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Everything posted by Thomassino

  1. I'm hoping for clouds and art overhaul. But who knows what will it bring...
  2. Sure, feel free to modify it as well. I released it as an open-source project
  3. Hello I created a scatterer config for New Horizons. it is still WIP with some features missing, but it makes NH planets look much nicer. You can check it out here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6skamsdxkp4lb45/NH Scatterer Config (WIP).zip?dl=0 Apologies for everyone that downloaded and it didn't work. I'm apparently stupid New link works. Also, great work with NH 2.0 @KillAshley. Love to see my favourite planet pack revived/rekerjiggered.
  4. Antares is only half cool, because it is semi-cryogenic. So I vote 5
  5. Interesting. But heavy elements are relatively abundant. Neutron star collisions probably aren't enough to suffice for that, and they're extremely rare.
  6. I am playing for 2 years now and I was everywhere with probes, except Dres and Eeloo. With Kerbals, I visited only Mun, Minmus, Duna and Gilly. Kerballed missions are hard to plan and execute, plus I like playing with as much detail on realism as possible, which makes it even harder. But the sense of accomplishment is exponentially stronger.
  7. Well, it has description, textures etc. it must be intentional. It is probably suppposed to be a comet analog for KSP. I like it.
  8. It will include Vulcan and ACES. And all parts will be fully modular. You want BE-4 down on Delta-IV? You have it.
  9. Looks interesting. Can it number launches with just a partial name match? For example: "Minmus Sat - Atlas 401" and "Moon Relay - Atlas 401"...?
  10. I fixed issue with Astroniki flare not having ghosts after CKAN install. Also, added more ghosts. And @blackrack thanks for featuring as an option on CKAN
  11. Amazing! I have a suggestion: Mercury has definitely vast, rich deposits of heavy and precious elements. I'd imagine society there would be pretty heavily oriented towards mining/industry. Other essential goods on the other hand must be imported from other sources, making them a lot dependent on worlds where water is quite abundant. Keep up the great work
  12. Duuude, this looks amazing! Love how you did Titan's haze... also, scatterer configs for all atmospheric and pseudo-atmospheric bodies! Very nice! Keep up the great work
  13. Oh, a wild typo appeared, thanks for pointing it out
  14. Yeah, storage wise, it can really be the best molecule to choose. Only problem is that it is quite heavy. IMO Ammonia is the "sweet spot" for NTR engines. You can get ISP of about 650s (in solid core NTRs), it stays liquid in temperature range from -77°C to -33°C and it has density of 681.9 kg/m^3. It can even be prepared using ISRU from nitrogen and hydrogen using iron as a catalyst (Haber process).
  15. Water is actually pretty terrible propellant. Its ISP is roughly half that of H2 with a slightly bigger thrust. In solid-core NERVAs, this gives you ISP of around 400s. Together with its high density and relative mass it is better to use chemical bipropellant engines. And water decomposes at temperatures upwards from 2200°C, so you get quite a lot of molecular and atomic oxygen in the nozzle, which is not good. Another thing is using it as propellant in hypothetical gas-core nuclear engines, where core temperature reaches 30000°C. You can get ISP of 1500s even with water. If you find a way to get around nozzle oxidation, (and of course other engineering difficuilties )you have a really powerful and useful engine.
  16. You can choose what version you want to download after you bought it. There is 1.1 and 1.0.5 at the moment.
  17. Its composition would really depend on what planet type it actually is. Also on origin place, it could have formed back there in Kuiper belt (but I strongly doubt it), within Neptune's orbit or it could even be caprured interstellar object. So it is really hard to tell until we get more data, and confirm it even exist
  18. There is some hydrogen stored in sulphuric acid (H2SO4) molecules, also there is some water vapor, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and other compounds, but all of these molecules aren't very abundant (we're talking in ppm territory). You could in theory built big processing plants with fans and produce some hydrogen, not much though. But if we are talking with 100+ years future tech, then transmutation is a possible solution too.
  19. CH4 as fuel is potentially very abundant, can be made pretty easily using ISRU, but it has an issue - nozzle carbon clogging. It would be only a minor issue in expendable ships, but in reusable, Hermes-like ships, it would be a serious issue. Also, you can't use anything containing oxygen. Some compounds decompose during reactor exposure and oxygen at those temperatures can oxidise insides of the engine, potentially causing leaks, RUDs even.
  20. Does this version work with Windows 8.1? Earlier version didn't recognize my X52 pro at all. EDIT: Sweeet, works like a charm
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