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Everything posted by Thomassino

  1. Hello everyone! Imagine an object on a very eccentric orbit around a black hole, with periapsis just under the event horizon. Could this object theoretically dive into event horizon and come back? A problem with this example are orbital velocities near the black hole because nothing can travel faster than light. But in order to come back from event horizon, object must travel faster than speed of light. What would happen to such an object?
  2. Currently constructed on 100km LKO, this enormous station serves as scientific, commercial and refuelling outpost on Low-Kerbin orbit. Currently is inhabited by 15 kerbals. Main power supply is a gas-core nuclear reactor, which can be seen in lower left section. The rest of the station is shielded by unfolded radiation shield, just behind heat radiators. Station has 4 gigantic BALKA solar arrays, which serve more like a backup energy source, if the reactor would stopped working. The station has also 2 inflatable centrifuges, providing crew artificial gravity to reduce bone-loss while in space.
  3. Yeah... I've been striken too. It happened on my ship intended to fly-by at 1 kerbol radius from the Sun. Switched to the ship in order to make a course correction to encounter Kerbin afterwards, but suddenly, the altimeter started to go crazy, everything fell into darkness and on velocity display, there was shining big NaN. But the konstructeers of the vessel were smart and had integrated auto-destruct sequence if something unexpected happened during the flight. So, NaNovirus is not a threat for now but who knows... maybe it will return in greater power.
  4. Hi! Thanks so much for this wonderful mod. it makes KSP so dorn beautiful. Only thing I personally liked more in V4 was Jool. I was looking for V4 but couldn't find it. I would be very grateful if you send in to me or if you could provide me DL link I missed. Many thanks again
  5. Hello everyone I am having some kind of issues with KSPI. Firstly, 62.5m plasma engines have continuous exhaust FX, even when they aren't receiving nor activated. Secondly, beamed power seem not to work. I put 2,5 m Aegletes, 2,5m Brayton cycle and 3 inline radiators + microwave transciever (on Kerbin so 3 inlines are ok). Everything was running, I waited until megajoules bar was full then I activated the transciever and it says: "no input power". Can you help please? I am playing on KSP 0.25. Thanks Edit: I reinstalled KSPI and beamed power seem to work now. 62.5 cm Plasma engine FX still seems broken though...
  6. RSS is 8.5 EVE overhaul is x86 release found on github by link from forum (there's no readme in it) RVE is 0.2.2.a2
  7. I'm having an issue with RVE on 0.90. When I click "continue" with any save picked on my save games menu, it doesn't do anything. I tried uninstalling RVE and it works just fine. Do you know what may cause this problem?
  8. Hi Nathan! Firstly, I would like to thank you for your work on RO and RSS. It's truly a pleasure to play this. Secondly, do you know how to adjust atmosphere texture? When I am looking to Earth from orbit, it seems it is reaching unrealistically high and near the surface it's nearly white. Upper limit of the texture is probably upper limit of the atmosphere (140 km), but in these heights, the atmosphere is so thin you can't see it. So do you have any ideas how to make it just a thin haze around a planet?
  9. Thanks! My computer was only using 2GB for KSP, I activated 3 via command prompt and voila! RO runs perfectly! Thanks again
  10. Hello I'm having issues with RO on 0.90 clean install. Game crashes on loading with message: "Too many heap sections". No other mods, only ATM Agressive. Error.txt says "KERNELBASE.dll caused a Breakpoint (0x80000003) in module KERNELBASE.dll at 001b:751c492e." Definitely not running out of RAM. I have 4GB on 32bit (only 3GB usable) and KSP is running on 1,2GB. Can you guys help? I really want to play in RO.
  11. It's probably fact that you have a bunch of parts which are useless alone but when you combine them, you can do almost ANYTHING! You are limited only by imagination (and kraken of course ). And a whole system is driven by accurate orbital mechanics, aerodynamics and it has Kerbals!! :D
  12. Kraken sees an opponent in the rocket! Kraken angry! Kraken terminates launch! :D
  13. It is possible via Hyperedit but a better way I think is to use Texture Replacer, find some good Mun texture and leave Dres alone ...
  14. Strapped together some rocket parts, went on lanchpad where I was figuring how to start an engine for about 10 minutes and then... Wohoooo 5000 metres!!! I was so happy Later in tech tree I was trying to get more science by putting Mobile Processing Lab on orbit. I launched it like 20 times and then, finally on orbit I found out that goddamn thing doesn't produce science and needs 2 kerbals to work!!! :D Good ol' times...
  15. Kerbal Space Station 2 - High-Kerbin Habitat Iapetus SSTO docked on resupply mission. Station is built to research radiation influence of Van Allen belts around Kerbin on Kerbals, Kerbpets and Kerbplants. It is also refuelling station for resupply SSTOs to reach next destination - Low-Mun station.
  16. Are you using it on 0.90? I installed it but no clouds, no auroras, nothing ..
  17. Kerbal Space Station (KSS) - 100Km LKO Running at about 3-4 fps Not completed yet
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