Sorry guys. On the third attempt to land the moon shuttle and its payload, Hab 2, The kraken struck, just as it had before. Mechjeb was landing because I can't see through the cloud of smoke from the engines and it reduces my fps to a crawl (Bye bye, Hotrockets!). But apparently It didn't realize that there was something underneath that was adding weight (Hab 2) and it was landing right on top of Hab 1 and before I corrected it, the moon shuttle and Hab 2 crashed into Hab 1, and killed everyone. thankfully I had quicksand so I reverted and landed. THEN, I encountered the undocking bug which had been the reason for failure in the first two missions, one of which killed two kerbals and the other of which was able to reach orbit around the moon and await rescue. However, when I quickloaded after landing, my shuttle glitched into hab 2 and destroyed itself (and, needless to say, the hab). Also, hab 1 glitched and never recovered from the first crash and remained destroyed. so all in all, 10 kerbals killed by the kraken. (See Edit) If I can recover the quicksave, I will continue the series but dear god, no more building bases. SmallFatFetus EDIT: Pretty much resolved this. Managed to separate the shuttle from the hab in a very controlled fashion, (nope) and land (crash) a totally flyable (crippled) Mun Shuttle. Rescued the crew and brought them home. Everyone is safe now.