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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. I've built some nuclear bombers of mine with BD and North Kerbin Dynamics. Not IRL replicas though.
  2. Seems hard. Never exactly returned from Eve mind you. I'll try it later probably.
  3. I've always found it cheaper to just launch landers after every mission than to keep one up and launch fuel stations. Think about it. A 100k fuel station launched every 5 missions+50k lander means 150k for the first fuel station. You can complete 3 missions with separate landers for the same cost.
  4. Looks so good, though it looks like a rusted ship.
  5. I tried this mod. Got to light-speed before half the fuel was out. 10/10
  6. 1285: A how-to guide on how to cover up fake Mun Landings.
  7. [video=youtube;[/COLOR]JZIynuYDRVA]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZIynuYDRVA[/video]
  8. [quote name='Tex_NL']I have experienced neither a hurricane nor a typhoon but I do know the only true difference is their location, NOT their intensity. [URL]http://www.diffen.com/difference/Hurricane_vs_Typhoon[/URL]: If you don't believe that link use google to find another. They'll all tell you the same. A hurricane can even become a typhoon and vice versa. [URL]http://www.weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/hurricane-typhoon-what-happens-when-tropical-cyclone-crosses-international[/URL]:[/QUOTE]The geography is what makes a typhoon so deadly. Think about it. The American East Coast is flat, so little erosion or flooding occurs. But the Filipinos have it different. They are covered in mountains. Mudslides are inevitable. They kill more than the storm.
  9. [quote name='Just Jim']Don't underestimate them, I've been thru several hurricanes, and they can get really wild. Lucky for us Florida is mostly flat, so they usually pass quickly, only a day or two.... usually.... and we don't get the mudslides. But if one stalls it's a whole different ballgame. There's no-where for the water to go, and then people get flooded out fast. But I've also seen what your typhoons can do... and some do look much worse. The Pacific is much bigger for a storm to form and build up than the Atlantic. I'll pass on seeing one up close, thanks.[/QUOTE]Trust me, after Sandy, which everyone here thought wouldn't do crap, I never underestimate a hurricane.
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