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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. There's a Hubble-derivative Telescope in HullcamVDS.
  2. Yesterday I tested the Dreamchaser in Stock but it is too top-heavy. Gliding is non functional. It dropped like a stone.
  3. Ah, ok. I know this. But wobbling make it unsusable for me.
  4. In the download are two craftfiles for every rocket. One for RSS/RO (without stock in the filename) and one for stock (with stock in the filename). stock(stock) is happening when you load the stock.craft and then klick to Save. Now you have two craftfiles. The first one is the original and the second your own saved craft.
  5. I don´t know the Kerbadarm. Where can I find it?
  6. Very cool. I used the 0.96 version and it works very well. Is there a Chance to make a Canadarm 2 based on this arm?
  7. You can change this: look into the .cfg of your pod. there you can change the Internal to MK1-2_ASETInternals. Looks like
  8. I have the same issue. Wrote this in the Shuttle-Thread.
  9. Yesterday I download the new Canadarm2. First I deleted the Canadarm in the Shuttle-Folder. Now I can move it but the magnet didn't work. Magnet is ON but didn't plug to any part. Newest KIS/KAS is installed.
  10. - - - Updated - - - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131430-1-0-x-Canadarm-v0-96-August-14 Here´s a Canadarm for the Shuttle that works. Canadarm 2 did not work.
  11. For me it works in 1.04. I have no problems with the Heatshild
  12. I testet the Canadarm too. And it works perfectly now. 12,5t of Cargo? No problem. And its the first robotic arm i use where are only a little bit of wobbling. Great work.
  13. I build in the Canadarm in the CSS but I can`t choose the End of the Arm to map it to a Actiongroup. I only can choose the Shoulder-Part.
  14. Very cool. But can you make configs for Stock like the Vega? ETC decrease the Thrust of the Boosters. First you have 100% then it slowly decrease to 0% when it is empty.
  15. Ok, without ETC it works. When can we download the Ariane 6? And do you plan a Ariane 5? That would be nice because there are only Stockalike-Arianes.
  16. Yes, i know. Now the Boosters have a constant thrust till the solid fuel is empty. Thus they are earlier empty and i dropped them at ca. 35.000 Meters. But i had enough speed to reach an orbit of 180x180km.
  17. I have found a solution for me. I delete the ETC-Folder. Now I can transport a cargo of 12 tons to 180x180km orbit. Edit: You have linked to a .jpg.
  18. Hi I have some trouble with the Vega Stock. The Thrust goes down and up several times during ascent. The maximum height I reached was 25.000 meters.
  19. Does anyone know whats the maximum payload of the Shuttle is? I have startet ist with a payload of 12 tons and i wasn´t able to burn a orbit. With 6 tons it is ok.
  20. Thanks I tested the Shuttle several Times in the last few days (Hard-carrer mode with 100% Heat, de-orbit from 70-120 km). Everything is fine, no overheating.
  21. I have the latest Space Shuttle Pack and Infernal Robotics. The Canadarm does only work in the VAB. Do i need anything else?
  22. in the part.cfg there is a line "internal=". Thats the linkage to the IVA. In other non-Tantares-capsules I can change this to every other IVA like ASET etc. Then I have Ingame the ASET-IVA. With the Soyuz of Tantares it didn`t work. I have always the primal Tantares-IVA. *Sorry for bad English.
  23. I love this IVA. Is there any Chance to make a IVA for MK2/MK3?
  24. There are Summer-Holidays in GER. Kartoffelkuchen will be back in around 2 weeks.
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