through CKAN? @Jso i didn't even know it was released! I'll get on that. What kind of fuel did it use?
  18. Can we get a better shot of the third stage?
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