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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Look at Kartoffelkuchen`s Launcher Pack. It isn`t updated for 1.2.x yet. But he is working on it respectively they are working on a ULA-Pack with Delta II + IV, Atlas V and Vulcan.
  2. With launchers Pack you mean Atlas & Delta? They aren`t updatet yet so they are no links. Only the SpaceX-pack is updatet. Link is in OP.
  3. ModuleManager is 2.7.5 but i had installed Kopernicus 1.2.1-2. Now with 1.2.1-3 it works. Thanks for your help.
  4. Tested again with this minimal installation: Modulemanager, Kopernicus, ModuleFlightIntegrator and Sigma Dimensions. And I have the same issue. Here is my output_log: And here the KSP.log:
  5. No, I have no planetpacks. But I have EVE + Stock Visual terrain. I have not changed the Game-Settings lately but I have everything at high.
  6. Hey Sigma, after downloading your newest release my KSC looks like this: I changed the Settings to this: With older releases this is OK.
  7. Look at Bluedog Design. The FASA Launchtowers are included and works.
  8. Wow, that's awesome. I have an issue withe the launchpads: Pad 101 Pad 102 And a question: How can I make it Stocksize?
  9. No, I have no special Settings for SVE/Scatterer and I use only the standard PF-Fairings and PF for everything. Edit: I tested it again and it is Procedural Fairings for everything.
  10. Hi I have an issue with Procedural Fairings. It looks like there is a dark shadow on it respectively the angle of the sunshine is reflectet to the wrong side. And the non-sunside is very, very dark. Here some pictures: Album This issue only occurs when SVE is installed and i had this issue in 1.1.3 too. Galileo means that it looks like an issue with the normal maps of PF.
  11. For me it doesn`t work in 1.2.1. In the right-click-menue there are no parameters like diameter, hight etc.
  12. I mean the Mod owner of this mod. He is banned in this forum. So I don`t think he put this on SpaceDock. This is an old mod and not updatet yet. And KerbalStuff is dead, we now have SpaceDock.
  13. You know how old this Mod is and that the Mod-Owner is banned?
  14. you don`t need extraplanetary launchpads. You can carry Rocketparts with the SSTU-Tanks.
  15. Remove the three ETT files in HP Techtree and download ETT separately (it has it's own GameData-Folder). Then it works.
  16. As you can see the Thread is old and not yet updatet (last Version for 0.90!?). So I think the downloads are broken and this isn`t working in KSP 1.2.x
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