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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. You can insert a link to an imgur-album.
  2. I have this issue too. Stock Game and no Real Heat.
  3. KSP has a Rescale-Factor of 0.64. So, the Diameter of a Saturn First Stage will be 6,4m. I have build one with this Diameter and the TWR was 1.2-1.3, when I remember correctly.
  4. Hey I installed the newest Version of KK. But every time I click on the KK-Button it happens: nothing. No window to choose Launchsites etc.
  5. Hm, just curious. After new installation of KSP the issue is gone. Odd that it only occured when BD was installed. Just KSP...
  6. You can use the Actiongroups.
  7. Hey Guys. I use Smartparts and altought I set the Altimeter to Stage on Descent it Stages at Ascent. The Problem only occurs when BD is installed. I checked it with Stock + Smart parts, everything OK. With all my other Mods it's OK too. But when I installed BD the issue is back again. I have checked the Logs but there's no entry.
  8. No, Spacedock is OK and the download too. Try another browser like Firefox.
  9. You can decouple it per Rightclick-menue.
  10. Sure, For Stock there is Stock Visual Terrain and KRPRC (not updated for 1.1.3 yet, but works).
  11. Is there a Mod to include Rocks and Trees? And: Around 60km above the Moon the Textures are very fading. Is this a bug? I use the Medium RSS-textures.
  12. You cannot equip ebery equipment with every lab. For the MPL600 "Kolumbus" you can only use Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG): for experiments CCF (Capillary Channel Flow Experiment) and CFE (Capillary Flow Experiment). For other Experiments you must use the MSL1000 or the MEP825.
  13. Does this work with Stock Size real Solar System?
  14. I found a little Bug. I use BDB-Version from 28.08.16. The new USI-Lifesupport-config insert Lifesupport but i haven't installed USI. Only Kerbalism.
  15. 1.0.5? The current Version of KSP is 1.1.3.
  16. @AlexyQuest You can use the Infernal Robotics Model Rework. There are Robostruts which you can switch on/off.
  17. I have the same problem. The Container close instantly. It is very tricky to put a thing in a container. But the items then will saved and can be used.
  18. Sorry, mistyped. That's german for or. I mean a part to stop an engine automatically when reached a specific Apoapsis or Periapsis.
  19. Thank you. Another Question: Is there a chance to make a part which checks the Ap oder Pe?
  20. Hey linuxgurugamer, thanks for the speedometer. But I have found a little thing: it has no tweakscale-support.
  21. @hellblazer You can change it yourself. Go to the .cfg of the Cockpit and change the Internal = to the one of Apex. I haven`t tested it but it works mostly for other Cockpits.
  22. Hey DECQ, very awesome work. But I have a Question: Now we have a nice Angara but do you plan to make a Federazija Spaceship? There is no Fedeaziza yet, only a Stockalike one in the Contares-Pack.
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