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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Why should these parts are standalone? They will be part of Tantares LV.
  2. Beacause it is only a part-pack this mod will work in 1.3.1.
  3. Does the SET-IVA for Orion not work? There are no Portraits of the crew to click.
  4. Wow, thats nice. Do you have plans for an Ariane 5 ES with an EPS L 10 upper stage? Because ATV was startet only on Ariane 5 ES. Your version looks like the ECA-Version with the bigger ESC A upper stage.
  5. This Mod is stockalike. It uses LF/O. Only some Engines like the RL-10 uses Liquid Hydrogen. But this is not caused by Real Fuels. It is not needed. Only Community Ressource Pack. RF is only optional. So there is a dev-config for this in the Extras-Folder of the download.
  6. Here you go: https://spacedock.info/mod/870/SnapDock You can edit the angles in .cfg.
  7. Wow, thats a nice texture. Can you make a texture-switch ingame? Also, there where some nice Soyuz-Spacecraft textures which postet someone (blue, green, black...). It would be cool to have a texture-switch ingame.
  8. There are no parts in the Mod. You need to download the Legacy Part Pack or the IR Rework Parts. Look at Page 93, first post. There is an instruction for installing.
  9. As far as I know it is Stock Size. The Direct-Launchers are very big. But you can edit them easily: Change the rescaleFactor in every cfg.
  10. Why rename? You can use both Mods at the same time. You must merge the folders.
  11. That`s not correct. Kerbalism has radiation with magnetosphere, solar storms...
  12. Install the newest version of IR and it works in 1.3.
  13. Thanks for the update. I think you forgot to remove the old fairings because they are double. The Fairings are in folder "Fairings" but there are two other Folders with "main" and "sub" with the same files.
  14. Great Athena but you forget the 'TechRequired = ' in the .cfgs. So it don't work in career.
  15. Have you installed the SSTU-Folder, included in the download?
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