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Everything posted by Catto

  1. What is this? Ooooh... yeah but about the kerbals having a big foot obsession? what does that have to do?
  2. I would also like interplanetary landmarks. (like the Olympus Mons but on Duna or something)
  3. this is honestly the best planet pack i have ever seen. Keep up the good work!
  4. I would probably say Duna. Close, and reliable. It would probably be the most colonized for newer players.
  5. idk, i joined in very early 2015?
  7. - not animated they still look good nonetheless
  8. and if you get to the edge of the star cluster, you can possibly hear the kraken?
  9. Overrated: Kerbin, you start out there. Underrated: The sun, nobody talks about the sun!
  10. oh, i found out about the kalkanikea mod (however its spelled) and wanted this mod to work with that but its fine
  11. Catto

    Shower thoughts

    if the kerbal explodes in space and nobody is around to hear it, has he really exploded? (yeah of course space has no sound)
  12. Opt's a really good mod, you have to download Legacy, Reconfig, and Base for it to work.
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