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Everything posted by Thomassino

  1. Stegosaurus destroys the rocket I am EVA aerobraking, what could possibly go wrong?
  2. Banned for not having 1 and 2 in yo username!
  3. We will know more when JWST will be launched. It can perform spectrographic analysis of exoplanet's atmosphere.
  4. It's quoted from one czech song, loosely translated as: "that moment lasts for a whole lightyear"
  5. when somebody says that LIGHTYEAR is unit of TIME ... it makes me don't wanna live on this planet anymore Edit: or when my friend was trying to persuade me that Nibiru (planet X) really exist, that NASA has confirmed it and its moving towards Earth causing big seismic activity and even star shifting then she insisted that Earth is in fact hollow. I proved everything she told wrong but she still insisted it was right and I need to read it on some website with some very strange name
  6. I think this in the near or distant future is inevitable. In the my opinion, humans should increase their intelligence as well as their physical abilities, maybe possibly implement modern technology into their bodies as long as it is used for good purposes, which as we all very well know, won't be. But maybe once when humankind will become tired of thousands of years of wars and hatred, it will look at the stars and see those immense possibilities they offer. Maybe then will humankind overcome its evolutionary instinct "kill or be killed" and we will enter the next, worldwide golden age of prosperity, knowledge, exploration and mutual respect. Someday...
  7. Maybe they want to know if nearby rocket launches affect "stirred, not shaked" drinks
  8. Find a good flat place, fly there as many spaceplanes as possible and a command tower Edit: maybe use KIS to place lights to shape your runway
  9. Anyone else reading the OP with Prof. Farnsworth's voice? According to mining, Bop and Pol are the best if you will be using ISRU to refuel vessels to reach more distant targets (maybe those in Outer Planets Mod). Then you can refuel at Pol and use the huge Oberth effect at Jool's periapsis combined with possible gravity assists from moons to fling yourself out. If you don't want to use any mod with distant planets, I'd go for Vall mainly because of its accesibility and lowest gravity of all the big Joolian moons. It's a pity there are no trojan moons like Helene in KSP those would have been ideal.
  10. I went to a mission to the Mün with Bob, Bill and Jeb in order to explore possible base site. Lander haven't had enough dV to get to orbit and rendezvous with a station in its main propulsion, so I used RCS. I succesfully got into orbit. When I was in the map view planning rendezvous, after some time I noticed that craft's orbit was altering. I forgot to throttle down *derp* my RCS fuel was gone and my periapsis inside the Mün. So, time for some EVA pushing. I pushed my peri somewhere I thought would be enough (it was clear in the map view). As the craft approached Mün's surface, Jeb turned lander towards the surface to see it passing only few meters away. All of them were so fascinated they forgot to look at the altimeter. And then, BOOM! Only command pod blew up (with all the kerbals) the rest of the craft continued unharmed on its orbit. It literally ruined my day.
  11. I know they are kinda cheaty... but I use them anyway. I don't like to care about monoprop for RCS
  12. Or maybe Eve as a whole is one gargantuan organism photosynthetysing by Retinal and with oceans of sweat because it's very hot?
  13. KSP Interstellar Extended... the mod of the mods
  14. Space station around Kerbin, then Duna/Eve/Moho/Jool flybys, then orbiter missions, landers (obviously Jool landers that would have been pathetic )perma-outposts+mining stations on Minmus and Mun, manned interplanetary missions with return, then permanent Duna, Laythe etc. colonies and space stations. I usually do it this way.
  15. I just had an idea to make Dres a volcanic moon (due to tidal heating) like an Io analogue in NH. What do you think about it?
  16. Do you also plan to make eclipse shadows on bodies? That would have been cool
  17. I will be home in september, then I can help you with it if you'll be interested. Anyway, thanks for all the work you do for us!
  18. Yaay update! Thanks so much i've been looking forward to this. I have a suggestion about Sonnah's clouds. I'd personally add there something like cirrus layer or so just to give it a little more white touch. It looks kinda cold and distant now being only blue. It actually makes sense there could be clouds on Sonnah. It contains a lot of oxygen, probably a lot of hydrogen too so there should be water and clouds. I think it will look great! Edit: I mean something like this:
  19. Why not Low Sun retrograde orbit even? How the heck did he get there...
  20. If it will be, I hope it will be based on n-body interaction system and have graphics and procedurality like Space Engine. That would be really awesome!
  21. I usually overengineer stuff with IR moving parts, realistic looks and it ends with 5fps Kerbin Space Station
  22. I used MJ to learn KSP (how to rendezvous, land, ascent...) and now I use it mainly for info. Personally, I can't even imagine playing KSP without dV readouts, orbital and surface info etc. The only thing I am still using MJ's abilities on is docking. Especially with 400+ part ships
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