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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Engines works fine for me. Sound too. But I have the problem with the camera too. It looks like the camera points a part 100 meter behind the Shuttle. I have another problem when I go on EVA. The Kerbal spawns inside the Shuttle and when I activate RCS the Kerbal will be shot away from the shuttle with highspeed.
  2. Hey DECQ Does it work in 1.1.2? And is it still in developement?
  3. Stock-Game. New career. It happened in every Orbit around Kerbin. I haven't tested mun, minmus or another planet.
  4. With the newest download Orbital Decay shows no decay rates, only NaNkm per Day. :/
  5. A little thing: the Timewarp is related to RSS, it`s too fast for Stocksize.
  6. I`m still confused. Downloaded the last relesed. And I have a normal RSS-Size Solar System, not Stock. I have all needed Mods like your Readme says. Edit. Ok, now it works.
  7. I`m a little bit confused. I installed Sigma Dimensions, Real Solar System + Texture Pack, Scatterer and Kopernicus like the Readme says. Then I copied your content of the download (RSS, Scatterer, SSRSS) into the GameData and overwrite the files. But: The Solar System has RSS-Size (~377.000km to moon).
  8. In the Picture everything is rescaled to Stock-Size. I used procedural parts to measure the sizes ingame and then i calculated the size/rescaleFactor.
  9. It's Lazteks Dragon. It isn't updated from 0.90 but it works.
  10. First Start of Falcon 9 FT+ with Dragon V1. Thanks Kartoffelkuchen.
  11. Sorry, I have no log in the moment but I agree ThatOneBritishGuy...! The Blackscreen isn't fixed. Sometimes it happened again. I have the newest Version of OD, KSP 1.1.2 64bit.
  12. There are no required mods. You can transmit or bring back to kerbin. An capsule for science recovering is included.
  13. Theysen means the right click menu in the VAB not in flight. The right click menu in flight is fixed with 1.1.
  14. Same issue here: Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iab6ukufbnn0loa/KSP.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/rse357bc01xv9uu/output_log.txt?dl=0
  15. @BrutalRIP I have exactly the same issue. @Whitecat106 I'm playing in stock and i placed a Sat in a ~250x250km Orbit. Orbital Decay said that the Decay is ~80 Years. I set the multiplier to 10 and the Decay is 27 Years. Isn't this a little bit too much?
  16. Download does not work. The Folder has only 9KB and WinZIP says the Zip is broken.
  17. OK, I tested it with stock (KSP 1.1 64bit+SSTU+MM+CRP. Everything is OK. Then I tested it with Procedural Fairings (latest version 3.16 for KSP 1.1) and the issue is back again. Here's the output_log.txt. And here's the KSP.log
  18. I have a problem with the FR and FR-W Payload Fairings. When i use it in the VAB the Mass of the Launcher counts up endless. I have the latest Release of SSTU (pre-5).
  19. Is this compatible with Remote Tech? I tested it. When i build an unmanned launcher with only RT it has a connection but I can`t control the launcher. I must use your Antenna too. And can i remove the Antenna-Part?
  20. I had installed Module Manager, but the wrong Version (2.6.21 for KSP 1.1). With Version 2.6.18 it works. Thanks.
  21. Everytime I install SSTU KSP will not load. In my Log I have this entry: I have a fresh install of 1.0.5. in older Versions I had the same problem with other parts of SSTU.
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